I'll try to tradutor Espanhol
5,157 parallel translation
I'll try to hold off anyone who comes after you.
Intentaré mantener a raya a todo el que intente ir a por ti.
I'll try to intercept.
Trataré de interceptarlo.
I'll try to see if I can sleep like a stone right through the night.
Trataré de dormir como una piedra toda la noche.
I'll try to read it all.
Intentaré acabarlo.
And when I get nervous, I spill stuff, and I try to sound smart, and use big words, like "bartinous," and I'll talk about how bartinous the wine is.
Y cuando me pongo nervioso, derramo cosas, y trato de parecer listo, y uso grandes palabras, como "bartinuo", y hablo sobre lo bartinuo que está el vino.
I'll try to find out about NF13.
Trataré de investigar sobre el NF13.
I'll try to pull myself together.
Voy a tratar de mantenernos juntos.
- I'll try to find it.
- Voy a tratar de encontrarlo.
There are lots of bookings but I'll try to get free.
Hay un montón de reservaciones pero intentaré salirme.
I guess I'll try to finish my young adult novel.
Supongo que intentaré acabar mi novela para jóvenes y adultos.
I'll try to make this a painless process.
Intentaré hacer el proceso indoloro.
I'll try not to step on her toes.
Intentaré no pisarla.
So I'll work for this petrochemical-whatever-the-frig, and when they're gone, we'll try something else, because it's worth it to save this harbour.
Así que trabajaré para esa recicladora como se llame, y cuando se vayan, probaremos con otra cosa, porque vale la pena salvar este puerto.
I'll try to find the leaves to clean the wound.
Traeré las hojas para limpiar la herida.
If you try to force me, I'll jump into the river.
Si intentas obligarme, me tiraré al río.
I'll try not to let it affect my work.
Me esforzaré en que no afecte a mi trabajo.
I'll try to sell them.
Voy a tratar de venderlas.
Ask questions and I'll try to answer them.
Hágame preguntas y se las responderé.
I'll file the same injunctive relief motion we talked about to try and prevent you from having to pay and I won't ask your for any more money from you for me.
voy a presentar el mismo movimiento de socorro cautelares que hablamos Para tratar de evitar que de tener que pagar y no voy a pedir a su para cualquier más dinero de usted para mí
- I'll try to leave out the part about you breaking into that house with a baseball bat.
- Voy a tratar de dejar de lado la parte sobre usted irrumpir en esa casa con un bate de béisbol.
Well, I'll try to give y'all something good to look at.
Bueno, trataré que tengas algo bueno a lo que mirar.
I'll try to find a school that will take a chance on me.
¿ Qué harás? Intentaré encontrar una escuela que quiera darme una oportunidad.
Mm, I'll try to find time for you.
Intentaré encontrar tiempo para ti.
I can't promise you much, but I'll try to be nice.
No te puedo prometer mucho, pero voy a tratar de ser agradable.
I'll try not to have sex all over the place.
Voy a intertara no tener sexo por todo el lugar.
I'll try my best to be there.
Lo intentaré.
I'll try to make this a painless process.
Intentaré hacerlo un proceso indoloro.
I'll never try to hold you back again.
Yo nunca trataré de retenerte otra vez.
I'll try to get it back before you're out.
Intentaré recuperarlo antes de que salgas.
There's this new vegan place I've been dying to try, and it'll be my treat since you helped me move.
Hay un nuevo lugar vegano que he estado muriendo por probar, y que va a ser mi regalo por ayudar a mudarme.
Sorry. I'll try and talk to him.
Intentaré hablar con él.
I heard that some kids are so afraid of getting picked for the Games that they'll actually try to get disqualified by injuring or maiming themselves.
He escuchado que algunos niños estan tan asustados de ser elegidos para los juegos que trataran de ser descalificados hiriendose y mutilandose asi mismos.
Well, I'll try to talk to him.
Como si fuera lo único que importa. Bueno, trataré de hablar con él.
I'll try not to pester you, but if you could...
Trato de no incomodarte, pero si pudieras...
- Calm down, take Phillip home, and I'll try to find him something in that.
- Howard. - Cálmate, llévate a Phillip a casa y trataré de hallarle algo en ella.
I'll try to return during winter vacation.
Yo voy a intentar volver durante las vacaciones de invierno.
And I said, I don't know but I'll try to find her.
Y dije que no sabía, pero que trataría de encontrarla.
- I'll try to behave myself.
- Voy a tratar de comportarme.
I'll stick around and try to find her.
Yo me quedo y tratar de encontrarla.
Well, I'll just try to stay in the moment, help him cope with the emotions he'll be cycling through.
Bueno, yo intentaría mantenerme en el momento, ayudarlo a frontar las emociones del ciclo que atravesará.
The more they try to stop us, the madder I'll be.
Cuanto más traten de pararnos, más loca me pondré.
I think he'll try to kill me.
Creo que él intentará matarme.
The more they try to stop us, the madder I'll be.
Cuanto más traten de detenernos, más loca me volveré.
I'll try to remember that when I Wipe his ass.
Intentaré recordar eso cuando me limpie el trasero.
I'll try to remember that.
Voy a tratar de recordar eso.
That was really nice, Mom, to try to protect me like that, but Grace loves me, and I love her, and I don't think we'll ever break up.
Fue muy bonito, mamá, tratar de protegerme de esa forma, pero Grace me ama y yo la amo, y no creo que alguna vez nos separemos.
I'll have to try it out sometime.
Tendré que probarlo alguna vez.
I'll try to get there with Senada if the sister-in-law will give us her insurance card.
Voy a tratar de llevar a Senada si su cuñada nos da su tarjeta de seguro.
I'll try to lock the windows downstairs.
Voy a tratar de bloquear las ventanas de la planta baja.
Don't try to suck up to me just so that I'll do what you want.
No me hagas la pelota... sólo para que haga lo que quieres.
I'll talk to the judge and try and find out exactly what's going on and how we should proceed.
Hablaré con el juez e intentaré saber exactamente qué pasa y cómo deberíamos proceder.
i'll try to remember that 19
i'll try that 24
i'll try my best 46
i'll try harder 24
i'll try again 49
i'll try 867
i'll try not to 35
i'll try it 54
i'll try anything 18
try to keep up 60
i'll try that 24
i'll try my best 46
i'll try harder 24
i'll try again 49
i'll try 867
i'll try not to 35
i'll try it 54
i'll try anything 18
try to keep up 60
try to understand 163
try to stay calm 47
try to get some rest 25
try to get some sleep 40
try to understand me 17
try to relax 119
try to 36
try to remember 95
try to calm down 25
try to sleep 39
try to stay calm 47
try to get some rest 25
try to get some sleep 40
try to understand me 17
try to relax 119
try to 36
try to remember 95
try to calm down 25
try to sleep 39
try to breathe 17
tomas 217
touche 95
toto 177
toes 106
to infinity and beyond 21
toma 39
tomo 54
today is my birthday 30
tone 191
tomas 217
touche 95
toto 177
toes 106
to infinity and beyond 21
toma 39
tomo 54
today is my birthday 30
tone 191