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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ G ] / Get away from him

Get away from him tradutor Espanhol

1,268 parallel translation
Get away from him!
¡ Déjalo!
Get away from him or I'II kill you.
Aléjate o te mato.
Get away from him quick!
¡ Aléjate de él rápido!
- ROGUE : Y'all get away from him...
- Aléjense de él...
Get away from him, cowboy!
¡ Aléjate de él, vaquero!
Get away from him!
Alejate de el!
The police report said that... she tried to get away from him.
El reporte policiaco dice eso... Ella trato de escapar de él.
Get away from him!
Aléjate de él.
Get away from him!
¡ Apártese de él!
I just had to get away from him.
Sólo tengo que alejarme de él.
And Finn was trying to get away from him.
Y Finn estaba intentando huir de él.
Get away from him.
¡ Aléjense de él!
Just get away from him and come home with me.
Deshazte de éste y vente a casa conmigo.
Get away from him.
Sal de aquí.
- Get away from him!
- ¡ No te le acerques!
- Come on! - Just get away from him, man!
¡ No te le acerques!
- Rita, get away from him!
- Rita, ¡ apártate de él!
Get away from him.
Aléjate de él.
Get away from him!
- ¡ Esperen!
Get away from him!
Largo de aquí.
Get away from him!
¡ Aléjate de él!
Get away from him.
¡ Vamos, dale!
Hey, hey, hey! Get away from him, you lousy rag picker.
¡ Aléjate de ahí, maldito ladrón!
Take Jenny and get away from him while you still can.
Coja a Jenny y aléjela de él mientras pueda.
I couldn't get away from him.
No pude escaparme de él.
I ran to get away from him.
Salí corriendo para alejarme de él.
Get away from him!
- Apártese de él.
- Get away from him, Ass-Fuck Twins!
- Déjenlo, Mellizas Culos Jodidos.
- ( lggy ) Get away from him.
- Apártate de él.
She locks herself in here, to get away from him, and writes...
Ella se esconde aquí, y escribe su nombre en el espejo.
Better... Better get away from him.
Será mejor... que te apartes del perro.
Iris, I agree. lt was wrong to keep you away from your son all those years, but don't try to control him now just to get even with me.
Iris, estoy de acuerdo. Estuvo mal que yo te alejara de tu hijo tantos años pero no intentes controlarlo ahora solo para vengarte de mí.
I see him holding onto her, and her screaming to get away from her.
Que él estaba encima de ella, y ella gritaba que la dejara.
Get the cane away from him.
Quiténle el bastón.
Well, it's the only way we could get him away from his TV,
- Para apartar a éste de la tele.
You understand, I knew Harry was lying, saying this wasn't any good but holding on to it like, man, you'd have to break his fingers to get it away from him.
Sabía que Harry mentía al decir que era malo. Por otro lado lo retenía tanto que sólo rompiéndole el brazo lo hubiera soltado.
Paikuhan, I'm going to get him away from here.
Paikuhan, me lo voy a llevar lejos de aquí.
I always tried to get Joe away from him musically.
Siempre he tratado de alejarlo a Joe de él musicalmente.
Took a lot of strong nylon cord to get her away from him, because she was a fighter as well as being a Georgia peach.
Me costó quitársela porque ella era una luchadora, además de una muñeca.
Get him away from me, will ya?
- ¡ Déjame!
So I have found a way to get him away from here and back to Narn.
Así que he encontrado un modo para enviarlo lejos de aquí y de regreso a Narn.
Faking the kidnapping was the only way Tarlus could get me away from him...
Fingir el secuestro era la única forma en que Tarlus podía alejarme de él...
-... to get her away from him. - Sounds like something I'd do.
-... para sacársela.
If we could just get him away from that prat.
Si sólo pudiéramos alejarle de ese imbécil.
He got turned away from University because they couldn't get him soon enough..
No lo admitieron en Emergencias de la Universidad. No pudieron atenderlo.
Get away from him.
- Aléjate de él.
Get him away from me!
� Ap � rtale de m �!
Ira, get him away from the door. What?
- AIejaIo de Ia puerta.
Get him away from the door!
¿ Como? AIejaIo de Ia puerta.
- Get him away from me.
- Llévenselo.
- Tell him to get away from my butt.
- Dile que no me toque el trasero.

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