Perhaps we could tradutor Espanhol
950 parallel translation
Perhaps we could use some old Schnapps.
Podríamos probar con aguardiente viejo.
Perhaps we could.
¡ A lo mejor sí!
- Perhaps we could both go the same way.
- Podemos ir en la misma vía.
Let's you and I take a long taxi ride out Van Cortland Way. Perhaps we could exchange secrets.
Demos un largo paseo en taxi por Courtlongway, y quizá podamos intercambiar secretos.
Perhaps we could be happy together.
Quizás seríamos felices juntos.
Tal vez podríamos compartir esa responsabilidad.
Perhaps we could persuade him to go, Would you like that?
- Quizá podamos convencerlo de ir. ¿ Te gustaría?
Your Majesty, perhaps we could proceed with the coronation... if you were assured no harm would come to this lad.
Majestad, quizás podríamos continuar con la coronación... si se os asegura que no caerá ningún mal sobre este muchacho.
Perhaps we could have a hand or two of poker when you come back.
Quizá podríamos jugar unas manos de póker al regreso.
I admire him and I came out to see if perhaps we could find a life together.
Lo admiro y pensé que quizá podríamos encontrar una vida juntos.
- Though perhaps we could talk about it.
- Pero podemos hablarlo.
Perhaps we could drop you somewhere.
Quizá podamos dejarla en algún sitio.
Perhaps we could follow it together?
¿ Podríamos seguirlo juntos?
Perhaps we could discuss our regrets together over a bottle of champagne.
Quizá podamos discutir nuestros pesares juntos con una botella de champán.
Why not? Perhaps we could borrow some.
- Nos los podrían prestar.
Now, gentlemen, perhaps we could sit down with Mr. Tarzan and talk it over.
Caballeros, a lo mejor podemos dialogar con el Sr. Tarzán.
Perhaps we could get a little time together later. You can tell me all about your plans.
Quizá podamos pasarla juntos luego y me cuentas tus planes.
Since fortune has brought us together perhaps we could have a word in private?
Ya que el azar nos ha reunido, ¿ podríamos conversar en privado?
Perhaps we could get her to act in our play.
Tal vez pudiera actuar en nuestra obra.
Perhaps we could come back and see you some other time, Mrs. Forrest.
Quizá podemos regresar a verla en otra ocasión, señora Forrest.
If we could afford cod-liver oil for our dogs... perhaps we could get ourselves a little bit of beef once in a while.
Si pudiéramos permitirnos eso para nuestros perros, quizá podríamos comer ternera de vez en cuando.
Though, it still seems kind of flat. Perhaps we could add some flashing clouds...
Me sigue pareciendo un poco pobre, podríamos añadir unas luces intermitentes.
Perhaps we could.
Tal ves podríamos.
Perhaps we could go to Paris sometime, couldn't we?
Quizá podríamos ir juntos a París alguna vez, ¿ no te parece?
- Well... If Mr. Vidocq doesn't mind, perhaps we could stop at the carousel.
Si al Sr. Vidocq no le importa, podríamos parar en el tiovivo.
Because I thought that you, with your training, could help to explain some of these things and together perhaps we could do something to avert what I'm seeing. - Do what?
Porque pensé que usted, con su práctica, podría ayudarme a explicar estos fenómenos, y juntos, quizá pudiésemos hacer algo para evitar lo que vi.
If Sir would like, perhaps we could travel a little way together.
Si vuecencia está de acuerdo, podríamos cabalgar un rato juntos.
So perhaps we could have a few words.
Quería decirle unas palabras...
And perhaps we could have had a perfect marriage.
Con el tiempo hasta hubiéramos sido un matrimonio perfecto.
Perhaps we could write to one of those who went to America or to Australia, to see if they could find him some work.
Puede escribir a alguien de los que fueron a América o Australia, para ver si pueden encontrarle... algún trabajo.
Perhaps we could take care of both possibilities with a wide deployment.
