Nine years traduction Français
1,803 traduction parallèle
Peter, we spoke to everybody at the center. You and Luol walked from the Sudan to a Kenya refugee camp when you were nine years old.
Peter, on a parlé à tout le monde au centre, toi et Luol... avez quitté le Soudan à pied pour rejoindre un camp de réfugiés au Kenya, à l'âge de 9 ans.
Nine years old.
Neuf ans.
He's nine years old.
Il a 9 ans.
Nine years.
Neuf ans.
Nine years for killing a cop?
Neuf ans pour avoir tué un flic?
He was okay with nine years?
Il était d'accord avec les neuf ans?
Nine years?
Neuf ans?
Nine years ago, Metro's so-called forensic scientist...
Il y a neuf ans, une soi-disant scientifique médico-légale de la police...
From whatever Brian did that made him run nine years ago.
De tout ce que Brian a fait, qui l'a forcé à s'enfuir, il y a neuf ans.
Metro interviewed him nine years ago.
Les flics l'ont interrogé il y a 9 ans.
The war that hung like a shadow over the same nine years as her marriage.
La guerre qui a hanté comme une ombre les neuf ans de son mariage
I get terrible headaches in the night, but I haven't been evaluated for the sleep apnea for nine years.
J'ai des migraines atroces en pleine nuit. Je n'ai plus passé de test d'apnée du sommeil depuis 9 ans.
We're continuing our interview with John Forster... who was convicted for the death of Janie Kay, nine years ago... based on the eyewitness testimony of her twin sister, Janie Kay.
Nous poursuivons notre entretien avec Jon Forster, reconnu coupable du meurtre de Joanie Kay, il y a neuf ans, suite au témoignage de sa sœur jumelle, Janie Kay.
- Oh, I think I was... nine years old.
Je devais avoir... 9 ans.
His dad gave him that when he was nine years old. Can you believe that?
Infligée par son père à 9 ans.
His father did it to him when he was nine years old. It's the same guy -
Infligée par son père à 9 ans.
Nine years. Ah.
Neuf ans.
Then nine years later they come back.
Neuf ans plus tard, ils reviennent.
I still think after nine years, she doesn't like me.
Je crois que même après 9 ans, elle ne m'aime pas.
- Must be eight or nine years.
- Huit, neuf ans, non? - Oui...
I worked with Simon Hunt for nine years.
J'ai travaillé pendant neuf ans avec Simon Hunt.
I don't think I slept right since I was nine years old.
Moi non plus depuis que j'ai neuf ans.
I invented it when I was nine years old, in my mermaid phase.
Je l'ai inventée quand j'avais neuf ans, dans ma phase sirène.
About eight, nine years ago.
Il y a huit ou neuf ans.
You let him walk the streets by himself, at nine years old?
Tu le laisses se balader tout seul, à 9 ans?
Nine years.
- Neuf ans.
She... died nine years ago.
Elle est morte il y a 9 ans.
You think I'd risk testing dirty with nine years in that place hanging over me?
Vous pensez que je prendrais un tel risque après neuf ans de cette menace au-dessus de ma tête?
Your mother, Barb, and I did it nine years ago, didn't we?
Votre mère Barb et moi l'avons fait il y a neuf ans, non?
He died before we left Syria, almost nine years ago.
Il est mort avant qu'on parte de Syrie, il y a presque 9 ans.
In the nine years since I took over day-to-day operations on B5 I've requisitioned some pretty odd things.
Depuis 9 ans, que j'ai pris, jour pour jour, le commandement sur Babylon 5 J'ai confisqué des choses assez étranges.
You've been expecting me since you were nine years old.
Vous m'attendiez depuis que vous étiez âgé de neuf ans.
Again, can I plead nine years old?
Encore une fois, j'avais neuf ans.
Some Italians walked into a diner nine years ago and beat him to death.
Des Italiens l'ont battu à mort, il y a 9 ans.
Connie and I had been married for about nine years.
Connie et moi étions mariés depuis environ 9 ans.
I haven't spoken to him for over nine years.
- Je lui ai pas parlé depuis de 9 ans.
I haven't spoken to him for over nine years.
Je ne lui ai pas parlé depuis de 9 ans
- I dug it out of a trashcan nine years ago.
Je l'ai sorti d'un tas de déchets, il y a neuf ans.
Grant won the state spelling bee when he was nine years old.
Grant a gagné un concours de diction quand il avait neuf ans.
Nine years I've been driving this van, I've never seen the like.
J'ai jamais rien vu de pareil en 9 ans de service.
I was married to Ed for nine years.
- He worked maintenance on the railroad and got fired about nine and a half years ago.
- Il faisait la maintenance de chemins de fer et s'est fait virer il y a 9 ans et demi.
Well, we subpoenaed your records, and they show that you treated Mr. Wicker about nine and a half years ago.
Eh bien, on a saisi vos dossiers, et il y est écrit que vous avez traité M. Wicker il y a environ neuf ans et demi.
Real Madrid, nine times winners. But not now for four years.
Le Real Madrid, 9 fois champion, mais plus depuis 4 ans.
Fermina, I have waited for this opportunity for 51 years, nine months and four days.
- Fermina... je rêve de cette occasion providentielle depuis 51 ans, neuf mois et quatre jours.
Fermina... I have waited for this opportunity for 51 years, nine months and four days.
Fermina, je rêve de cette occasion providentielle depuis 51 ans, neuf mois et quatre jours.
Fifteen years, eight months and nine days,
Quinze ans, huit mois, et neuf jours.
I've been jacking off to girlie magazines for nine damn years.
Je me suis masturbé devant des magazines, pendant neuf ans.
I was only nine when my mom died, which means my formative years were left up to my dad.
J'avais à peine 9 ans quand ma mère est morte. C'est doncmon père qui a assuré toute mon éducation.
You know, nine years ago, I...
Il y a neuf ans, je...
You must've been almost nine, ten years old.
Tu devais avoir... neuf, ou dix ans.
nine years old 40
nine years later 16
nine years ago 48
years 15110
years ago 5618
years old 4883
years later 514
years older than you 21
years of experience 32
years older than me 22
nine years later 16
nine years ago 48
years 15110
years ago 5618
years old 4883
years later 514
years older than you 21
years of experience 32
years older than me 22
years together 37
years of age 170
years ago today 35
years on the job 27
years earlier 42
years to life 41
years before 33
years older 43
years of service 23
years old now 31
years of age 170
years ago today 35
years on the job 27
years earlier 42
years to life 41
years before 33
years older 43
years of service 23
years old now 31