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The other day traduction Portugais

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The other day? You're telling me when you were supposed to be helping us keep our client, you were busy giving them to Louis on a silver platter?
Estás a dizer-me que em vez de nos ajudares com os nossos clientes, foste dá-los ao Louis numa bandeja?
Uh, I think we got off on the wrong foot the other day.
Acho que começamos com o pé errado no outro dia.
I saw you down at the Ditch Witch the other day with some little brunette.
Vi-te no Ditch Witch com uma morena.
You know, I-I was really harsh the other day when I talked to you about Daycia, and I shouldn't have been.
Sabe, fui muito dura no outro dia quando falei consigo sobre a Daycia, e não deveria ter sido.
Sonny Liston killed the game and Floyd Patterson fighting once a year, and now this man who was at a press conference the other day. He wouldn't talk.
O Sonny Liston deu cabo do jogo, o Floyd Patterson luta uma vez no ano e agora este homem não falou na conferência de imprensa.
And then, then, then he didn't show up the other day.
No outro dia ele não apareceu.
The other day, messing around the gymnasium, he got cut.
No outro dia ele cortou-se no ginásio.
Just the other day, you told me if I didn't bring home tomato juice, you'd kill yourself.
Ainda noutro dia, tu disseste-me que se eu não trouxesse sumo de tomate para casa, tu te suicidavas.
Same make and model that tried to run down David the other day.
É a mesma marca e modelo que tentou atropelar o David no outro dia.
I thought I'd apologize for scaring you the other day.
Queria desculpar-me por ter-te assustado no outro dia.
About the other day, we need to talk.
Sobre o outro dia, temos de conversar.
Well, you served one of our vip guests the other day, and apparently he's taken a liking to you.
Bem, serviste um dos nossos convidados VIP no outro dia, e, aparentemente, ele gostou de ti.
Well, at gym the other day, these mean girls - -
Na ginástica, outro dia, umas miúdas cruéis...
I was looking at it the other day.
Estava a analisá-la no outro dia.
Henry, the other day, when you asked me about my biggest secret, uh, what I told you, uh, that wasn't it.
Henry, no outro dia, quando me perguntaste pelo meu maior segredo, não era aquilo que eu te disse.
The other day was close.
No outro dia, foi por pouco.
I ran into her the other day at Randy's.
Encontrei-a no outro dia, no Randy's.
We met the other day at the hospital.
Conhecemo-nos no outro dia, no hospital.
He tried to arrest the neighbors the other day.
Tentou prender os vizinhos no outro dia.
For example, I was talking to Ronit the other day.
Por exemplo, eu estava a falar com a Ronit no outro dia.
We made a deal the other day.
Fizemos um acordo no outro dia.
He got bored the other day, started looking into this, uh, circus accident from the'30s.
Ele ficou aborrecido, e começou a analisar o acidente no circo de 1930.
I heard about what happened the other day at the hospital.
Soube o que aconteceu ontem no hospital.
I washed the car in my cheer shorts the other day. I definitely felt eyes on me.
No outro dia lavei o carro com os meus calções de cheerleader.
Look, I just wanted to come down here to say that I regret my behavior the other day.
Olha, só queria vir aqui dizer-te que me arrependo do meu comportamento naquele dia.
He apologized for his actions the other day.
Ele pediu desculpa pelas suas acções naquele dia.
She was too nice with me the other day.
Foi demasiado simpática comigo no outro dia.
I was the one doing the inventory the other day.
Fui eu que fiz o inventário naquele dia.
I wanted to apologize for the way I acted the other day.
Queria pedir desculpa pela maneira que agi no outro dia.
I'm being aloof because of our fight the other day, unless you're here to buy a car, in which case you look lovely.
Estás a ser chata por causa da nossa discussão, mas caso queiras um carro, estás adorável.
The other day you couldn't do the dishes because you just gave up a baby.
No outro dia, não lavaste a loiça por causa disso.
- Jonas met Gabriel the other day.
- O Jonas conheceu o Gabriel no outro dia.
I was talking to the sun god, Ra, just the other day... and he told me he changed his mind.
Estava a falar com o deus do sol, Ra, no outro dia... e ele disse-me que mudou de ideias.
Oh, uh, Gene told me to tell you... that he was sorry about the other day with the barbecue.
O Gene pediu-me para te dizer que pede desculpa pelo churrasco.
I spoke to a boy the other day, seven years old....
Há dias, falei com um rapaz de sete anos...
I was just- - when I was going through your wagon the other day for- - I was getting your medicine.
Estava apenas... quando estive no seu carrinho naquele dia devido... fui buscar os medicamentos.
So, old Doug, over here, was givin me advice on women the other day.
No outro dia o Doug deu-me conselhos sobre mulheres.
I was emotional the other day.
No outro dia estava fragilizada.
Look, about what I said the other day, of course we're friends, and that's cool.
Ouve. Sobre o que disse ontem à noite... Claro que somos amigos e isso é óptimo.
I meant to tell you, I saw your dad the other day at the hospital, when I was making my rounds.
Queria contar-te que vi o teu pai no hospital, durante a ronda.
I made a big mistake the other day.
Cometi um grande erro no outro dia.
Considering that Dr. Rush is the most exclusive private practice doctor on the West Coast and you have him at your beck and call 24 hours a day... which is a service that he provides to no other clients...
A considerar que o Dr. Rush é o médico de prática confidencial mais exclusivo na Costa Oeste E vocês o têm a vossa disposição por 24 horas por dia... que é um serviço que ele não presta para outros clientes...
Sam and I took Environmental Health together and... since the first day, it felt like... like we knew each other, you know?
O Sam e eu estudamos Saúde Ambiental juntos e... desde o primeiro dia, foi como... se já nos conhecemos, sabe?
I went over the tapes, and on the day of the incident, Christa didn't speak to anyone other than Ophelia.
Eu vi as gravações e no dia do incidente, a Christa não falou com ninguém além da Ophelia.
Because at the end of the day, you can have something that all these other people can't.
Ao fim do dia, pode ter algo que os restantes mortais não podem.
I once had a session where I spent the entire day playing a Moog synthesizer with one hand while rolling joints with the other hand.
Um vez tive uma sessão em que tive de estar lá todo o dia a tocar piano com uma mão, enquanto que com a outra a enrolar.
Every day, we'll pull on the sutures, thereby stretching the ends inside toward each other in order to connect them in a later surgery.
Todos os dias, vamos puxar as suturas. Assim, esticamos as pontas em direcção uma à outra, com o objectivo de ligá-las numa operação futura.
Between the calls from the St. Alban's headmaster every other day and now this, we just don't know what we're gonna do with him.
Chamadas do director de St. Alban dia sim, dia não. E agora isto.
Look, brothers fight, but at the end of the day, they're always there for each other.
Os irmãos discutem, mas estão lá sempre um para o outro.
Two weeks ago.... I check this thing like every other day just for the kick.
Há duas semanas, porque verifico esta coisa dia sim, dia não, só para ficar desanimado...
And after having spent the day together... Hold each other close the whole night through...
Eugene Landy foi proibido de ter qualquer contacto com Brian Wilson segundo um acordo no seguimento de um processo interposto por Carl Wilson e a família Wilson.

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