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Keep it to yourself traduction Français

488 traduction parallèle
If you do know, you'd better keep it to yourself
Si vous ne savez, vous feriez mieux de garder pour vous
Keep it to yourself.
La ferme.
Keep it to yourself or the wife'll cash in on it.
Ma femme en fera son beurre.
If you've discovered a formula for killing fear overnight you oughtn't to keep it to yourself.
publie ta formule pour tuer Ia peur en une nuit.
Keep it to yourself.
- Keep it to yourself.
Gardez-le pour vous.
- Keep it to yourself.
Ferme-la et va-t'en.
It's no use, miss, trying to keep it to yourself.
C'est inutile, Mlle, d'essayer de gardez ça pour vous.
Why don't you keep it to yourself?
- Occupe-toi de tes affaires.
- No, but keep it to yourself.
- N'en parlez pas encore.
If that's your idea of humor, keep it to yourself.
Si c'est de l'humour, garde-le pour toi.
You may be condemnatory, but keep it to yourself, I'm not interested.
Sois indignée, si tu veux. Ca ne m'intéresse pas.
Keep it to yourself.
- Garde-la pour toi.
If that's your opinion, keep it to yourself.
Si c " est votre opinion, gardez-la pour vous.
Well, keep it to yourself, you old hag.
Eh bien, gardez-le pour vous, vieille sorcière.
You can't keep it to yourself.
Tu ne peux le garder pour toi.
Do keep it to yourself!
Garde-la surtout bien pour toi.
Keep it to yourself, please.
Gardez-le pour vous.
Sometimes you can't help it, but you keep it to yourself.
C'est obligé. Mais on les garde pour soi.
Well? - You'll keep it to yourself, won't you? - Mm-hmm.
Cette affaire de diamants illégaux, ils essaient de mettre le grappin sur Max.
It'll be our secret weapon, so keep it to yourself.
Oui. C'est mon arme secrète. N'en parlez à personne.
I'd appreciate it if you'd keep it to yourself.
N'en parlez à personne.
You better keep it to yourself.
N'en parlez pas.
Why keep it to yourself? You should inform his father!
Vous auriez dû avertir son père et non le garder pour vous.
Keep it to yourself.
Gardez-ça pour vous.
Are you gonna keep it to yourself or let me in on it?
Tu vas me dire ce qui te fait rire ou pas?
"Switzerland, of course, but keep it to yourself."
En Suisse, naturellement... Mais ne le répète à personne.
Well, then, keep it to yourself, Pierce.
Que veux-tu?
Just keep it to yourself.
Ne vous en occupez pas.
Well, it's pretty hard to be wrong if you keep answering yourself all the time.
C'est assez difficile de te tromper si tu réponds toujours toi-même.
You don't know what it means to be up against it. Keep fighting them every second. To pull yourself up, hand over hand... while they're waiting with a knife to cut the rope.
Tu ignores ce que signifie lutter, à chaque seconde, contre les embuscades.
I know it was in all the papers and all that, but from now on, keep the facts to yourself.
Bon, c'était dans les journaux, mais dès maintenant, aucun détail.
But would it be asking too much of you to keep your opinions to yourself in the future, because I'm not interested in anything more you could possibly say.
Mais pourrais-je vous demander de garder vos opinions pour vous à l'avenir? Je ne suis plus intéressée par vos propos.
Whatever it is, keep it to yourself.
Garde-le pour toi.
It's anybody's business who likes you to keep you from making a fool of yourself.
Eh bien, je t'apprécie et je ne veux pas qu'on abuse de toi.
You know, Felix, it's very important to keep promises, especially to yourself.
C'est important de tenir ses promesses.
So you keep it to yourself.
Alors, on le garde pour soi.
You mean it takes money to keep yourself drunk. Papa... let Jenny come to boarding school with me!
Ça te plairait, Jenny?
It's well to love your church, burnt though it is, but to think of nothing else, to look at me without seeing me, to forget your friends and keep all of this to yourself, this cannot be good!
C'est bien d'aimer son église, mais tu ne penses à rien d'autre! Tu me regardes sans me voir. Tu oublies tes amis et tu restes toujours seule.
Tell me like a good feller. - Can you keep it to yourself?
- Tu ne diras rien?
Sometimes I am with her, it's all I can do to keep from saying for yourself why is up?
Parfois, j'ai envie de lui dire : " Regarde les choses en face.
Am I yourself but, as it were, in sort or limitation, to keep with you at meals, comfort your bed, and talk to you sometimes.
Suis-je toi, mais dans certaines limites? Paraître à table, garnir ton lit et parfois te parler?
You want to keep it for yourself?
- Tu voudras le garder pour toi, n'est-ce pas?
Well, keep it to yourself.
Keep your hands to yourself! The one time I wanted to do it properly...
Garde tes mains tranquilles!
Then, it's not right for you to keep all these things to yourself.
Alors il ne faut pas garder ça pour vous.
You keep this thing around to remind yourself of it?
Vous gardez ça en souvenir?
You don't plan to tell anybody because you're after my gold and want to keep it yourself.
Vous ne direz rien à personne car vous voulez mon or et le garder pour vous.
And if you have to keep watching him... you might as well do it yourself.
Et s'il faut le surveiller, autant faire ça soi-même.
Keep it up and you'll go to prison yourself.
Continue comme ça et c'est toi qui iras en prison.
Trying to keep it all to yourself is dirty, damn it.
Tu essaye de tout garder, traître.

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