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Çalismak traduction Anglais

97 traduction parallèle
Çalismak ¡ ç ¡ n b ¡ r bahçe nerede bulurum, söyler m ¡ s ¡ n ¡ z lütfen?
Could you please tell me where I could find a garden to work in?
Bahçen ¡ zde çalismak ¡ ster ¡ m.
I would like to work in your garden.
Ama korkarim, böyle b ¡ r dönemde... geç ¡ c ¡ çözümler üretmeye çalismak oldukça tehl ¡ kel ¡ olur Sayin Baskan.
But I think, Mr. President, that it is very dangerous to play around with temporary measures at a time like this.
Dinle, su an tam da duymak isteyecegin birsey ama 26 sayfamiz var. Acaba bazi replikleri beraber çalismak için bana gelir misin diyecektim.
Listen, I know this is exactly what you want to hear now but we've got 26 pages, and I was wondering if you could come over and run some lines with me tonight.
Bu gümüsi sis altinda Afrika'yi tanimaya çalismak, tropikal hamallarin biraz baygin ugraslarinda mücadeleyi tanimak kadar zor olabilir.
It may be as difficult to recognize Africa in this leaden fog as it is to recognize struggle in the rather dull activity of tropical longshoremen.
çalismak, üretmek, dagitmak, savas sonrasi bezginligi atlatmak, iktidarin ve ayricaliklarin cazibeleriyle bas etmek.
to work, to produce, to distribute, to overcome postwar exhaustion, temptations of power and privilege.
Sicak, kaynar kahveyi suratinin tam ortasina. Bu, aptal mankenlerle çalismak gibi birsey.
I swear, this is like working with a contestant from The Price Is Right.
Kimin yalanci kimin dürüst oldugunu... anlamaya çalismak nasildir bilirsin.
You know what it's like... trying to weed out the liars from the honest men.
Seninle çok uzun zaman çalismak isterim.
I look forward to working with you for a very long time.
Benim için çalismak istedigini mi söylemistin?
So you say you wanna work for me?
Göreviniz tabaklarla dolu bir tepsi ile masalarin etrafinda dökmeden, dagitmadan çalismak.
Okay. Work your way around the tables with a tray full of dishes... without spilling or dropping anything.
Umm Lauren dün sorun oldugumu biliyorum ama sadece..... seninle çalismak güzeldi.Bilirsin sen bana söylemem gereken seyi söylüyordun, bende tekrarliyordum.
Hey, Lauren, I know I was a problem yesterday. But I wanted to say, it was cool working together. You telling me the right thing, me saying it.
Okyanusun ortasinda teknesiz kalmisken çapayi kurtarmaya çalismak gibi bir sey bu.
It's kind of like saving an anchor when you're stuck without a boat in the middle of the ocean.
inandirmaya çalismak degil. Yardim edebilir.
it's not make-believe.She can help.
- Bu adamla çalismak zorundaysam, sen de kalmalisin.
- If I have to work on this man, so do you.
John Seever'in yaninda çalismak için Columbia'dan sonra gitmistim.
I moved there after columbia to study under john seever.
Ama 100 sene önce, atomlarin gerçek olduklarini kanitlamaya çalismak bosa zaman harcamak sayiliyordu.
But 100 years ago, arguing atoms were real was considered by most to be a waste of time.
Aslinda, çalismak için basvurmustum.
Actually, I'd like an application for employment.
Sürekli anneni görmezden gelmeye çalismak senin için zor olmali.
Must be pretty hard for you, trying to avoid your mom all the time.
Bakin, ne hissettigimi anlatmaya çalismak benim için hep çok zor olmustur.
It's always been very difficult for me, trying to describe what I'm feeling.
Seninle Washington'da yüz yüze çalismak için sabirsizlaniyorum.
I look forward to working face-to-face with you in Washington.
Hayvan bakimi için çalismak istiyorum.
I want to work looking after animals.
Istersen, seninle üzerinde calïsmak isterim.
I'd like to work on it with you if you're willing.
Tek basimiza basarmaya calismak.
Trying to make a go of it alone.
- Çikamaz misin? - O çalismak istiyor.
- You can't make it?
Ve Mr. Goethe'yle calismak zorundayim.
And I have to work with Mr. Goethe.
Calismak seni ozgurlestirir.
Work makes you free.
- ma calismak yasak degil.
- But working isn't forbidden.
- Calismak.
- Working.
Bir cesedi tek parca halinde kaldirmaya calismak her zaman sorundur.
You're always gonna have problems lifting a body in one piece.
Goz cikarmaya calismak yok.
No fucking about, no eye-gouging.
Work under you?
Raporlar askeri bilim adamlarinin robot fabrikasinda calismak icin kacirildiklarini soyluyor.
Reports indicate military scientists being abducted to work in robot factories.
Evliligimiz uzerinde calismak icin ayrildik.
We got separated so that we could work on the marriage.
Hicbir politikaci gercekten bizim icin calismak istemiyor.
No politician really wants to work for us.
Adamim, ben de bu insanlar benden nefret ediyor saniyordum, ama galiba o unvan artik senin. Bebek kacirmak, onu bogmaya calismak?
Man, I thought these people hated me, but I gotta hand it to you- - stealing'a baby, tryin'to drown it?
Diyorum ki, bu devirde senin gibi bir profesyonelle calismak buyuk bir sans.
I'll tell you, what a relief on these down and dirty shows to be working with a pro.
1850'li yillarda Cinli gocmenler calismak icin topraklarimiza geldiler.
In the late 1850's hundreds of Chinese immigrants - came to our shores to help work the claims.
bugun odev icin calismak zorundayim siz soyleseniz bir kelime.
I have a good word for exercise, but if not it.
nasil oluyorda... tanimadigin bir adamla icip sarhos olup yatmak ve aski bulmaya calismak mantikli oluyor?
Why... get drunk and sleep with a man you do not know as a way to find love?
Agnes, bu gece calismak ister misin?
Hey, Agnes. You wanna work tonight?
Cok calismak ancak terletir.
Hard work makes sweat.
Cok calismak kismetini acar.
Hard work will bring luck.
Bilirsin, Sen calismak icin kullanilan bir cihazsin.
You know, you're kind of a douche to work for.
Tabii en yakin akrabamiz olan Neandertaller ile çalismak her zaman hayalimizdi.
And of course always a dream was to do the Neanderthal, our closest relative.
Insanlar calismak icin özel sirketlere mi gidecekler?
Will people working in private companies go for work?
Dükkani sadece calismak istedigim icin aciyorum.
I am opening my shop only because I want to work.
Paul, seninle calismak her zaman bir zevk.
Paul, always a pleasure to work with you.
Denetlemenin temiz cikmasini o kadar istiyor ki, bir ihtimal pazarlamada calismak isteyen bir arkadasimi ise alabilir.
He wants a clean audit so badly that maybe he'd hire a friend of mine who's looking for work in marketing.
Hayir, Novice icin calismak bir isten otedir.
No, working for novice is more than a job.
hadi ona sor benim hedefim calismak ve is sahibi olmakti ve digerlerinden bagimsiz yasamak bu konuda da sana kararimi söyleyebilirim.
then it`s about her decision. let`s ask her about it. my goal was to study, get a job..

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