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There were two traduction Portugais

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There were two Wraith guarding that cruiser and he wasn't alone.
Eram dois wraith a guardar o cruzador e ele não estava sozinho.
"Since there were two..." "Right, cause it was like 18 minutes apart."
"Porque foram duas..." "Exacto, com um intervalo de 18 minutos."
"There were two or three similar huge explosions and the building"
"Existiram duas ou três explosões de uma intensidade semelhante..."
There were two doors going into to this room, and now there's only one.
Havia duas portas para este quarto, e agora só há uma.
now, With the first eight girls there Were two semen samples and one blood type.
Nas oito primeiras, havia dois tipos de sémen e um de sangue.
There were two scenes, the main scene where they were the bodies, in the liquor store, and the secondary scene, to the one that you / they assigned me it is the one that you Ilamó the van of war.
Na verdade, houve dois locais do crime. O principal, com os dois cadáveres dentro da Crown Liquors. Mas o secundário, para onde eu fui, foi o que ficou conhecido como o camião de guerra.
There were two ways to reach Grasse.
Chegava-se a Grasse por dois caminhos.
And there were two people in front of us. Do you remember who they were?
Lembras-te de quem estava na frente?
While there were two competing priests, we still had hope that either one will prevail.
Enquanto havia dois sacerdotes a competirem um com o outro, tinhamos esperança de que nenhum deles vencesse.
Just like you said, there were two of them.
Como tinha dito, eram dois.
But there were two in the van. The goon?
Mas havia 2 na carrinha.
There were two important baseballs in there.
Continha duas bolas importantes de basebol.
Well, Sister, I saw a bum here today. There were two bums, and I said to myself,
Bem, irmã, eu vi um vagabundo aqui hoje, eles eram dois vagabundos, e disse a mim próprio,
There were two of you, so one of you did it.
Estavam dois, um tem que ser.
There were two of us, weren't there?
Eramos dois, não era?
There were two big strikes.
Houve duas grandes greves.
There were two rivers in Central Asia that were used by the former Soviet Union for irrigating cotton fields unwisely.
Havia dois rios na Ásia Central que foram usados pela antiga União Soviética para irrigar imprudentemente campos de algodão.
There were two different inks on the work order, which means the date on the work order was compromised.
Havia dois tipos de tinta no formulário de requisição, o que significa que a requisição foi adulterada.
When I was in the department, there were two things I hated in this world.
Quando estava na Polícia, detestava sobretudo duas coisas :
There were two men in a parked car outside.
O que é isto? Havia dois homens num carro estacionado ali fora.
And there were two of us.
- E éramos dois. - $ 500.
There were two male donors in their apartment.
Havia dois dadores masculinos no apartamento.
There were two kids with him.
- Havia dois miúdos com ele.
He said there were two guys.
Disse que eram dois homens.
They were there too, and there were the two guards.
Estavam lá também, e haviam os 2 guardas.
Well, considering there were only two people who knew where it was, the field's pretty narrow.
Estamos considerando as duas únicas pessoas que sabiam onde ele estava. Parece bem óbvio.
There were connections between Jews and Bolsheviks, there was sufficient evidence for the fact that there were connections between the two.
"Haviam ligações entre judeus e bolcheviques," "existia prova suficiente para o fato de haverem ligações entre ambos."
So there were two versions of the history.
E desta forma, temos duas versões da história.
When I saw that, because of the problems those two bitches have been causing we were gonna lose that window of opportunity, I decided why not take advantage of the situation while it was there?
Ficou claro para mim que os problemas que essas cadelas... causavam, nos fariam perder essa oportunidade, e eu decidi... por que não tirar vantagem da situação enquanto havia uma?
we Have news of Paradise Garden... it is there where two suspects of the recent murders of bands... they were died in a shooting with the police... the bodies were identified as Dusty AND Joey González... the police says that they are those main in the case...
"Temos notícias de Paradise Garden..." "é ali que dois suspeitos dos recentes assassinatos de grupos..." "foram mortos num tiroteio com a polícia..."
Well, it just so happens that my ex-girlfriend does club promotions and I am certain that two out of three so-called judges that were there are investors in that Drakkar factory, Club Velour.
Acontece que a minha ex-namorada faz promoções de baladas e tenho certeza que dois dos três supostos juízes que estavam lá são investidores daquela fábrica Drakkar, Club Velour.
No, you were supposed to be there two hours ago, mate.
Não, já devias estar lá há duas horas, meu.
Once there were 10, now there are two.
Primeiro eram 10, agora são dois.
I know the two of you were there when the other girl... With your kids.
Sei que ambos estavam lá... quando a outra rapariga... com os vossos filhos.
Basically, while i was there, the two weeks, all the people I spoke to in Pakistan They were saying, "Oh, Afghanistan's not gonna get attacked".
Enquanto lá estive, nas duas semanas muita gente pediu passaporte ao Paquistão pois diziam que o Afeganistão não ia ser atacado.
Even for my hero, there were the two Lincolns, they say.
Mesmo para o meu herói, houve dois Lincolns, como dizem.
But I had a little bit of a freak-out because last night when we went back to my place and I walked in and there were two people sleeping in my bed...
E tenho de te contar, porque ontem à noite...
Nancy was almost 10 years older than me, and there were only the two of us.
A Nancy era quase 10 anos mais velha do que eu, e éramos só os dois.
There were only two shots, precision-fired.
Foram só dois, disparados com precisão.
And then there were two.
E então, já são dois.
So there we were, two single guys, doing our usual single-guy thing.
Então lá estávamos nós, dois solteirões a fazer o habitual.
There was two guys outside. They were watching the house.
- Havia dois tipos lá fora, a vigiar a casa.
There were a few things I missed about being married to Joy. Her children were not two of them.
Tinha saudades de algumas coisas da Joy.
You were there with two other guys besides Ignacio.
Estavas lá com mais dois tipos, além do Ignacio.
There were more than two of them.
Não eram só dois.
i sat out there with carm and my two kids and we ate and we drank and we were so happy to be here, more than any other place in the world.
Sentei-me lá fora com a Carm e os meus dois filhos e comemos e bebemos e estávamos tão felizes por estar aqui, mais do que em qualquer outro sítio no mundo.
What if your soldiers were to go to Bethlehem... and find every young boy there under two years?
E se os teus soldados forem para Belém e descobrirem todos os rapazes de lá com menos de dois anos?
I went round there in two minutes, three seconds. You were actually 30 seconds behind when you crashed.
Eu fiz em 2min3seg E você estava 30seg atrás quando você bateu
I made two goals and one assist and there were scouts!
Meti dois golos e um assistido e eles estavam lá!
There were two balls signed by mann that were inflated.
Bolas de futebol.
And then there were two thatwere flat that weren't signed.
Havia duas bolas assinadas pelo Mann que estavam cheias.

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