We had a traduction Russe
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We had a deal- - we agreed that this would be a no-phone zone, right?
Мы же договаривались... решили, что это будет зона без телефонов, да?
We had a lot in common :
У нас много общего :
We had a lot of good nights here, you know?
Тут было проведено немало славных ночей.
We had a short window.
У нас был небольшой шанс.
But don't do it because we had a deal.
Но не делай этого из-за нашей сделки.
I know we had a deal, but I can't...
Я знаю, у нас уговор, но я не могу...
But a few days ago, we had a couple failures in the lab, and that was weird.
Но пару дней назад у нас были проблемы в лаборатории, и это странно.
We had a case here 4 years ago.
Да. У нас было дело 4 года назад.
Boy, we had a blast out there today.
Да уж, мы сегодня отлично повеселились.
I always imagined that when we had a baby, it would look like me, okay?
Я всегда представлял, что когда у нас будет ребенок, он будет похож на меня.
We had a good run.
Мы вместе неплохо пробежались.
- We had a break-in.
У нас был взлом.
We, uh--we had a group Of about 20 artisanal growers Who--who processed through us,
У нас... была группа из 20 кустарных производителей, которые... передавали нам товар и затем, мы распространяли их продукт по всей стране.
We had a plan.
У нас был план.
What the fuck was that? We had a plan.
Что за хрень здесь творилась?
We had a Skype scheduled.
Мы договорились пообщаться.
So we had a young firefighter who suffered an injury while on the job.
У нас был молодой пожарный, который получил травму во время работы.
City's refusing to rezone a couple blocks in Pilsen, and it'd really tip the scale if we had a friend on the council.
Город отказывается изменить назначение земель в паре районов в Пилсене, и нам бы очень помогло, если бы у нас был свой человек в совете.
Yeah, when was the last time we had a layup?
Ага, у нас все дела "простейшие".
Hey, what if we had a girls'night?
Эй, а давайте устроим девичник?
But we all had a hand in it, even John.
Но мы все приложили к этому руку, даже Джон.
We know they had a gun.
Мы знаем, что у них было оружие.
We had no business gambling on such a thing.
Не стоило нам делать ставки на подобные вещи.
It may sound pathetic, but I thought we still had a chance.
Возможно, я выгляжу жалко, но я верила, что у нас был шанс.
If things would have been different, we'd have had a family of our own by now.
Если бы все было иначе, сейчас у нас была бы собственная семья.
Just had to fix a hole in the stomach, but we're done.
Только что залатали дыру в желудке, почти закончили.
Let me remind you that it's been weeks since we've had a tenant up there.
Позволь напомнить тебе, что уже недели прошли, с тех пор как у нас появился жилец.
Winston, sorry. Sorry, I hit some potholes, and then we got on the freeway, and then some schoolkids started throwing pencils at me, then we passed a cop, and I had to pretend to be a mannequin.
извини. и мне пришлось притвориться манекеном.
We're not sure it was a fox. Uh, it was an animal that had died in our keg room that was bigger than a cat but smaller than a big dog...
что это лиса. но меньше большой собаки...
We had no proof that she was aware of the account until a couple weeks ago, when she withdrew $ 700 to purchase a plane ticket to Hawaii.
У нас не было доказательств, что она знала про счёт до недавних пор, когда она сняла 700 $ для покупки билета на Гавайи.
- We had a deal...
- У нас сделка... М :
It's been so long since we've had a man.
- У нас так давно не было мужчины. Ж : Ж :
We were all around the table, and somehow a chair from the dining room had made its way into the kitchen.
— Мы все сидели за столом. И каким-то образом стул из столовой очутился на кухне.
The fact is we had crossed a line, yeah.
Факт в том, что мы перешли черту.
I've also been thinking... if you and I had met somewhere else, um, on an airplane or in a diner, would we still have been friends?
Еще я думала, что если мы бы познакомились в другом месте... На самолете или на ужине. Остались бы мы подругами?
We had good reason to believe this was a munitions plant.
У нас были основания полагать, что здесь делают бомбы.
We think he may have had a reaction to something.
Мы думаем, у него могла быть реакция на какой-нибудь препарат.
Oh, she didn't- - she had a partner... who is, uh, being arrested as we speak.
Она и не брала — у неё есть напарник... который будет арестован, пока мы беседуем.
We have had a coward and a fool at the helm for too long.
Довольно долго у руля был трус и дурак
We got a warrant for the materials she had tested and the results.
Мы получили ордер на материалы, которые она тестировала, и результаты.
Cardiologist is doing a TAVR, and I had a minute and figured we might grab a bite to eat.
I wish we had known about this sooner, but we'll get him right into a CAT scan.
Хотел я бы знать это раньше, но мы уже отправили его на КТ.
- We've established that the professor had a secret life.
Мы установили, что у профессора была секретная жизнь.
With Peter, we have a connection and I never had it with anybody else.
С Питером у нас связь, которой не было ни с кем до этого.
We have had a coward and a fool at the helm for too long.
У руля слишком долго был трус и дурак.
He always used to pull the old "can't work on the Sabbath" card whenever we had to bury a body.
У него вечно шаббат, когда надо закопать труп.
Would you mind if we went and had a look at your house?
Вы позволите нам осмотреть дом?
- Uh, I had to close, and yeah, so there's a pile of rags that I left, and I'll clean it up before we open.
Э, я закрывался, и... Да, не убрал с полу тряпки. И я уберу их до открытия.
Oh, yeah, and remind your mom about the time we got mani-pedis, and a smoothie, and we split an Orange Zinger, and she said that I felt like the daughter that she never had, and make it seem like I told you that at the time
И да, напомни своей маме о том как мы делали маникюр-педикюр, и смузи, и как мы делили Апельсиновый Зингер, и как она сказала, что я для нее как дочь, которой у нее никогда не было,
You're late, we lost the space, and I had to learn that our real estate agent wants to have sex with Han, but remain a... front virgin.
Ты опоздала, мы потеряли место, и я узнала, что наш агент по недвижимости хочет заняться сексом с Ханом, но остаться при этом... фронтальной девственницей.
We have heard about your pioneering work in psychology and know that you have had a great success in London with aberrant behaviour.
Мы наслышаны о ваших новаторских работах в области психологии, и знаем, что вы весьма успешно работали в Лондоне с девиантным поведением.
we had a good run 29
we had a lot of fun 17
we had a great time 50
we had a deal 523
we had a good time 40
we had a break 16
we had an argument 46
we had a falling out 16
we had a fight 118
we had a moment 19
we had a lot of fun 17
we had a great time 50
we had a deal 523
we had a good time 40
we had a break 16
we had an argument 46
we had a falling out 16
we had a fight 118
we had a moment 19
we had a plan 60
we had a date 22
we had an accident 17
we had a row 16
we had an arrangement 34
we had an appointment 22
we had a few drinks 19
we had an agreement 148
we had a drink 16
we had an understanding 18
we had a date 22
we had an accident 17
we had a row 16
we had an arrangement 34
we had an appointment 22
we had a few drinks 19
we had an agreement 148
we had a drink 16
we had an understanding 18
we had 178
we had so much fun 21
we had sex 105
we had lunch 20
we had fun 85
we had dinner 19
we had some good times 31
we had to 79
we had him 51
we had something 27
we had so much fun 21
we had sex 105
we had lunch 20
we had fun 85
we had dinner 19
we had some good times 31
we had to 79
we had him 51
we had something 27