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There were three traduction Portugais

732 traduction parallèle
Seconds later there were three men dead on the ground, but he wasn't one of'em!
Segundos depois havia três homens no chão, mortos, mas ele não era um deles!
Well, let's just say there were three sacks because I happen to have three sacks here.
Muito bem. Digamos que haviam 3 sacos porque acontece que eu tenho três sacos aqui.
We suddenly realised that we were eingekesselt, which meant that we were surrounded by Allies on all sides and there were three divisions, German divisions, locked in, and that they had chosen our particular valley as a route of escape.
De repente, percebemos que estávamos cercados. Estávamos cercados pelos Aliados por todos os lados e havia três divisões alemãs encurraladas que tinham escolhido o nosso vale como caminho de fuga.
There were three boys. After a while, this girl.
Tive três meninos e, depois de muito tempo, esta garota.
The newspaper gave me answers but there were three things I had to find out. :
O jornal me deu muitas respostas... mas faltava descobrir três coisas.
- Yeah, there were three others.
- Sim, houve outras três.
There were three more, were there not?
- Houve mais três, não é verdade?
There were three young directors who showed promise in those days...
Havia três jovens realizadores que eram promessas do cinema.
In the end, there were three sea lions.
E no fim, éramos três leões marinos.
You said there were three?
Não eram três bebados?
There were three passes that led into the city.
Existiam três passagens, que conduziam ao centro da cidade.
Della, Elston Carr said there were three partners.
Della, Elston Carr disse que havia três sócios.
There were three agents operating in danger areas.
Tinha três agentes operando em áreas perigosas.
There were three.
Eram três.
E havia três de nós quando nos trouxeram para o hospital, depois de nos achararem no deserto, você, eu e Harrington.
Havia três camas neste quarto.
There were three gates.
Haviam três portões.
- You said there were three gates.
- Disseste que haviam três portões.
There were three men waiting for him.
Estavam três homens à espera dele.
Did you try to tell them there were three possibilities?
Tentou dizer a eles que havia três possibilidades?
Maria, there were three figures.
Eram três pessoas.
There were three others.
Houve três outros.
- I heard there were three new prisoners.
- Disseram que vieram 3 novos presos.
Inside the dusters, there were three men.
Dentro dos sobretudos, havia três homens.
Inside the men, there were three bullets.
Dentro dos homens, havia três balas.
But there were three men.
Mas eram 3 homens.
There were three Mexicans in the saloon trying to shoot me.
Posso saber porque me está contando esya história?
there were three children, and it had just swallowed the wife.
Li no jornal que um homem chegou em casa e viu que um crocodilo comeu toda sua família.
There were three nuns in a railway compartment
Havia três freiras num compartimento do comboio e o bilhete...
I thought there were three on that shelf.
Palpita-me que havia 3 nessa prateleira.
Inside the dusters, there were three men.
Dentro das gabardines, estavam três homens.
Inside the men, there were three bullets.
dentro dos homens, ficaram três balas.
There were three humans.
Havia três humanos.
"In a 150-foot radius of the crime scene, three cigarette butts of the Ariston brand were found." There you have it.
"Num raio de 50 metros da cena do crime, foram encontradas três beatas da marca Ariston." Aí está.
You three open fire from here. I'II wave as if there were men behind me.
Vocês três abram fogo daqui, eu farei parecer que... vem gente atrás de mim.
There were just the three of us in the cabin.
Só estávamos nós as três em casa.
You were there three days.
Esteve lá três dias.
As there were but three cabin passengers, we all messed at the Captain's table.
Como só havia três camarotes, tomávamos as nossas refeições na mesa do capitão.
I love windward because she lived there For three years and those were my years.
Eu adoro Windward porque ela viveu lá... durante três anos e essa era a minha idade.
But there were only three who had his best interests at heart.
Os seus verdadeiros amigos eram somente três.
There were four of us- - me and my three brothers.
Éramos quatro, eu e os meus três irmãos.
Three days ago, there were 70.
Há três dias atrás, era a 70a.
Me grandfather Podge told me there were three things.
Meu avô Podge me disse que havia três coisas que os Leprechauns adoravam fazer :
- Were there three of you?
- Não foram três?
- Aye, three of us there were.
- Efetivamente.
I tried to call our design engineer, three guys were there playing poker, and I joined them and drank beer.
Eu quis ligar pro chefe de construção. Três caras jogavam pôquer. Eutambém joguei e tomei cerveja.
There were two or three young people there, girls and boys who said,
Estavam lá dois ou três jovens, raparigas e rapazes que me disseram :
- There were only three.
- Eram só três. - Pois, por enquanto.
and we were there for three weeks. And every night uh. after mess. after chow. after dinner.
E a cada noite, depois do banho, do jantar, haveria uma fogueira.
I don't know all the details but I heard that there were four culprits, not three.
Eu não sei de todos os detalhes mas ouvi falar que haviam quatro culpados, não três.
There they were four Germans, three of a side with machine guns e another one of the other side of the group.
Estavam lá quatro alemães, três dum lado com metralhadoras e outro do outro lado do grupo.

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