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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ G ] / Get away from it

Get away from it tradutor Espanhol

1,223 parallel translation
The nice thing about paradise is you've got great places to get away from it all.
Lo bueno del paraíso es que hay espléndidos lugares donde escapar.
She won't get away from it.
Yo sé. Ella es la próxima
Then this will be your big chance to get away from it all.
Entonces, será su oportunidad de abandonarlo todo.
Get away from it.
No se le acerquen.
Night and day, I can't get away from it.
Noche y día, no puedo escaparme del sentimiento.
It's a relief to come here and get away from it.
Es un alivio venir aquí.
Get away from it all. Twice!
Aléjate de todo en un viaje alrededor del mundo.
We've got to get away from it.
Tenemos que escapar de él.
Cynthia, get away from it.
Cynthia, apártate de él.
Get away from it all.
Hacer un puto viaje. largar toda esta mierda.
So, I went to a women's shelter to get away from it.
Me fui a un refugio para mujeres para alejarme...
In what 1980 comedy film did Goldie Hawn get away from it all?
¿ En qué película de 1980 Goldie Hawn se aleja de todo?
Just get away from it all.
- Aléjate - Calma, todo está bien.
To get away from it all?
¿ Para alejarse de todo?
- You're gonna break it! Get away from it!
¡ Alejate de mi, esto es mio!
You get your ass away from my door, or I'll have the police up here so fast it'll make your head spin.
O se aparta de mi puerta o llamo a la policía para que se lo lleven.
They won't get a sunrise because Mercury has one side perpetually turned toward the Sun and the other away from it.
No tienen amanecer por que Mercurio tiene un lado perpetuamente oculto del Sol y otro frente a el.
Oh, anything to get me away from the city... especially when it's to bring you the finest colt in the colony.
Le gusta salir de la ciudad. Le traje el mejor potro de la colonia.
It's nice to get away from the brewery once in a while.
Es lindo salir de la fábrica de vez en cuando.
No matter how much cologne I splashed on it, you couldn't get away from one fact : this whole crazy caper set Mack Murdock... on the track of the Maltese Cow.
Por más que se intente, la verdad no se puede ocultar toda esta historia loca pone a Mack Murdock en la búsqueda de la Vaca maltesa.
Get it away from me. lt's horrendous.
Get it away from me. LT horrendo.
Get away from the plane, it's gonna blow!
¡ Aléjense del avión! ¡ Va a explotar!
Look, I know it isn't polite for a stranger to take over a party, but you really must get away from here.
Mirad, sé que no es educado que un extraño se haga cargo de la fiesta,... pero debéis salir de aquí.
Get away from that well, I've already told you it's haunted.
Aléjate de ese pozo, ya te dije que está embrujado.
I figured it might give me a chance to get away from everyone i knew.
Supuse que me daría la oportunidad de alejarme de la gente que conocía.
Everybody tells it pretty much the same way. She had every chance in the world to get away from him, but they left together with her driving.
Todos afirman que ella ha tenido... varias oportunidades para escapar pero de todos modos sigue con él.
It'll do you good to study abroad, and I'll get away from my nagging family.
Es bueno para ti estudiar en el extranjero... y yo estaré lejos de mi odiosa familia.
Well, it's nice to get away from the fogs of Baker Street now and again.
Bueno, es agradable alejarse de las nieblas de Baker Street de vez en cuando.
It's neat, fast, clean and, best of all, it makes them want to get away from you.
Es limpio, rápido, limpio y, lo mejor de todo, que les hace querer alejarme de ti.
It's great to get away from that old sweat shop, isn't it?
Es genial salir de esa tienda sudor viejo, ¿ no?
It's time for me to get away from you and enter Creation.
Ya es hora de que me aleje de ti, y empiece una nueva vida.
I can't get away from this thing until it's over.
Cariño, no puedo quitarme esto hasta que termine.
Get it away from me.
Apártalas de mí.
He asked me if I know that for sure. And I said, "I do not know it for sure, but it is a serious possibility, because there is no record of any train going away from Auschwitz." And, usually, the offices, the registrars, where the Resistance movement had their people, would get wind of such an information, of a transport being prepared out from Auschwitz, and there was no such information.
Me entrevisté con Freddy Hirsch y le expliqué que una de las razones del traslado de su transporte al campo de cuarentena era quizás el hecho de que todos iban a ser gaseados el 7 de marzo.
And it's telling you to be sweet and pretty like you wanna be and give in to me and get away from here before your folks come back.
Y te está diciendo que seas dulce y guapa como quieres ser y ceder a mí y alejarte de aquí antes de que los tuyos regresen.
We need to get Antunnez's men away from it.
Los viejos tiempos.
It was a terrible thing to do, but I thought if we could get away from Cabot Cove - [Sighs] from Phyllis Walters -
Era terrible intentar cobrarlo. Pero pensé que así podríamos alejarnos de Cabot Cove... y de Phyllis Walter.
It was me who got you a parole to get you away from that Arkansas prison farm or you'd still be rotting there.
Yo te conseguí la libertad condicional para salir de esa cárcel de Arkansas si no aún te estarías pudriendo allí.
Then we'll sell it, get our money back... and get the hell away from each other!
Luego la venderemos, recuperaremos nuestro dinero y nos separaremos.
I just let it get away from me.
Simplemente dejé que todo se fuera diluyendo.
Why don't you and the young lady just get away from the van... and let us handle it?
¿ Por qué no se apartan de la camioneta tú y la damita... y nos dejan manejar esto?
I can imagine it must be very difficult for you to get away from your important guest.
- Me imagino que debe ser muy difícil para Ud. escaparse de su importante invitada.
I'd get far away from here, where it's safe.
Me iría bien lejos de aquí, donde estuviese a salvo.
It's important to get him far away from Dellaplane.
Es importante lograr alejarlo lo máximo de Dellaplane.
But it won't unless we can get away from your mother.
Pero eso no sucederá antes de que nos alejemos de tu madre.
It will do you good to get away from me for a little while.
Les hará bien estar lejos de mí durante un tiempo.
Get it away from me.
Que lo quiten
Here, I get it. Get away from me, Proctor.
¡ Aléjate de mí, Proctor!
It took me 15 years to get away from there.
Me llevó 15 años irme de ahí.
It took me a year to get transferred away from Lassard and his band of misfits.
Me llevó un ano zafarme de Lassard y sus inadaptados.
Get away from there, it's a snake pit.
Salte de ahí.

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