There were none traduction Portugais
127 traduction parallèle
There were none braver than she! Gavrilo was the next best man.
Mas a seguir a ela, mais do que eu, o Gravilo foi o mais corajoso.
I'm almost sorry to say there were none of the standard trials and tribulations you'd ordinarily expect.
Eu lamento dizer que nunca tivemos nenhum dos problemas habituais que se espera ter.
There were none at the store, and my old one's good only for a scarecrow.
Na loja näo há, e o meu boné velho só serve para um espantalho.
Lockwood needs bombs to prove justifiable homicide Rafeeq, to prove there were none and Mallory needs them to win the election.
O Lockwood precisa das bombas para provar o homicídio justificável, o Rafeeq para provar que näo existiam, e o Mallory precisa delas para ganhar a eleiçäo.
but, unfortunately, there were none.
Mas infelizmente não existiam nenhuns.
- There were none in mediaeval times.
Como não se usavam talheres na Idade Média, não os usamos aqui.
I scanned for survivors, but there were none.
Procurei sobreviventes, mas não havia.
When I looked for signal correlation traces, there were none.
Quando procurei por sinais com traços correlacionados. não havia nenhum.
There were none left.
Já não havia.
"'For I'll carve new orifices where there were none before.'"
"'Porque abrirei novos orifícios onde não existia nenhum antes.'"
New orifices where there were none before!
Novos orifícios onde não existia nenhum antes!
And then there were none.
E depois já não havia nenhuma.
He builds schools where there were none.
Constrói escolas onde não existiam.
No, it was a joke. There were none, ever.
Foi uma brincadeira, nunca existiram.
" it wasn't long before there were none left between us.
" não demorou muito para que todos fossem revelados entre nós.
She seemed to create problems where there were none.
Ela parecia criar problemas onde não havia nenhuns.
Yeah, there were none in the taxi, either.
Também não encontrámos cartuchos no táxi.
And there were no disturbances in her time? None.
E não haviam perturbações no seu tempo?
But at length, as the labor drew nearer to its conclusion, there were admitted none into the turret.
"por aquela que ele pintara de forma tão milagrosa. " Mas, por fim " com o aproximar da conclusão do trabalho
You were right. There was none.
Tinhas razão, não houve.
"Of course it's none of my business, but there were men in Ingrid's room."
"Claro que não é da minha conta, mas havia um homem no quarto da Ingrid."
Am I like such a fellow? If there were two such we'd have none shortly, for one would kill the other!
Se houvesse dois assim, depressa não haveria nenhum.
None of my business, of course, but I shouldn't go there if I were you.
Não é nada comigo, mas eu não ia lá. Há lá grandes sarilhos.
I wish none of you were there.
Oxalá não estivesse aí ninguém.
Oh, yeah, there were reasons but none of them good enough.
Sim, houve razões mas nenhuma suficientemente válida.
Back in'63, none of those houses were there.
Em 1963 essas casas não estavam aí.
Were there none?
Ou não havia nenhuma?
As a result, false readings were fed to the sensors, which detected an emergency when there was none.
Como resultado, falsas leituras afetaram os sensores, que indicavam problemas, onde não havia.
We knew that none of our people were out there, so it had to be a wounded Cardassian.
Sabíamos que nenhum dos nossos estava lá fora, assim tinha que ser um cardassiano ferido.
- None of you were there.
- Nenhum de vós estava lá.
There was a frenzy to recover Müller's notebooks and experiment, but none were found, at least not by the West.
As multinacionais querem o seu livro de apontamentos e experiências, mas não encontraram nada. Pelo menos, o Ocidente não encontrou.
There were security cameras behind the counter, but none of them were pointed out here.
Há câmaras de vigilância atrás do balcão, mas nenhuma apontada para aqui.
And then there were none.
E depois não havia nada.
Yes, b-but there were other pictures on the same wall and none of them... none of them were even crooked.
Sim, mas a mesma parede tem quadros e nenhum deles estava torto.
No matter how much I love that sleepy little town, none of my dreams were waiting down there.
Por muito que goste daquela pequena cidade adormecida, nenhum dos meus sonhos estava à minha espera lá em baixo.
