Before i came here tradutor Espanhol
537 parallel translation
Listen, men I had a drop taken before I came here and I didn't know what I was saying.
Escuchen, hombres... Tome algo antes de venir aquí y no sabía Io que decía.
I wrote a letter before I came here and if I don't get back, it's get mailed.
He dejado una carta. Si no vuelvo, será enviada.
Even before I came here. You needn't bother going to John because when you do, I won't be there, he won't know where I am.
No te molestes en verle, porque me habré marchado.
I had made up my mind before I came here.
Tomé una decisión al venir.
Before I came here I laid in solitary for six months at Saint Miguel's. There was one in my cage.
Antes de esto, estuve incomunicado 6 meses en Saint Migalles.
Before I came here.
Antes de venir para acá.
I had quite a day before I came here.
Tuve un día completo antes de venir aquí.
- I did, guv'nor, just before I came here.
Lo entregué antes de venir aquí.
before I came here. I used to watch them...
Ésa es la forma de tener una posición en esta ciudad.
I had a life before I came here.
Tengo una vida anterior a venir aquí.
She was dead before I came here.
Antes de que yo viniera.
Sometimes, before I came here, I wished I could make my mind a blank.
A veces, antes de venir, quería tener la mente en blanco.
I don't know yet everything that caused it, but I do know... that I'll be able to see life and myself differently than before I came here.
Aún no sé todo lo que lo causó, pero sí sé que podré ver mi vida y a mí misma en una forma diferente que antes.
- Phillips made that deal before I came here.
- Aún no trabajaba aquí.
I didn't think it was bad before I came here.
No pensé que era malo antes de venir aquí.
Do you know what I was, before I came here?
¿ Qué pasa, Chris? ¿ Sabes a qué me dedicaba antes?
Rice and rubies... that's about all I knew about Burma before I came here.
Arroz y rubíes... Es todo lo que sabía sobre Birmania cuando llegué aquí.
Yo vivía en una pequeña ciudad así que antes de venir aquí.
Before I came here, Siam was just that little white spot to me.
Antes de venir aquí, Siam era para mí sólo ese punto blanco.
Yes. I came here because you told me before to bring my practice script.
La otra vez me dijo que le trajera mi trabajo.
Perhaps I can best explain him to you if I tell you what he said just before you came here.
Quizá yo pueda le explicar mejor Qué él me dijo antes de usted Vine acá.
Look, Rocky, just before I came up here, the boys saw me off on the train.
Justo antes de venir, los chicos fueron a verme.
I never knew her before she came here.
La conocí cuando llegó aquí.
We got an affidavit from Shake Edwards before I came back in here.
Conseguimos una declaración de Shake Edwards.
And tonight, just before I came over here, the rat that had been getting polished rice died.
Esta noche, justo antes de venir... la rata que comió arroz refinado murió.
But it was here before I came.
Pero estaba aquí antes de que yo llegara.
Long before you came here, I knew all about you.
Mucho antes de que llegara aquí yo ya conocía todo sobre Ud.
I want to talk about it. I heard you've been seeing him a long time, even before you came here.
Oí que te ves con él desde hace mucho tiempo, incluso desde antes de venir aquí.
Before you came in here, I was worrying about Hank.
Antes estaba preocupada por Hank.
I came here once before, with the Headmaster
Vine aquí una vez antes, con el director
- Yeah, before I came here. OK.
- Antes de que yo viniera.
You'd never think she was American. But I knew her before she came over here from Milwaukee.
Nunca pensarías que es estadounidense... pero la conocía antes de que viniera aquí... desde Milwaukee.
When I came in here before they said that they took it.
Cuando estuve aquí me dijeron que la habían cogido.
I quit before I ever came in here.
Decidí irme antes de entrar aquí.
I figured all that out before I came up here.
Lo tenía todo calculado antes de venir aquí.
Pray don't trouble. I dare say I lost it at the Opera, before we came on here.
No se moleste, seguro que Io perdí en la ópera, antes de venir.
I came here day before yesterday to ask Lavery if he knew where she was.
Vine a preguntarle a Lavery si sabía dónde estaba ella.
They're here. I got them before Daddy came home.
Están aquí, las he ido a buscar antes de que papá llegara.
I'd already taken your case before I came in here
Ya acepté tu caso antes de venir.
I heard you and the gendarmes speaking before you came here.
- Le oí hablar con los gendarmes.
You're that cute Corporal that was here when I came before, aren't you?
Eres ese lindo Corporal que estaba aqui cuando vine antes, no?
- Half an hour ago, just before I came here.
- ¿ Hace cuánto?
He keeps badgering the doctor for him, but I won't budge not for a fellow like that besides I came here six months before he did
Lo quiere, y siempre se Io pide al doctor, pero no se Io cederé, no a alguien como él. Además Ilegué seis meses antes que él.
I came up here to the Beach house the night before 21st
Vine a la casa de la playa la noche antes del 21.
I loved you, Peter, Before you came here.
Ya te amaba, Peter, antes de que llegaras.
I have nothing personal against Maydew though you know him to be the son of a carpetbagger from Boston Who came here to feather his nest before you game roosters who did the fighting could get back home!
No tengo nada personal contra Maydew, aunque se sepa que es hijo de un arribista de Boston, que se estableció aquí antes de que ustedes, que estaban luchando, regresaran.
I naturally thought he would call the police from the hotel... before he came here.
Pensé que él llamaría desde el hotel antes de venir.
I never came here before.
Nunca había estado aquí.
I came here a lot of times before, but I never had fun.
Había venido muchas veces aquí, pero nunca me había divertido.
I came here to stop this killing before it went any further.
He venido a parar la matanza antes de que vaya a más.
Before you came here, I was a little frightened.
Antes de que vinieras, tenía un poco de miedo.
before i die 32
before i forget 163
before i knew it 62
before i met you 48
before i leave 41
before i go 103
before it is too late 16
before it's too late 194
before i 37
before i do 21
before i forget 163
before i knew it 62
before i met you 48
before i leave 41
before i go 103
before it is too late 16
before it's too late 194
before i 37
before i do 21
before i was born 20
before i change my mind 51
before i kill you 16
before i left 26
i came here to see you 21
i came here 75
i came here for you 23
i came here to apologize 29
i came here to help you 16
came here 26
before i change my mind 51
before i kill you 16
before i left 26
i came here to see you 21
i came here 75
i came here for you 23
i came here to apologize 29
i came here to help you 16
came here 26
before 1084
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before you know it 193
before your time 20
before you start 24
before we begin 97
before we get started 62
before you were born 34
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before you know it 193
before your time 20
before you start 24
before we begin 97
before we get started 62
before you were born 34