Quizá podríamos ocuparnos de ambas posibilidades con más despliegue.
Yes, perhaps we could make some arrangements with him for later.
Sí, quizás podría llegar a un acuerdo con él.
I know everybody's in a terrible rush this morning but I thought perhaps we could have a few words together.
Todo el mundo tiene mucha prisa esta mañana pero he pensado que podríamos hablar un rato.
Well, perhaps tomorrow night we could have dinner together.
Bueno, quizás mañana por la noche podríamos cenar juntos.
Well, perhaps then we could have tea tomorrow afternoon.
Entonces podríamos tomar el té por la tarde.
Quizás podríamos cerrarlos.
We could cancel perhaps.
Quizás podríamos cancelar
Well, we could send her away, perhaps to America, it's...
Podríamos enviarla a América. - ¿ Dejarla libre?
I thought perhaps today maybe we could -
Pensé que quizá hoy podríamos...
So we thought you wouldn't mind if we looked around, just to see if we could sort of find a baby that perhaps you hadn't noticed.
Así que pensamos que no le importaría si echábamos un vistazo, sólo para ver si podríamos encontrar una especie de bebé que quizá usted hubiera pasado por alto.
Perhaps if we give'em a good shaking up, we could get away in the car ourselves.
Tal vez, si les damos duro podriamos escapar en el carro nosotros mismos.
Could we perhaps have a little light?
¿ Sería posible tener un poco de luz?
Perhaps if we could speak to your grandfather about it...
Quizá si pudiéramos hablar con su abuelo...
We thought perhaps you could tell us what Mary and Carmel were really like.
Pensamos que quizá usted podría contarnos cómo eran realmente Mary y Carmel.
We could go away, you and I, perhaps to the New World, to Mexico.
Tú y yo podríamos irnos, quizá al Nuevo Mundo, a México.
Perhaps if we could get one of our own agents into that beauty contest.
Tal vez si introdujéramos a una agente en el concurso de belleza...
Perhaps, if Mr Lowell and Mr Kent wouldn't mind we could just spend a few moments in quiet meditation while they telephone
Tal vez, si al Sr. Lowell y al Sr. Kent no les importa, podríamos esperar tranquilamente mientras llaman por teléfono.
Yes, I thought perhaps if we could step into the library... we might have our little business talk now.
Sí, pensé que, si hablábamos en la biblioteca, podríamos tratar unos negocios.
Well, we could plan it more discreetly, perhaps.
Bueno, quizá podamos planearlo con mayor discreción.
Perhaps if we could...
Tal vez, si pudiéramos...
Perhaps we're at fault, too, thinking that one man could stand up alone against a band of thieves and murderers.
Quizás nosotros también tengamos la culpa. Pensamos que un hombre solo podría oponerse a una pandilla de ladrones y asesinos.
perhaps we should 21
we could be friends 20
we could talk 32
we couldn't 74
we could 507
we could go together 21
we could use your help 27
we could go out 21
we could have 35
we could go 26
we could be friends 20
we could talk 32
we couldn't 74
we could 507
we could go together 21
we could use your help 27
we could go out 21
we could have 35
we could go 26
we could do it together 19
we could be 27
we could do it 23
we could use that 17
we could just 32
we could do that 105
we could do this 17
we could try 39
could 243
couldn't 72
we could be 27
we could do it 23
we could use that 17
we could just 32
we could do that 105
we could do this 17
we could try 39
could 243
couldn't 72
could you give me a hand 26
could you say that again 20
couldn't agree more 58
could you repeat that 46
couldn't be better 98
could i ask you something 32
could you do it 21
could you do me a favor 94
couldn't have done it without you 30
could be more 16
could you say that again 20
couldn't agree more 58
could you repeat that 46
couldn't be better 98
could i ask you something 32
could you do it 21
could you do me a favor 94
couldn't have done it without you 30
could be more 16