"what's your favorite color?", and "your favorite food?" And when none of which was just to get people there... and then they went into "when was the last time you were violent?"
"Qual a comida favorita?", era só para conseguir pessoas, e depois : "Quando foi a última vez que ficou violento?"
None of those guys were there when you read your poem aloud in class and your hand was shaking because you were nervous.
Nenhum daqueles tipos estava lá quando leste um poema na aula e as tuas mãos tremiam de nervosismo.
There were all those other people there... and none of them offered to help me.
Havia muita gente e mais ninguém se ofereceu.
But what I would really like is that none of the girls were there.
Mas o que eu realmente gostaria é que nenhum das meninas estava lá.
It's bad enough one's wounded now, but none of them were supposed to end up there.
Já é mau o suficiente terem ferido uma, mas nenhuma delas devia ter ido lá parar.
There were two airmen in the gate room and two technicians in the control room. But none of them saw or heard anything out of the ordinary prior to the flash.
Estavam 2 pilotos na sala do portal e 2 técnicos na sala de controlo mas nenhum deles viu ou ouviu qualquer coisa antes do clarão.
They'd tried every trick in the bag to try to create the illusion of a business where there was none, and the people who were working there were getting increasingly desperate.
Tiraram todos os ases da manga para criar a ilusão de um negócio que não existia, e as pessoas que lá trabalhavam estavam a começar a desesperar.
There were, I think, some photographs of her father, but absolutely none of her mother.
Vi algumas fotografias do seu pai, mas nenhuma da sua mãe.
I mean, aside from the occasional reference to glass, there's nothing in common, and-and none of them were like the dreams that we had after we were exposed to the signal.
Além disso, só algumas referências ocasionais a vidros. Nada em comum. E, e nenhum foi como o sonho que tivemos após sermos expostos ao sinal.
Now, there were plenty other photos taken that day... but none anybody wanted to see.
Havia muitas outras fotografias tiradas nesse dia, mas nenhuma que alguém quisesse ver.
While there were certainly worse ways for the candidates to have spent their days than myrrh baths and beauty treatments, none of the rumors of riches and glory stirred more excitement than the thought of gaining entry to the royal treasury itself.
Embora houvessem piores maneiras das candidatas terem passado os seus dias do que tomando banhos de mirra e fazendo tratamentos de beleza, nenhum dos rumores de riqueza e glória causava mais excitação que a ideia de ganhar acesso ao próprio tesouro real.
There were ships to bring them here, but none to send them on leave?
Para os trazer cá para combater, já houve. Também os haverá para os levar de licença.
There were nine girls here, none of whom could be called saints.
Tinha aqui nove raparigas, nenhuma delas era santa.
None of these people were armed when Kent went in there.
Nenhuma destas pessoas estava armada quando o Kent entrou lá.
There were at least 25 of you down here and yet none of you saw Sydney Blair go into the rec room with your teammates.
Pelo menos 25 de vocês estavam aqui, mas nenhum viu a Sydney Blair a ir para a sala de convívio com os vossos colegas.
A lot of customers had criminal records, but none of them were there the night she went missing so far.
Há muitos clientes com cadastro, mas nenhum deles esteve lá na noite em que ela desapareceu.
there were 484
there were over 22
there were two of them 39
there were no survivors 16
there were two 42
there were three of them 19
there were only 25
there were complications 24
there were three 17
there were witnesses 20
there were over 22
there were two of them 39
there were no survivors 16
there were two 42
there were three of them 19
there were only 25
there were complications 24
there were three 17
there were witnesses 20
there were no witnesses 29
there were others 52
none 1536
none of your fucking business 29
nonetheless 242
none of your business 604
none of the above 48
none of my business 113
none of your damn business 35
none of them 95
there were others 52
none 1536
none of your fucking business 29
nonetheless 242
none of your business 604
none of the above 48
none of my business 113
none of your damn business 35
none of them 95
none of us 41
none of us are 53
none of it 118
none of us can 26
none of that 122
none of you 45
none of this 37
none taken 319
none of us did 56
none of us do 79
none of us are 53
none of it 118
none of us can 26
none of that 122
none of you 45
none of this 37
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none of us did 56
none of us do 79