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And as always tradutor Espanhol

2,239 parallel translation
And as always, you're a dick.
y como siempre, tu eres un idiota.
And as always, I thank you, for your trust, and for your faith.
Y como siempre, les agradezco su confianza y su fe.
And as always, gentlemen, it has been a pleasure.
Y eso es todo, señores. Fué un placer.
We could go to a school where special doesn't always mean bad! And where the teachers don't have to moonlight as telemarketers.
Podríamos ir a una escuela donde no siempre es malo ser especial y donde los maestros no necesitan un segundo empleo en telemarketing.
And I've always been more of a gun person. You're sure as hell not a people person.
Y yo siempre he tenido predilección por las armas.
So I told him how much I missed him. and how I'd always think of him. as my best friend.
Así que le dije cuanto lo extrañaba y que ahora siempre pienso en el como mi mejor amigo
As I said, we can always have regrets, but I want to look ahead, and I like the region.
Como le dije, uno siempre puede tener remordimientos. Pero quiero mirar para adelante... Y me gusta esta región.
The goal had always been to keep the Barnes Foundation as a freestanding educational mission, not to fold the Barnes into the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and certainly not to turn the Barnes itself into an art museum.
Su meta siempre fue mantener a la Fundación Barnes y no como parte del Museo de Arte de Philadelphia ni mucho menos para convertir al Barnes en sí en un museo de arte.
'I always tell people, which is the same as creating art I think things, and they set before the people, he changed with a little luck, enriches them makes them feel something and is a'high'if it happens to hundreds of millions of people at once
– Le digo a la gente siempre, que es lo mismo que crear arte creo cosas, y se las pongo delante a la gente, y les cambia con un poco de suerte, les enriquece, les hace sentir algo
Always differentiate between the things you experience as a person or individual and you go and say,'Wow, how cool'and you tell your friends ;
Siempre diferencio entre las cosas que experimentas como persona o individuo y vas y dices,'guau, cómo mola'y vas a contárselo a tus amigos ;
There's always a right and wrong, as long as you have the choice.
Siempre hay un bien y un mal. Siempre y cuando tengas elección.
I'm deaf, dumb and blind, same as always.
Soy sordo, tonto y ciego, como siempre.
This fellow presumed, and correctly as it turned out, that the island was always moving.
Bueno, este hombre supuso, y luego resultó ser correcto que esta isla siempre estaba en movimiento.
My allegiance is now, as it has always been, to this country and its King.
Mi lealtad esta y siempre lo ha estado Con este pais y su rey.
They always write us as clowns and thugs.
Siempre nos hacen quedar como payasos y matones.
The world's changed around me and I'm still the same as I've always been.
El mundo cambió a mi alrededor y yo sigo siendo el mismo de antes.
You seem always to assume that vivisectors revel in cruelty and are liars as well.
Parece siempre asumir que los que viviseccionan se deleitan cruelmente y son mentirosos.
Well, technically it was me that arrested you, but I got arrested first, and I always kind of thought of us as a team.
Bueno, técnicamente fui yo quien te arrestó pero a mí me agarraron primero, y siempre fuimos como un equipo.
I've always thought of you as sort of a simple guy. And by "simple" I mean straightforward,
Siempre habia pensado que eras un tio corriente y con simple me refiero a directo
It's ten percent of your grade, and it's just... it'd be nice if I ended up with somebody I kind of liked as a husband. I've always found that to be helpful.
A mí siempre me ha resultado muy útil.
♪ It would end, as always, in tears ♪ And heartbreak ♪ And you can't pay the price
# acabará como siempre # # con lágrimas # # y con el corazón roto # # y no puedes pagar el precio #
But we will always have a need for humanity and as much as we expand and grow technologically, it's- -
Pero siempre necesitamos algo de humanidad y por mucho que crescamos y avancemos tecnologicamente, es- -
And as for Alberta, I'm sure that when you do get there, it'll be everything you always dreamed of.
Y en cuanto a Alberta, estoy segura de que cuando llegues allá será todo como siempre soñaste.
When he was 15, and we'd moved, and he changed schools, he made me promise that we would always be mother and son as far as the world was concerned.
Cuando tenía 15, y nos mudamos, y él cambió de escuela, me hizo prometer que siempre seríamos madre e hijo en lo que al mundo concierne.
And for me, my idea, my ideal of little Sammy as a man always goes to Detective Skywalker.
Y, para mi ideal del pequeño Sammy como hombre... Siempre va hacia el detective Skywalker. Oh, es ridículo, lo sé.
For my part I have been and always will be true to the King our sovereign Lord, as I was to his father before him.
Por mi parte, siempre he sido, y seguiré siendo, leal al Rey Nuestro soberano Señor, como lo fui con su padre antes.
She'll still be your daughter, and she'll still be my sister and we'll love her just as much as we always have.
