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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ K ] / Keep it movin

Keep it movin traduction Français

35 traduction parallèle
Keep it movin'.
Keep it movin'.
En avant.
That's a great face. Keep it movin'.
Vous ne me facilitez pas la tâche.
Come on, dance, pretty boy! Keep it movin'.
Allez, danse, mon joli!
Keep it movin', shorty!
Avance, le nain!
Let's keep it movin'!
Circulez, s'il vous plaît.
# Yeah, keep it movin', man, make it poppin', man
# Yeah, keep it movin', man, make it poppin', man
Keep it movin'.
On continue.
Keep it movin'.
Allez, fiche le camp.
- All right, keep it movin'.
- Allez, on avance.
Let's go! Keep it movin'!
Nous continuons à marcher.
Yeah. It's called "Keep It Movin'."
Elle s'appelle "Keep It Movin'."
♪ Keep it movin', keep it movin'♪
♪ Keep it movin', keep it movin'♪
♪ Keep it movin', keep it movin','cause I ♪
♪ Keep it movin', keep it movin','cause I ♪
♪ I got no time ♪ ♪ Keep it movin', keep it movin'♪
♪ I got no time ♪ ♪ Keep it movin', keep it movin'♪
♪ Uh-uh ♪ ♪ Keep it movin', keep it movin'♪
♪ Uh-uh ♪ ♪ Keep it movin', keep it movin'♪
♪ Keep it movin', here we go ♪
♪ Keep it movin', here we go ♪
Keep it movin'!
Keep it Movin'!
Keep it movin'.
Gotta keep it movin'.
Je dois filer.
Keep it movin'.
Gardez-le en mouvement.
Keep it movin'.
Keep it movin'. Got plenty of room.
C'est pas la place qui manque.
But if you're going to be up my ass, then I'll just keep it movin'.
Mais si tu me colles au cul je vais tracer ma route.
You keep that shovel movin', or I'll wrap it around your neck!
Continue avec la pelle, sinon je te l'enroule autour du cou!
Sometimes when there's nothin'to do, it's best to keep movin'.
En cas de flottement, le mieux c'est de rouler.
But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep movin'forward.
L'important n'est pas d'être un cogneur, mais d'être cogné et d'avancer quand même.
It ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep movin'forward.
Le but n'est pas de cogner, mais de se faire cogner et d'avancer quand même.
I set a goal, and I won't rest until I reach it. ♪ I've got to keep on movin'♪ ♪
Je me fixe un but et je ne m'arrête pas avant de l'atteindre.
♪ because I keep on, keep on movin'♪ ♪ don't stop, there's nothing to it ♪
♪ Parceque je continue de bouger n'arretes pas, il n'y a rien à ça
It's okay. We just gotta keep movin'.
Il est correct, continuer à marcher.

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