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Keep it down traduction Français

1,802 traduction parallèle
And as exciting as that may be, we're still gonna have to ask you to keep it down.
C'est peut-être très excitant, mais nous devons quand même vous demander de baisser le son.
While we go check that out, we're going to, uh, have to ask you to still keep it down.
Pendant que nous vérifions, nous allons... vous demander de baisser le son.
Can't you guys keep it down?
- Vous pouvez la mettre en veilleuse?
Bingo : Keep it down.
Baisse d'un ton.
Don't tell me to keep it down!
Ne me dis pas de baisser de ton!
yeah, keep it down, please.
- Oui, moins fort, svp.
Can you please keep it down?
Pourriez-vous la mettre en veilleuse?
Keep it down.
Pas trop fort.
Can y'all kind of keep it down,'cause everyone downstairs is trying to sleep.
Vous pouvez pas tous la fermer un peu? Tout le monde essaie de dormir, en bas.
Keep it down.
Vos gueules, hein.
- Yeah, just keep it down, okay?
- Ouais, just keep it down, okay?
Hey, keep it down, you guys! Okay?
Ne faites pas tant de bruit, les garçons!
Just keep it down.
Baisse le ton.
I'll keep it down.
Je vais me calmer.
Keep it down.
Boys, keep it down!
Les gars, calmez-vous un peu!
Keep it down.
- Moins fort.
Maybe you can keep it down.
Ça devrait passer.
Girls, can you keep it down, please?
Les filles, vous pouvez faire un peu moins de bruit?
Keep it down, he might hear you.
Tais-toi, il va t'entendre.
Keep it down. And to be honest, if you decide to punish him, I'm not gonna be mad at you.
Et si tu le punis, je t'en voudrai pas.
Keep it down, baby.
Tais-toi, chérie.
Keep it down.
- Tais-toi.
Ryan's aunt is coming by early tomorrow so I need you to keep it down.
La tante de Ryan vient demain matin, alors arrête de faire du bruit.
Hey, keep it down.
Moins fort.
Please keep it down.
Baissez d'un ton s'il vous plait.
- I love willies! - Sir, could you keep it down?
- Vous pouvez parler moins fort?
Well, keep it down'cause I'm trying to...
Ne déconne pas car j'essaie de...
Shit, keep it down, man!
Eh, moins de bruit, mec!
- Hey, keep it down out there!
- C'est pas fini, dehors?
Try to keep it down next time. Oh, Travis.
Essaierons de faire moins de bruit la prochaine fois.
* That l've been dreaming of?
- Would you keep it down?
- Baisse d'un ton, veux-tu?
Everyone keep it down.
Taisez vous, tout le monde.
Riley agreed to help me and keep it quiet. Because he knew something was up at Vono-tek. But Andre had shut it down.
Riley avait accepté de m'aider et de ne rien dire parce qu'il savait que quelque chose se tramait à Vono-Tek.
So part of what we want to do here as an educational opportunity is see if they realize what they've done, come back to a hut and come up with a new game plan, or if they just keep going down that cascading error phenomenon, where one mistake leads into another mistake which leads into a third, and it just gets really bad.
Ce qu'on veut, c'est voir s'ils en tirent des leçons, réalisent leur erreur et retournent a la cabane formuler un nouveau plan ou s'ils préferent s'enteter et continuer de commettre des erreurs jusqu'a ce que la situation devienne dramatique.
It's gonna be okay. Keep your voice down.
On va s'en sortir, parlez doucement.
That's why you keep breaking it down and putting it back together again.
C'est pour ça que tu continues à assembler tes souvenirs.
- His instinct would be to ignore it... - Keep your voices down.
Son instinct lui dictera de fermer les yeux...
Latoya, put that record down. You gonna scratch it. Can't you keep your little girl...
Latoya, pose ce disque, tu vas le scratcher.
Keep it down!
Plus bas, les lancers!
Keep it low profile while we track him down.
Faites-vous oublier pendant qu'on le recherche.
And I was hoping that we could, you know, keep it on the down low from Danny and the other guys, that I'm coming to you for help.
Et si on pouvait ne pas souffler mot à Danny et aux autres du fait que je te demande de l'aide...
If a ghee shop was shut down then he would keep the buffaloes.. I had a polyester shop and.. .. you shut it down so now all this is yours.
Le polyester de haute qualité sert à fabriquer des vêtements pour les gosses.
When you handle the gun, keep it aimed down.
Chaque fois que tu manipules l'arme...
Take the ring back. It's too expensive. And keep your voice down, you'll wake up the boy.
Rend l'anneau, c'est trop cher, et baisse la voix tu vas réveiller l'enfant.
- Keep it quiet down there!
- Un peu de calme là-dedans!
Sure, whatever it is, with all the publicity, he's gonna want to keep it on the down-low.
Oui et il vaudrait mieux pas que ça s'ébruite.
And you keep letting her down, and I don't know how much longer I can just stand by and watch it.
Et tu continues à la décevoir, et je ne sais pas combien de temps encore je vais rester planté là et regarder ça.
You want to keep it on the down low.
Vous voulez garder ça caché dans un coin.
I don't--I don't want to keep it on the down.
Je ne... je ne veux pas garder ça dans caché.

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