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Zamanini traduction Anglais

28 traduction parallèle
Onlarin da zamanini caldim.
I used their time too.
Afrika zamanini Avrupa zamaniyla, hatta Asya zamaniyla karsilastiriyordu.
He contrasted African time to European time, and also to Asian time.
Zamanini sen seç.
I adore you.
Senin zamanini belirler.
It maintains you in time.
Sana zamanini söylerim- -
I'll tell you when- -
Barbara'yi atlatmak ne kadar zamanini aldi?
How long did it take you to get over Barbara?
Onun çok zamanini almis.
She says you owe her big time.
Birinci Dünya Savasi sirasinda genç bir Fransiz ögrenci zamanini Eiffel kulesinin tepesinde telsiz operatörü olarak geçirmisti.
During the First World War, a young French student spent his time at the top of the Eiffel Tower, as a radio operator.
Bulusma zamanini ayarlamislar.
Setting up a time and place to meet.
- Bence zamanini bosa harcama.
Seriously, like, don't waste your time.
Peki sence zamanini niye onlarla geçirmeyi tercih ettin?
And, and why do you think you'd rather spend time with, uh... with them?
Hafta sonlari babam, kendisinin de parasini ve zamanini gönüllü olarak harcadigi gerçekten sert kenar mahallelere götürürdü.
So, on the weekend, my dad would take me to all these... real rough ghetto areas, you know, to places where he volunteered his time and money.
- zamanini çalmadim.
- l have not wasted your time.
Zamanini nerelerde geçirdin, Big Anton?
Where did you do your time, Big Anton?
Demek isinlanma. Zamanini bosa harciyorsun.
So is that teleport, you're wasting your time.
Ben bu ülkeye gelip birsürü fedakarligi... sen zamanini erkeklerle geçiresin diye yapmadim ve müzik gruplariyla!
I didn't come to this country and make the sacrifices I made just so that you can throw it all away on boys and rock bands!
Gönderme zamanini iste.
The time you send it.
Gabe'in zamanini çalmaktansa, bu durumu ona da söylesen daha iyi olmaz mi?
Don't you think it's better to tell him the truth now, you know, rather than waste more of his time?
Zamanini bosa harciyorsun.
You're wasting your time.
Halk firlatma zamanini, tam olarak istiyor ama hukumet bu bilgiyi onlarla paylasmayi reddediyor. Daha fazla panik ortami yaratmamak icin.
They have predicted the exact location of impact, but the government is refusing to release this information to the public to avoid creating an even greater sense of panic.
Ailemin zamanini onlara gecmisteki bir yabanciyi anlatarak harcamayacagim.
I'm not gonna waste my parents'time introducing them to some future stranger.
Biliyorsun asilan adam icin ne diyorlar. Tum zamanini sicmakla gecir
You know, they say a hanging man shits himself 100 % of the time.
Biz yeriyle zamanini söyleriz.
We'll say when and where.
Ama o akilli bir adam, ve zamanini iyi degerlendirdi. Ben hastanede yari olu yatarken birkac puan kazandi.
But he's a clever guy, and he's used his time well while I was lying half-dead in hospital to win some points.
Savcilik hapishanede yer isgal etmeni veya bu durumda sistemi tikayip onlardan gerçek suçlulari yargilama zamanini çalmani istemiyor.
DA doesn't want you clogging up the jail, or this case gumming up the system, taking them away from real criminal cases.
Duymustum da zamanini bilmiyordum.
I heard he was gonna have a... - I just didn't know when.
Hayatïm, niye zamanïnï harcïyorsun?
Darling, why do you waste your time on me?
Zamanini iyi kullan.
Take your time.

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