By the window traduction Russe
438 traduction parallèle
Wait, she wouldn't have left it by the window if she didn't, like, want somebody to take it, right?
Постой, она не стала бы оставлять их у окна, если бы не хотела, чтобы их кто-то взял, верно?
I could have left by the window, unnoticed, but I risked being discovered.
Я мог бы уйти через окно незаметно, но рискнул показаться.
But listen, see, standing over there by the window.
Да слушай же... Смотри,... вот она стоит у окна.
Or perhaps by the window would be better?
Или лучше у окна?
- Is there a table by the window? - I think so.
- А есть ли столик у окна?
Get up by the window.
Отойди к окну.
You wanna sit by the window?
Ты хочешь сесть у окна?
Chief, I'd like to string up this microphone by the window.
Шеф, я бы хотел прикрепить микрофон около окна.
I'll move the bed over by the window.
Я передвигаю кровать к окну.
At this hour? By the window?
В такое время и через окно?
I'll make up your bed by the window
Я постелю тебе у окна.
Well, they'll assume you came in by the window.
Полиция решит, что вы влезли через окно.
There was a full moon, and I sat by the window because I thought it would show off my new nightie to advantage.
Было полнолуние. Я села возле окна, чтобы лунный свет подчеркнул достоинства моей лучшей рубашки.
You were sitting by the window because it was a full moon and you'd worked yourself up to a certain enthusiasm.
Вы сидели у окна, потому что было полнолуние, и старались настроить себя на нужный лад.
Not being part of the circle, you two had better sit by the window.
Раз вы не будете частью круга, то сядьте лучше возле окна.
But Yvonne's over on the bench by the window.
Она там сидит, у окна.
Tonight, I'll let the lamp by the window.
Вечером зажгу лампу.
Hold on, I'll look at you by the window.
Что ж, я понаблюдаю за вами из окна.
You at the table by the window, and me at the one facing yours. Of course, you never saw me.
Ты обычно сидишь у двери, а я напротив.
There are two kinds of spurs, my friend those that come in by the door those that come in by the window.
Есть два вида шпор, мой друг... те, которые входят в дверь... и те, которые влезают в окно.
Let me look by the window and I'll teach him the hand-kissing.
Разреши мне посмотреть в окно и я научу его целовать тебе руку.
Did you came to look by the window?
Ты пришёл любоваться из окна?
She was by the window, her back to me
Она стояла у окна, спиной ко мне.
Please sit by the window and I'll stay near the door.
Сядьте возле окна, а я останусь у дверей.
By the window, over there.
Возле окна, вон там.
The trail stopped by the window.
След остановился у окна.
It's cooler by the window.
У окна прохладнее.
Miss Novotni and I can manage the novelty window by ourselves.
Мы с мисс Новотны справимся с витринами сами.
By the way, I have some unusual ideas for that window display.
-... необычные идеи для витрины.
Well, I just happened to be in the powder room powdering my nose, of course, and I looked out the window and I saw Mr. Fabrini and Mrs. Carlsen standing by the side of his car arguing.
Я зашла в туалетную комнату попудрить носик. Случайно выглянула в окно и увидела мистера Фабрини и мисисс Карлсен. Они стояли у его автомобиля и о чем-то спорили
From this point, the window of the café is obscured to a point... of four and a half to five feet by steam.
¬ этом месте на окне кафе находитс € п € тно от пара, размером четыре на четыре с половиной фута.
When I passed by his apartment at least the third or the fourth time... there was a light in his window.
Я прошла мимо его квартиры... 3 или 4 раза. В его окнах горел свет.
Come to the window. And meanwhile, there are passing by...
Тем временем проходят...
At least leave by the door, not the window.
Уходи через дверь, а не через окно.
And you suggest he came in by the window.
The window's upper and lower parts are separated by a floor.
Верхняя и нижняя части окна разделены перекрытием.
By the way, have you noticed that window?
Кстати, ты не обращал внимания на окно?
# Drift by the window
Джоан Кроуфорд
Therefore, the train had been roaring by the old man's window a full ten seconds before the body hit the floor.
Следовательно, поезд грохотал мимо окон все десять секунд, а лишь потом был звук падения тела.
It was thrown from the window of the aircraft by the pilot, who reports that when the bomb hit the ground, it detonated with amazing force.
Пилот, выбросивший бомбу из окна самолета, сообщил, что она сдетонировала от удара о землю и взрыв был ужасной силы.
First I talked business with Mr. Foresi then I walked around a bit, met a few people, whose names I can't remember and then I was sitting by the window. I'll tell you everything.
Я расскажу все.
By the window at the Meletti, we've lost Cherè and gained Fedora.
У окна "Мелетти" - мы потеряли Кере и получили Федору.
I looked out the window... and there he was, driving by in his car.
Я выглянула в окно и увидела ЕГО. За рулем машины.
I was almost outside hanging from the window when two old ladies passed by and shouted
Я был уже почти снаружи... Висел, держась за оконную раму... когда две старухи, проходившие мимо, закричали :
And by your own admission, you observed and photographed the entire operation... from a hotel window no closer than a block away?
По вашему же признанию вы явились свидетелем операции и даже фотографировали всё это из окна отеля.
Through the window, by Fantomas.
Похитили через окно!
And this car goes by, and this little boy sticks his head out the window... and he says, "Hey, old fisherman!"
Его догоняет автомобиль. Из окна высовывается голова мальчишки... и он кричит : "Эй, старый рыбак!"
He then left by an open window in the front, ran down the path, and finally eluded his pursuers by a quick dash over the church meadow.
Затем он выскочил в открытое окно в прихожей, пробежал вниз по тропинке И, наконец, ускользнул от преследователей, сделав быстрый рывок по церковному лугу.
You see a curtain rail in the tiny window of a haberdasher's, which your eye is suddenly caught by, you continue on your way, you are inaccessible, like a tree, like a shop window, like a rat.
Ты видишь карниз в окошке галантерейного магазина, на который упал твой взгляд. Ты продолжаешь свой путь, ты неприступен, как дерево, как витрина, как крыса.
I think that Ekrem was killed and thrown away from the window by a more powerful person.
Я думаю, что Экрема сначала убили, а затем выбросили из окна кто-то, очень сильный.
A young man, reportedly angered by a local television blackout of a sports event, jumped from the tenth-story window of his apartment.
ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ПРОДЮСЕР - ДЖЕЙ ПАРСЛИ Молодой человек, смотревший спортивные соревнования,
by the way 9822
by the sea 31
by the end of the week 21
by the end 42
by the power vested in me 31
by the grace of god 46
by then 159
by the river 32
by the sound of it 17
by the looks of it 63
by the sea 31
by the end of the week 21
by the end 42
by the power vested in me 31
by the grace of god 46
by then 159
by the river 32
by the sound of it 17
by the looks of it 63
by the 56
by the time you read this 25
by the end of the day 31
by the by 46
by the book 43
by the year 20
by the look of it 40
by the door 20
by the time i got there 34
by the time i was 17
by the time you read this 25
by the end of the day 31
by the by 46
by the book 43
by the year 20
by the look of it 40
by the door 20
by the time i got there 34
by the time i was 17
by the looks of things 18
the window 97
the windows 34
windows 96
window 114
by this time 33
by that time 70
by this time tomorrow 31
by that logic 19
by that 36
the window 97
the windows 34
windows 96
window 114
by this time 33
by that time 70
by this time tomorrow 31
by that logic 19
by that 36