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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ G ] / Get away from that

Get away from that tradutor Espanhol

1,534 parallel translation
You get away from that.
Aléjate de eso.
Get away from that, I call that one.
Aléjate de eso. Lo reclamo.
You get away from that place, little taste of freedom changes your whole world-view.
Cuando te alejas de ese lugar, el sabor de la libertad cambia totalmente tu vision del mundo.
- Gotta get away from that noise.
- Tengo que evitar ese ruido.
No, get away from that!
¡ No, aléjense de eso!
Aléjate de esa puerta.
Get away from that window and help me with this banner.
Aléjate de esa ventana y ayúdame con este estandarte.
I can certainly understand why you wouldn't want to get away from that.
Bueno, puedo entender por qué no quieres dejarlo.
Get away from that man!
¡ Apártate de ese hombre!
All he wanted to do was be like normal folks, but he couldn't get away from that damn rep.
Lo único que queria era ser como la gente normal pero no podia escapar de esa maldita reputación.
All right? Get away from that window!
Alejaros de esa ventana.
I must get away from that.
Debo escapar de eso.
- Get away from that hatch.
- ¡ Aléjate de la escotilla!
Personally, I don't think he's broken, I think he killed himself to get away from that family.
Personalmente, no creo que esté roto, creo que se ha suicidado para escapar de esa familia.
Would you get that gun away from him? .
¿ Puedes quitarle esa arma?
Sponges are animals, but they're rooted to the bottom and can't get away from something that's trying to eat them or grow over them, so they produce chemicals to ward off predators or other encroaching sponges,
Las esponjas son animales, pero están arraigadas al fondo y no pueden huir de algo que está tratando de comérselas o de crecer sobre ellas, entonces producen químicos para alejar a los depredadores u otras esponjas invasoras.
Man, get that car the fuck away from here... you understand?
Llévense ese auto lejos de aquí, ¿ entienden?
Dude, get that away from me.
Aleja eso de mí.
It's knowing that every time you get behind the wheel of a car... you're only a tree away from ending the empty charade... that your life has become.
Es saber que cada vez que estás tras el volante de un auto estás a un árbol de acabar el juego vacío que es tu vida.
But, goddamn it, you better get that son-of-a-bitch fuckin'money,'cause this is a good piece of business, and I'm not gonna walk away from it.
¡ Pero más vale que obtengas el maldito dinero! Este es un buen negocio y no lo voy a abandonar.
Get that away from here!
¡ Saca eso de aquí! Sí, señor.
She's the one who took Lucy away from you... so it's time that you get your own lawyer now.
Ella es quien te saco a Lucy... Es tiempo que consigas tu propio abogado.
That's why you need to get away from this silly old meteor.
Por eso necesitas alejarte de este viejo y tonto meteoro.
Now that she's inherited, she intends to get away from here for a time.
Ahora que ella ha heredado ella intenta irse de aquí por un tiempo.
Peter, get away from me with that.
- Peter, aléjate de mí.
All he needs is a change of pace, a new crowd... and to get away from the nut job... that unfortunately is my sister.
Todo lo que necesita es un cambio de ritmo, gente nueva... y alejarse de la loca... que desafortunadamente es mi hermana.
The reason that I did this to begin with was to get away from you.
Mira, hice esto para alejarme de ti.
Get that weapon away from her.
Quítenle el arma.
Oh, you can't get away from me that easily.
Oh, no puedes deshacerte de mí tan fácilmente.
"Get away from me," that's what it's like.
Dicen, "Aléjate".
JERRI : So I knew that I needed to get away from camp. KEITH :
Entonces pensé que debía alejarme del campamento.
We can't walk away from this. We got to get that plane!
No podemos irnos. ¡ Tenemos que capturar el avión!
It's so great that you could get away from the office.
¡ Qué rico que pudiste salir de la oficina!
Somebody better get Danny away from that beaver before he fucks it - again.
Quítenle ese castor de al lado antes de que se vuelva a descontrolar.
So that was a chance for me to get away from home and also get back at them in a way.
Así que era una oportunidad para mí... de irme de mi casa... y también de vengarme de alguna forma de ellos.
Get that away from me.
Aleja eso de mí.
Oh, and get Rory away from that video and out of the house.
Oh, y aleja a Rory de ese videojuego y que salga fuera de casa
Look, we all know that you forget what the word "loyalty" means as soon as you step away from the mirror, so what do the Snakebacks get you?
Mire, todos sabemos que te olvidaste lo que la palabra "lealtad" significa tan pronto como te alejas del espejo, ¿ entonces qué te dan los Snakebacks?
But I don't let you get away from me that easily so I follow Just wait Then it gets physical I push in into that door Which flies open when I grab the handle No!
espera luego tienen un forcejeo te empujo hacia esa puerta la que se abre cuando me apoyo
Get that thing away from me.
Aparta eso de mí.
- Get away from me with that.
- No te me acerques con eso.
- Get that thing away from me.
Aleja esa cosa de mi
Get the hell away from that weapon!
¡ Aléjese de esa arma!
Something must have made you realize that you had to get away from him.
Algo la hizo darse cuenta de que tenía que huir de él.
Aleja esa mierda de mí.
And the only way to do that is to get him away from me from us.
Y la única forma de hacerlo es alejándolo de mi
I know all that stuff you said in your letter about wanting to leave Roswell and get away from it, but I know we can work everything out. [ELECTRICITY BUZZING]
Digo, recuerdo las cosas que dijiste en tu carta... sobre querer dejar Roswell y alejarte y todo eso... pero sé que podemos arreglar las cosas.
Now, that really would be a tragedy. One you and I will not walk away from, so you get in there and you stop him.
Eso sí que sería una tragedia, de la que ni tú ni yo nos salvaríamos, así que entra allí y detenle.
I need your help, Red. I gotta get Donna away from that guy.
Necesito tu ayuda, Rojo Tengo que Donna lejos de ese tipo..
But these old motorcycles... They can get away from you, like that.
Puedes perder así las viejas motocicletas.
Not that I'd steal you away from even one minute of retirement, but I gotta get another viewpoint on this case from someone who was there.
No es que quiera robarte ni un minuto de tu jubilación, pero quiero tener otro punto de vista en este caso de alguien que estuvo allí.

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