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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / We could try

We could try traduction Portugais

666 traduction parallèle
- We could try.
- Pode tentar.
I dont think I could, but we could try.
Acho que não sou capaz, mas podemos tentar.
We could try if you're sure you'd like to.
Podíamos tentar, se tem a certeza de que quer.
- We could try, or you could stay another five weeks and come back with me.
Ou fique cinco semanas e voltamos juntos.
We could try and have fun again.
- Voltar a divertirmo-nos os dois.
We could try breaking out.
Poderíamos tentar forçar a nossa saída?
- We could try...
- Poderíamos tentar...
- But we could try this new ray...
- Mas poderíamos provar...
We could try.
Podíamos tentar.
We could try testing the wall very carefully in different spots.
Podemos sondar a parede, mas temos de ter muito cuidado.
We could try to cross into the Tyrol over the border, but afterwards, it would be very difficult to be called back.
Podemos tentar ir para o Tirol, além fronteira... Mas será difícil para vós ser chamado a voltar.
Perhaps we could try something on an even simpler vein.
Porque não tentarmos algo mais simples.
We could try to get down the fire escape. Get in behind him. What do you think?
Podemos tentar descer pelas escadas de incêndio.
- Well, we can't all be lovable, though we could try a bit harder.
Não podemos ser todos adoráveis mas podemos esforçar-nos por isso.
Besides, I sort of thought we could try something new.
Além disso, pensei que devíamos tentar algo de novo.
We could try and find them, sir, and lead them in.
Tentamos encontrá-los e guiá-los até aqui?
We could try from below the shuttle bay.
Poderíamos tentar a partir de baixo a baía de transporte.
We could try it from here.
É mais seguro tentá-lo a partir daqui.
- We could try ignoring it.
- Poderíamos tentar ignorar tudo.
We could try trading it to another zoo. I'm afraid with its erratic behavior, they just wouldn't take it.
Tentámos outro jardim zoológico mas não o querem.
We could try and strike up a conversation.
Podíamos tentar meter conversa.
But we could try infrared.
Mas podemos tentar com infravermelhos.
We could try and spot the seller.
Podemos tentar localizar o vendedor.
Well, we could try it.
Bom, podemos tentar.
We could try there.
Podíamos tentar lá.
Look, maybe we could try to be friends again.
Talvez possamos voltar a ser amigos.
We could try my rosary.
Podíamos tentar o meu rosário.
Maybe we could try.
Podíamos tentar.
You know, we could try freelancers stationed outside the Soviet bloc.
Podíamos tentar algumas eventuais, que operam fora do bloco soviético.
Besides, we could try again on this vacation.
E além disso, podíamos tentar outra vez nestas férias.
But I'm sure if we could only try again, we could be happy.
Mas tenho a certeza de que poderíamos ser felizes, se tentássemos.
Could we maybe... try to run away if we get a chance?
Talvez possamos... Tentar fugir se tivermos uma oportunidade?
- How'bout a match? - We sure could try it.
- Poderíamos usar fósforos?
Now that we captured her daughter, any traitor could come and try any attack in desperation.
Agora que capturamos a filha, qualquer traidor pode voltar e tentar algum ataque em desespero.
If I miss the timing we could explode the air tanks, but... I'm willing to try it.
Se eu errar o tempo podemos explodir os tanques de ar, mas... estou disposto a tentar.
- What are we gonna do, then? - We could always try a few buttons.
Bem, acho que podemos tentar alguns botões.
Do we dare tell the people on Mantilles, try to save a few who could get away?
Arriscamos avisar Mantilles para que alguns poucos possam escapar?
We try to identify them through of jewels or other belongings, but many people not they could have been identified.
Tentámos identificá-las através das jóias ou outros pertences, mas muitas pessoas não puderam ser identificadas.
If we try to operate, that could cause severe internal bleeding.
Se tentarmos operar podemos causar sangramento interno severo.
There was only one thing we could do- - head the u-boat on a Western course and try to reach a neutral American port before our fuel ran out.
Só há uma coisa que podiamos fazer dirigir o submarino para uma rota mais a oeste e tentar chegar a um porto americano neutro antes do combustivel se esgotar.
We could try and break the pile apart.
Tentamos separar a pilha de lixo, partir as amarras, destruir a massa.
- Could we try it now?
- Podemos tentar agora?
I think we ought to try to see for ourselves what's going on in her head, what kind of a threat she could be to us.
Acho que devíamos ver com os nossos olhos o que se passa na cabeça dela, que tipo de ameaça pode ela vir a ser para nós.
We could probably try running.
Talvez seja melhor a correr.
Nothing can begin to make that woman well, but we could at least try to compensate... make a gesture.
Nada pode vir a restituir-lhe o bem-estar, mas podemos pelo menos tentar compensar, fazer um gesto.
- Could we try this jacket in his size?
Sim. Nós podemos experimentar este casaco para o tamanho dele?
I could certainly try. Of course, we can't promise anything.
Bem, podemos tentar.
He could have stopped and is still there waiting to surprise us when we try to surface.
Podem estar parados, à espera... para nos surpreenderem quando emergirmos.
If I try to tie-in to the computer right now... someone could spot the override... they kill the power, we're out of business.
Se me tentar ligar ao computador agora alguém pode notar desligam a corrente e ficamos sem nada.
If I try to tie-in to the computer right now... someone could spot the override... they kill the power, we're out of business.
Se eu tentar entrar no computador agora... alguém poderia anular a mancha... eles matavam o poder e ficariamos fora do negócio.
Like they say, doll, love's strange. We could always give it a try.
Como dizem, boneca, o amor é estranho, vale sempre a pena tentar.

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