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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ L ] / Ls that right

Ls that right traduction Français

114 traduction parallèle
"From what I gather, nobody can talk about the place around here but you." " - ls that right?
Vous semblez être le seul qui puisse parler.
ls that right? Hang on a minute.
Vous êtes sûrs?
- ls that right? - Bigger, stronger, and harder to kill.
Beaucoup plus difficiles à tuer.
- ls that right? - Diane.
C'est ça...
- ls that right?
- C'est vrai?
- ls that right?
- Vraiment?
- ls that right, Christopher Colum-butt?
- Vraiment, Christophe Colomboudin?
- Quite so. - ls that right, comrades?
C'est ça, camarades?
- ls that right?
C'est bien?
926..... 31 043. ls that right?
- C'est ça? - Oui.
- ls that right? - Yeah.
- ls that right?
ls that right? - Night guy say anything?
Le type qui fait la nuit ne vous a rien signalé?
SIPOWICZ : ls that right?
- ls that right?
- Je l'ai vue à l'arrière.
So he walked out the door and headed for the subway. ls that right?
Donc... il a pris la direction du métro, c'est ça?
- ls that right?
- Ah bon?
- A former male. - ls that right?
Un ex-homme.
- ls that right?
Sans blague?
ls that right?
C'est bien ça?
Seems I read somewhere that you broke out of a prison down in Florida. - ls that right?
J'ai pas lu que tu t'étais cavalé d'une prison en Floride?
- ls that right?
- C'est bien ça?
Patrolman Donahue. ls that right?
Agent Donahue. C'est ça?
- ls that right?
- C'est juste?
- ls that right? - Look.
- ls that right?
- Ah ouais?
Herr Sauckel, from March, 1942, you were in charge of procuring labor for the war effort. ls that right?
Herr Sauckel, à partir de 1 942, vous avez recruté de la main-d'oeuvre pour l'effort de guerre. Exact?
You've lied to these people for a year and now you've put a spell on them. ls that right?
Tu mens à ces gens depuis un an et tu leur as jeté un sort. Pas vrai?
- The cut-off time- - - ls that right?
- La limite... - C'est vrai?
- ls that right?
- Exact?
ls that all right?
Ça vous va?
- ls this Acorn Cottage? - That's right.
- C'est bien le chalet Acorn?
Ls that all right, sir?
Il peut?
- ls that all right?
- Ça ne te dérange pas?
- ls that right?
- Oui.
- ls it all right to say that?
- C'est comme ça qu'on dit?
- ls that right?
- Vous trouvez?
- ls that right?
- Ah oui?
is that right?
Ls-ce pas?
- ls that gonna be all right?
- Ça se passera bien, détective?
'Ls that all right?
- Ça ira?
Can you change her? ls that all right?
Va l'aider à se changer.
- ls that all right? Not too tight?
Ça va, pas trop serré?
- ls that all right? - Yeah, sure.
C'est OK?
ls that all right?
Est-ce OK?
They accept that kind of relationship there, right? Wait. ls it only two girls and a guy?
Ce genre de choses est accepté non, c'est 2 nanas et un mec
That might be true, but the question I'm asking you, ma'am... ls there anyone else in this house right now?
C'est bien possible, mais je vous demande s'il y a quelqu'un d'autre ici.
- ls that all right with your mum, Donna?
- Est-ce que ta mère est d'accord, Donna?
Because right now you've gotta walk through that front door and tell your best friend that the only girl in the universe he can't live without- - ls the same one that I can't live without.
Parce que dans l'immédiat, tu dois annoncer à ton meilleur ami que la fille dont il ne peut se passer... Est celle dont je ne peux me passer.
Outside Chicago, at the chicane it goes up and comes down right where you got Brandenburg- - ls that when I dip down?
A la chicane de Chicago, ça monte... ça descend, et là, tu tiens Brandenburg... Je peux me servir?
- ls that all right for you?
- Ça ira?

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