Ella todavía va a ser tu hija, y aun va a ser mi hermana y la amaremos tanto como lo hemos hecho siempre.
Y por lo que se refiere al abrazo siempre has hecho lo que has querido, ¿ verdad?
You still think of us as lesser people sometimes and we always have to prove ourselves twice as hard.
Vosotros todavía nos tomáis por seres inferiores a veces. Y mientras nosotras tenemos que demostrarlo todo el doble de difícil.
I mean, naturally, we will not be so much together, out and about as we used to be, but then we were always inseparable and it is natural that things will be... different.
Quiero decir, naturalmente no estaremos tanto juntas, como solíamos, de un lugar a otro, pero entonces éramos inseparables y es natural que las cosas sean... diferentes.
My work as governess is done, but I will always be a friend to her and to you.
Mi trabajo como institutriz está hecho, pero siempre seré una amiga para ella, y para usted.
Come on, you're always complaining about your Floro, and he has made it as good as new.
Anda, que siempre quejándote de tu Floro y te lo ha dejado como nuevo.
And she always dressed in fine clothing, as if she was going out.
Siempre se vestía elegante, como si fuera a salir.
It is always the time for the hard truth in my life, Fred - as you well know - which is why I'm going to say it first and say it out loud.
Siempre es el momento para la dura verdad en mi vida, Fred - como bien sabes - por eso voy a decirlo yo primero y en voz alta.
And as I always say, you gotta split the pod to get the peas out.
Y como siempre digo, tienes que partir la vaina para sacar las arvejas.
Strangely, the other comes and sits always in the same place as if waiting for someone to show up.
- El mismo. Qué pena.
Amy, you never want to go out, you're always tired, and you can't think that a guy as cute and popular as B Boykewich is going to sit around every night watching you take care of Ricky Underwood's baby.
Amy, nunca quieres salir, siempre estás cansada, y no puedes pensar que un chico tan lindo y popular como Ben Boykewich se quede sentado cada noche viendo como cuidas al hijo de Ricky Underwood.
I tell him that his dad is always with him... always loves him... and I pray to God that as he gets older, Michael doesn't forget his father.
Le digo que su papá está siempre con él, que siempre le quiere, y rezo para que Michael nunca olvide a su padre.
"The ghost must be allowed to transform and be recognized by the living as what it always tried to be."
Se le debe permitir transformarse y ser reconocidos por los vivos como lo que siempre quiso ser.
It's really cool for me as a musical director because I need the artist to be hands-on and MJ is always hands-on with everything he does.
Es fantástico para mí, como director musical porque necesito que el artista participe. Michael Bearden DIRECTOR MUSICAL MJ siempre participa en todo lo que hace.
As the president, I'll take full responsibility because I represent justice. The entire universe is in need of a strong leadership, and Roboworld always does right with great heroism!
asumo toda la responsabilidad ya que represento a la Justicia. ¡ y Roboworld siempre hace lo correcto con gran heroísmo!
Leonard discovered the leak in your security code and reported it to your supervisor who, as always, passed it off to you.
Leonard había descubierto el agujero en su código de seguridad y había informado a su gerente, que, como siempre, paso a usted
And Vince said, as his father got sicker and sicker, he pulled Vince aside and told him that he had an idea for a song that he always wanted Vince to write.
Y Vince dijo que mientras su padre enfermaba más y más,... llevó a Vince aparte y le dijo que tenía una idea para una canción que siempre había querido que Vince escribiera.
and lastly dear girls, always have, as you do in life, have a smile When you do these things!
y por último, queridas señoritas, tener siempre, como lo deberán hacer en la vida, tendrán una sonrisa cuando hagan todos estos quehaceres.
I know we haven't always seen eye to eye, but I hope we can put our differences aside and work with Neven together as a team.
Sé que no siempre nos hemos mirado a los ojos pero espero que podamos hacer nuestras diferencias a un lado. Y trabajemos junto a Neven, juntos como un equipo.
As you know, i'm always happy and up.
Eres el vivo retrato de la felicidad.
I am always happy to see him, and play with him as though I were a child.
Me hace feliz verle, y jugar con él como un niño.
He may be knocked down just as much as all the rest of us, and even harder than all the rest of us, but he always can get back up, he can always find a way.
Podría ser derrotado tal como el resto de nosotros e incluso más duro que todo el resto de nosotros pero él siempre consigue apoyo, siempre encuentra una forma.
And then she went to the pub, as had always been her plan, so it seems.
Y después fue al pub, como era su plan, según parece.
But he doesn't take care of himself and is always trying to carry something heavy, as if he's still young.
Pero él no se ocupa de sí mismo y siempre está tratando de llevar algo pesado, como si aún fuera joven.
And, so they say, just as long as there's been stone and oak, there has always been evil.
Y según dicen, mientras hubo piedra y roble, siempre hubo maldad.

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