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Keep it coming traduction Français

415 traduction parallèle
- Keep it coming up, Andy!
- Ne baisse pas ta garde!
Keep it coming as fast as you can.
Continue comme ça.
Keep it coming.
Continuez comme ça.
- Keep it coming.
- Allez-y.
Keep it coming.
Laissez venir.
Keep it coming. Keeping it coming.
Keep it coming.
Keep it coming!
Keep it coming.
Qu'il coule à flots.
Keep it coming.
- Non, pas encore.
Amenez moi le câble nécessaire.
There, keep it coming. One for the machine and one for a drink.
Une pour la machine, une pour boire.
Keep it coming!
Ah, ben, c'est ma fête!
Bring us some sake, and keep it coming.
Apportez-nous du saké.
Keep it coming. Steady!
Continuez, doucement.
Keep it coming, Marv.
Avance, Marv!
Keep it coming.
Par ici.
Keep it coming. Keep it coming.
Par ici la monnaie.
Just keep it coming.
Keep it coming.
Donnez-en plus.
Keep it coming. - Make it three.
- Mettez-en trois.
Keep it coming, Laura.
Continue, Laura.
Yeah, well, keep it coming, Nero.
Continuez, Néron.
Keep it coming.
That's it, that's it. Keep it coming.
Vas-y, continue.
Come on, keep it coming.
Those who seek it will be rewarded Pass the hot shot, keep on coming, come on!
Si tu en veux, prends les honneurs Pass, hot shot, parfait pour toi
Once that's loose, there's nothing to keep the log from coming down. It'll crash down and kill anything underneath it.
Rien ne pourra ensuite empêcher ce tronc de tomber en écrasant tout ce qui se trouve dessous
Where does it keep coming from?
Quelle en est la source?
Keep him from coming in, we'll take care of it.
Empêche-le d'entrer. On s'occupe du reste.
Keep it coming.
Please keep it low. I'm going back to State with Tim and you're coming along.
Je retourne dans l'Illinois avec Tim et tu me suis.
I talked to him on the phone this morning. I told him I was coming, he was pleased. I told him I wanted to keep it a surprise.
Je lui ai annoncé mon arrivée ce matin en lui demandant de garder le secret.
So many people coming in and out, it's hard to keep track.
Tellement de gens vont et viennent. C'est dur de tenir le compte.
Keep coming forward. Get some bounce into it.
Continuez à avancer.
It was all I could do to keep him from coming to meet you himself.
j'ai dû le retenir pour éviter qu'il vienne vous rencontrer lui-même.
Keep some wood dry. It looks like a storm coming.
Gardez du bois sec. Un orage approche.
If it's still there, keep driving round and coming back to check.
Si tu la vois, continue ton chemin.
It's the different ways you keep finding of coming down.
Mais quand tu descends!
It'd be so nice if you could hit me lethally and end my life but no, tou keep coming back like a boomerang.
Encore si tu pouvais me frapper d'un coup mortel et pour toujours arrêter ma vie mais non, tu me reviens...
Keep coming, Jeremy. That's it.
A partnership that'll keep any outsider from coming and building another saloon... without you and me saying it's all right and taking our cut.
Les étrangers n'auront pas le droit de construire des saloons sans notre accord et une prime.
I just love it and keep coming back.
J'adore ça et je viens tout le temps.
- That's it, keep coming.
- C'est bien.
And why keep coming here to spend your holidays, if you despise it so much?
Empli de rats! Pourtant, tu viens souvent passer tes vacances ici?
You're the one that keep coming up with this off-the-wall bullshit about Henry started it.
Mais toi tu viens nous sortir tes salades, et tu accuses Henry.
That's it, keep coming.
C'est ça, continues d'avancer.
'Cause I might be old and quit, but you coming up, younger niggas is coming up, it's going to keep going and keep going, you know?
Parce que je vais vieillir et peut etre arreter, mais toi tu arrives, des petits jeunes arrivent, Ca va continuer encore et encore, tu vois?
Keep em'coming. Move it along.
Passez-les, ne les faites pas tomber.
Honey, I know, but it's not right for them to keep coming after us, either.
Je sais, chérie. Mais ce n'est pas bien non plus de nous poursuivre.
It's your funeral. Come on, keep coming.
Assister à tes funérailles?

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