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Keep it moving traduction Français

555 traduction parallèle
Okay, okay. Keep it moving.
Keep it moving, boys.
Avancez. Sans parler.
Come on! Keep it moving!
Keep it moving.
Faut aller plus vite.
This is going to be quite a chore. Not if we keep it moving.
- Ca ne va pas être facile...
Keep it moving!
Fais-les avancer!
Keep it moving! Music!
On enchaîne, musique!
- Let's keep it moving, huh?
- On avance!
Run it all together like that. Keep it moving.
Donnez la phrase en entier, sans reprendre souffle.
Keep it moving! Shove it on!
Avancez, dépêchez-vous.
Keep it moving!
On continue!
Keep it moving!
Allons, circulez!
They just keep it moving. - Hold everything. - Where?
Vous avez dirigé la campagne de Dyter, faites la même chose avec Mme Gale.
Keep it moving.
Allez, on avance.
Keep it moving.
On avance.
Alright, lads, keep it moving.
Allez soldats, on s'y remet.
Let's go. Keep it moving.
Allez, du nerf.
All right, you guys, keep it moving!
Continuez à avancer. Et faites attention.
Come on, Babra, keep it moving.
T'arrête pas, Babra!
All right, keep it moving!
Keep it moving, left and right.
Gardez le mouvement, gauche, droite.
Keep it moving.
Ne nous relâchons pas.
Keep it moving!
Avancez, bon sang!
~ Keep it moving, sonny, don't despair ~
Ne t'arrête jamais Ne te décourage pas
Come on, keep it moving.
Ne vous arrêtez pas.
Keep it moving, please.
Circulez, s'il vous plaît.
Keep it moving.
Continuez de pelleter!
Keep it moving, now.
Allez. Circulez, maintenant.
Quick, keep it moving!
Vite. Allez.
Make it quick, we got to keep moving.
Fais vite, il faut qu'on avance.
I don't know what I want just now, but I have to keep moving until I get it.
Je ne sais pas ce que je veux, mais je dois avancer jusqu'à ce que je le sache.
The way I understand it, he ´ ll be all right if we keep him moving.
Tout ira bien si on le force à rester en mouvement.
And then where are you? As I see it, Harry, your only course is to keep moving right ahead.
Vous n'avez pas le choix.
It's all off. - Keep moving, everybody.
J'ai changé d'avis.
- It's all right, keep moving.
– Allez-y. Continuez. – Je suis désolé si j'allais trop vite.
We will follow it and flick its haunches with whips to encourage it to keep moving.
Qu'il n'ait pas le temps de reprendre haleine!
Keep moving your legs... or it'll take us three days to get there.
Regarde où tu mets les pieds... sinon on n'y arrivera jamais.
Keep moving! We've got it made!
C'est du tout cuit.
They should keep it brief and just chant the most moving sutras.
M. Taguchi nous avait dit qu'on pouvait écourter les litanies.
Come on, keep moving. Step on it.
Allez, du nerf.
It's moving so fast we can't keep up.
Amiral, tout va trop vite, on ne suit plus!
Make it slow and noisy. Stall your engine, start again, keep moving, stop anything to keep attention on the boat.
Calez le moteur, redémarrez, avancez, arrêtez.
"Has a part to play" That's it, keep the gold moving.
Gardez le rythme.
Keep it moving.
C'est ça.
Ten minute's time is all they have to eat it in, and they must keep moving, they must keep dancing at all times. - How are you doing, Sailor?
Ils n'ont que dix minutes pour manger et ils doivent continuer à bouger, à danser tout le temps.
If he's smart, he'll keep moving. If he's lucky, he'll make it.
S'il est intelligent, il continuera son chemin, et il s'en sortira.
We're just killing time, it's better to keep moving.
Pour tuer le temps, autant bouger.
That's it, keep moving!
C'est ça!
It's amazing that brain can generate enough power to keep those legs moving.
Dire qu'avec ce cerveau il réussit à commander ces jambes!
You have to keep moving to get it to circulate.
Il faut bouger pour le faire circuler.
Mostly, we just keep moving. It's safer that way.
En général, nous continuons notre route, c'est plus sûr ainsi.

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