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Uncle jack traduction Français

256 traduction parallèle
Uncle Jack, he showed me...
Oncle Jack m'a montré...
Uncle Jack?
Oncle Jack?
She goes walking with Uncle Jack.
Elle va marcher avec oncle Jack.
"From little Cecily, with her fondest love, to her dear Uncle Jack."
"De la petite Cécilia à son cher oncle Jack, avec son affection la plus vive."
Dear Uncle Jack. He's so very serious.
Ce cher oncle Jack est tellement sérieux.
I wish Uncle Jack would allow... that unfortunate young man, his brother Ernest, - to come down here sometimes. - Oh, really!
j'aimerais bien qu'oncle Jack permette a ce terrible frère malade de venir ici quelquefois.
Uncle Jack's brother?
Le frère de l'oncle Jack!
You, I see from your card, are Uncle Jack's brother, my cousin Ernest.
Je vois sur votre cane que vous êtes le frère de mon oncle Jack, mon cousin Constant.
Uncle Jack won't be back till Monday afternoon.
Oncle Jack ne sera pas de retour avant lundi après-midi.
Still, I think you had better wait until Uncle Jack arrives.
Mais je crois que vous feriez mieux d'attendre oncle Jack.
Oh, Uncle Jack!
Oncle Jack!
And you will shake hands with him, won't you, Uncle Jack?
Vous lui serrerez la main, n'est-ce pas, mon oncle?
Uncle Jack, you are not going to refuse your own brother's hand.
Vous n'allez pas refuser de serrer la main de votre propre frère.
Uncle Jack, do be nice.
Oncle Jack, soyez gentil.
Uncle Jack, if you won't shake hands with Ernest, I will never forgive you.
Oncle Jack, si vous ne serrez pas la main de Constant, je ne vous le pardonnerai jamais.
I thought you were with Uncle Jack.
Je vous croyais avec oncle Jack.
I think Uncle Jack would be very much annoyed... if he knew you were staying until next week at the same hour.
Oncle Jack serait très contrarié s'il savait que vous restiez jusqu'à la semaine prochaine, même heure.
Well, ever since dear Uncle Jack first confessed to us... that he had a younger brother who was very wicked and bad, you, of course, have formed the chief topic of conversation... between myself and Miss Prism,
Depuis le jour où oncle Jack nous a dit avoir un jeune frère totalement dissolu. Naturellement, depuis vous êtes notre sujet de conversation principal avec Miss Prism.
One of the many good elderly women associated with Uncle Jack... in some of his philanthropic work in London, I suppose.
Certainement une de ces bienfaitrices londoniennes âgées qui prêtent main forte à oncle Jack dans son travail philanthropique.
- This is Uncle Jack.
C'est oncle Jack!
- Uncle Jack.
Oncle Jack.
It's about this legacy of Mrs Peel's. A house willed to her by her Uncle Jack.
Mme Peel a fait un héritage, la maison de son oncle Jack.
And what's this about Uncle Jack?
Qui est l'oncle Jack?
I can state quite categorically she has no Uncle Jack.
Je peux affirmer qu'elle n'a pas d'oncle Jack.
- Uncle Jack!
- Oncle Jack!
You're on, Uncle Jack.
C'est à vous, oncle Jack.
That reminds me. I have a message for you 2 from Uncle Jack.
Incidemment, j'ai un message pour vous d'oncle Jack.
Oh Mother, here's the key to Uncle Jack's apartment.
Oh, maman, voici la clé de l'appartement de l'oncle Jack.
Main Movie Subtitled by Merlin. Pre-credit by Mrblonde1369 German language Subtitled by Pipipip
Uncle Jack 2015!
Your Uncle Jack almost dropped her in the font when she was christened. Oh.
Ton oncle Jack l'a presque fait tomber, lors de son baptême.
Uncle Jack, hi!
Oncle Jack! Salut, mon coeur.
Uncle Jack!
Oncle Jack!
- Sorry, Uncle Jack.
- Désolé oncle Jack.
Happens he was a kin of yours, your Uncle Jack.
Il s'avere que c'était un membre de ta famille, ton oncle Jack.
Never seen old Uncle Jack raise a sweat before.
Je n'avais encore jamais vu oncle Jack mouiller sa chemise.
Come on, Uncle Jack, you've been in jail before.
Allez, oncle Jack, tu as déja été en prison.
Come on, Uncle Jack, we gotta get out of here.
Allez, oncle Jack, il faut sortir de la.
Come on, Uncle Jack.
Allez, oncle Jack.
Uncle Jack, have you been telling us everything?
Oncle Jack, est-ce que tu nous as tout dit?
- Looking for Uncle Jack.
- Parti chercher l'oncle Jack.
Now I figure Uncle Jack knows what he's saying.
Je suppose qu'oncle Jack sait de quoi il parle.
The one with him is my Uncle Jack.
L'autre est mon oncle Jack
Uncle Jack is pretty well-known.
Il est sénateur
GEORGE : Uncle Jack. EUGENE :
- Fanny, où vas-tu?
I'll bet he borrows money from Uncle Jack.
Il emprunte à l'oncle Jack?
Uh-uh. Only on the train, in the last three days before we left. Uncle Jack got him to come along.
Seulement dans le train et trois jours avant le départ
Uncle Jack is sending you to Australia.
Oncle Jack vous envoie en Australie.
Did Jack's rich uncle die tonight too?
Le riche oncle de Jack est également mort aujourd'hui?
Look, Jack, I know you mean well... but if I have to take her father, she should take my uncle.
Écoute, Jack, je vois ce que tu veux dire... mais si je dois avaler son père, elle doit avaler mon oncle.
Uncle Jack told me about it.
L'oncle Jack m'a raconté.
You are talking about Uncle "Black Jack" Traven?
C'est de l'oncle "Black Jack" Traven dont tu parles?

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