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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ G ] / Get away from us

Get away from us tradutor Espanhol

386 parallel translation
He won't get away from us this time.
No se nos escapará esta vez.
Don't let him get away from us, catch him!
¡ Que no se escape, atrápenlo!
I don't think she'll get away from us.
No creo que se nos escape.
Do you think we'd let a man of your experience get away from us?
¿ Cree que nosotros dejaríamos partir a alquien tan experimentado?
We can't let them get away from us.
No podemos dejar que nos lo quiten.
The big brain wants to get away from us common people.
El gran cerebro se quiere alejar de nosotros, la gente común.
Oh, we can't let this get away from us.
Esto no lo podemos dejar escapar.
One or two of them is bound to get away from us.
- No se quedarán todos.
- For the last time, get away from us.
- Por última vez, déjanos en paz.
It's not their fault. We are so handsome... they couldn't get away from us.
Somos tan guapos que no querían dejarnos.
You can't get away from us!
¡ No pueden escapar de nosotros!
She won't get away from us...
- ¡ No va a escaparse!
They won't get away from us!
¡ No deben escapar de nosotros!
He was trying to get away from us, and be independent, make his own life.
Quería alejarse de nosotros, ser independiente, ganarse la vida solo.
There is no way they can get away from us.
No hay forma de que puedan escapar.
Get away from us if you don't wanna get hit!
¡ Aléjate de nosotros si no quieres ser golpeado!
They can't get away from us.
No pueden escapar de nosotros.
Who says so? Get away from that train and let us on or somebody's gonna get hurt, see.
¡ Déjennos montar o habrá jaleo!
So nobody else would get him away from us.
Para que nadie pudiera llevárselo.
Perhaps Durrance did get away and sent this fellow... to give us some hope of escape from this hell.
Tal vez Durrance envió a ese tipo para ayudarnos a escapar.
Get away from that door, and leave us alone.
Aléjate de la puerta, déjanos.
But I don't see how he can get us away from here, Anna.
Pero no veo como puede sacarnos de aquí.
I'm not. There's talk some fellow may try to get Corbeau away from us.
Todos somos ciegos para ciertas cosas.
Miss Wonderly wants us to find the sister, get her away from him and back home.
La Srta. Wonderly quiere encontrarla y llevarla de vuelta a casa.
Please give it up. Perhaps we'll be able to find some way to get away from all of this. The two of us.
Por favor, entrégalo, tal vez así podamos encontrar una forma de alejarnos, los dos solos.
You should have known better, steve, than to try to get away from us.
Creía que sabías que era inútil huir.
Oh, but there is. We've got to get away from here, both of us.
Sí podemos, tenemos que salir de aquí los dos.
We can get as far away from here as trains could carry us.
Marchémonos lejos
Wicked women get our husbands away from us, but they always come back.
Esas malas mujeres nos quitan a los maridos. Pero siempre vuelven.
What's to prevent us from floating around like a bunch of balloons once we get away from Earth's gravity?
¿ Qué impedirá que flotemos como globos cuando ya no haya gravedad?
You know, I was thinking that if you went along with them and we didn't see each other until after you got back... I just thought that it would give us a week to get away from each other and just kind of think things over.
Estaba pensando que si te vas con ellos y no nos volvemos a ver hasta que regreses... eso nos daría una semana de libertad mutua.
You drive us two days and nights to get away from Apaches.
Llevamos dos días y dos noches huyendo de los apaches.
Or maybe she took off to get away from both of us.
O quizás se fue para librarse de nosotros dos.
Out in the hills, try to figure how else to get you away from us.
En las colinas, pensará en cómo apartarla de nosotros.
And that rendez-vous at the Caffé Robilante? - Was it to get us away from here?
¿ Y la famosa cita en el café Robilante?
You'll arrange a method to get us away from here without attracting attention.
Pensarás un modo de sacarnos de aquí sin llamar la atención.
Just get him away from London and these young painters, then between us, we'll persuade him to spend the wonderful summer in Greece.
¡ Apártalo de Londres y de sus jóvenes pintores! Le convenceremos para que pase un maravilloso verano en Grecia.
I wanted us both to get away from Nomoto.
Yo quería que viviéramos juntos.
If one man - just one man - can stick his wife in the goop from the gloppetta-gloppetta machine and get away with it, oh, boy, we have got it made, all of us!
Si un hombre, un solo hombre, puede meter a su mujer en el emplasto de la máquina que hace glopeta-glopeta y salirse con la suya... ¡ Tenemos todos la vida resuelta!
It's mine. Now get out of here and keep away from us!
¡ Salga y manténgase lejos de nosotros!
Arthur. I want you to light out of that window right there and shinny down the rain pipe. and get on my horse and get the hell and gone away from us and your old man as far as you can get.
Arthur, quiero que salgas por esa ventana y te deslices por el canalón y cojas mi caballo y te largues lejos de nosotros y de tu viejo, tan lejos como puedas.
Stalin's death allowed us to get partially away from our provincial theories. To recognise and know the existence of others aside from us and seeing this exterior, begin to see ourselves better. To know the place we occupy in the knowledge and ignorance of Marxism and then begin to know ourselves.
La muerte de Stalin nos permitió..... salir de nuestro provincianismo teórico, conocer los que existen fuera de nosotros y empezar a vernos desde fuera, conocer nuestro lugar en el conocimiento y en la ignorancia del marxismo.
Get a load of us, we are from far away.
Tomen una muestra de nosotros, somos de muy lejos.
Oh I'll be glad to get away from here. Can you not land us in a nice civilised place like 1750?
Oh, estaré encantado de salir de aquí. ¿ No somos de la tierra en un lugar civilizado agradable como 1750?
What? Well, that's the object of the exercise, to get us away from the monastery.
Bueno, ese es el objetivo del ejercicio, que nos fuésemos del monasterio.
Eh? The TARDIS is trying to warn us to get away from here to somewhere more pleasant.
La TARDIS está tratando de advertirnos para que vayamos a algún lugar más agradable.
I can't get an accurate fix on the Defiant, but I know it's drifting away from us.
No consigo fijar la Defiant con precisión, pero sé que se aleja de nosotros.
We've got to get away from here, all of us.
Tenemos que irnos de aquí, todos nosotros.
Railroad took it away from us, we gotta get it back.
El Ferrocarril nos lo quitó, nosotros lo recuperaremos.
Reverse engines and get us away from that beam.
Dé marcha atrás y aléjenos de ese rayo.
We were able to get Thomas's camper fixed long enough to get us back to the ferry and away from that nightmare for good.
Pudimos arreglar el remolque de Thomas antes de volver al ferry y huir para siempre de esa pesadilla,

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