Take them all tradutor Espanhol
1,697 parallel translation
All we gotta do is get our hands on one stunner. I can take them all.
Lo único que tenemos que hacer es poner nuestras manos en un aturdidor yo puedo ocuparme de todos.
God can't take them all.
Dios no puede llevarlos todos.
He can't take them all and leave me! He can't take them all and leave me!
No puede llevarlos todos y dejarme solo.
Let's take them all home.
Nos la llevamos a casa.
I'll take them all down, Amy, I promise, just please don't push me away.
Las quitaré todas, Amy. Te lo prometo. Pero por favor no me hagas a un lado.
Take them all off!
¡ Quítenselas todos!
Take them all to Garhi, and also these women.
Llevenlos todos a Gari... Estas mujeres, también,
- What? - To take them all in one go.
- Para llevarlos de una vez.
You and you, take them all into custody including Mr. Manning. CURTIS :
Usted y usted,... llévenlos a todos y póngalos en custodia incluyendo al Sr. Manning.
We'll take them all.
Vamos a llevarnos todos.
Should I just take them all?
¿ Debería llevármelo todo?
Trying to take all the unworkable workings and put them in jail.
Intentando llevar a todos los incorregibles a la cárcel.
I take the blame for all of them... if it'll help get Nathan into High Flyers.
Me culpare por toda, pero deja a Nathan entrar en los High Flyers.
I'm saying the FBI can take all the credit for capturing these assholes, but you'll turn custody of them over to the department of defense immediately.
Digo que el FBI puede tomarse todo el crédito por capturar a estos idiotas pero cederán la custodia de ellos al departamento de defensa inmediatamente.
All we have to do is bury the ZPM in that tomb, let them find it, and maybe our future selves won't have to take on this mission.
Todo lo que tenemos que hacer es enterrar el ZPM en esa tumba, dejemos que la encuentren, y quizás nuestros futuros "yo" no tengan que emprender esta misión
Take two Ha'tak and all the Al-Kesh and position them on the other side of the moon.
Llévate 2 Ha'tak y todos los Al-Kesh y posiciónate al otro lado de la luna
, We basically take all of these quarters dump them in the machine.
Ponemos todas estas monedas de 25 centavos en la máquina.
Translating them is a task so monumentally difficult, that it would take a lifetime, if indeed it could be achieved at all.
Traducirlos es una tarea monumentalmente difícil... que tomaría una vida entera, aún sin certeza de logralo.
They're all yours, take them.
Si se las quiere llevar, lléveselas.
They will have to take all their booty with them.
Ellas tienen que llevar todo su botín con ellas
Take this great power away from them and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in.
Quíteles éste poder y todas las grandes fortunas como la mía desaparecerán, y deberian todas desaparecer para que entonces este fuese un mejor y feliz mundo en el que vivir...
You let up on them, they're all gonna take advantage.
Si uno las deja hacer, ellas toman ventaja.
I figured we could put them in the trunk with the martini glasses. You just take a toothpick, put an olive in, you put it in a martini glass and all the sudden you look like a ritzy guest. You know?
Podemos llevarlas en el maletero, con la copa de martini.
Of course, that greedy bastard will smoke them all, but it's Frankie's job to take care of them.
Ese cabrón egoísta se la fumará todo... pero Frankie se encarga de cuidarlas.
I take all you have. - All of them?
- Bien, me llevo todos los que tenga.
You need to just take those words and study them and you'll be all right.
Tienes que tomar esas palabras y estudiarlas, y estarás bien.
All right, class, if a reindeer leaves Elfsburg flying west at 20 miles per hour, and another reindeer flies east travelling at 50 miles per hour, how many hours does it take for them to be 210 miles apart?
Bien, chicos. Si un reno sale del polo volando al oeste a 20... millas por hora y otro reno vuela al este volando a 50 millas por hora ¿ Cuantas horas hacen falta para que esten a 210 millas de distancia?
Today I am to take the organs of all of you... and give them... to the People's Hospital in Rio.
Hoy les extraeré órganos a todos Uds... y se los daré... al Hospital Popular de Río.
Bet you're gonna take all of them for a ride in the final.
Apuesto a que le ganarás a todos en la final.
We'd like to take in twice as many and vaccinate them which could be done all for less than five kroner a day.
Nos gustaría rescatar el doble y vacunarlos lo que podría hacerse por menos de cinco kroner por día.
Thing is, I have all these clothes from Paris and I don't have any place to wear them so I was wondering if you could take them off my hands.
El problema es que traje mucha ropa de París y no tengo dónde usarla, así que quería saber si me la podías quitar de encima.
Just give them the package and take the key... and I'll take care of the rest. All right.
Simplemente dales el paquete y tomas la llave... y yo haré el resto.
Isn't that why you take pictures of them all?
¿ No es por eso por lo que les sacas fotos?
Land them all. Take a moment.
- Que todos aterricen.
d Take these tattered boxes That used to hold your clothes d Break them down Build them back up with your bones d All you did was construct a mess d You're dead to me if love is death d You're a memory with nothing to show
Anderson y Katie Actualmente viven felices.
Take it and get them new costumes, all right?
Toma esto y conssigue nuevos trajes, ¿ de acuerdo?
You take all of them and leave from the back door.
Llevese a todos por la puerta de atras
When you put them to all together ones what ends up happening it is that they take the control in small slices, and then......
Cuando los pones a todos juntos lo que termina ocurriendo es que toman el control en pequeñas tajadas, y entonces el... el...
Well, take them then, all right?
- No tengo ninguno... - Bueno, tómalos, ¿ está bien?
All right. We're gonna have to turn around, take the fight to them.
Vamos a tener que dar la vuelta e ir a luchar con ellos.
- Take them all.
- Tómalos todos.
Take out all cellphones and pagers and drop them on the floor.
Saquen todos sus teléfonos celulares y localizadores y arrójenlos al piso.
All right, Showboat, you take Red Squadron, hit them on the right.
De acuerdo, Showboat. Agarra al escuadrón Rojo. Atácalos por la derecha.
I don't want to destroy just one Zodiac, I want to destroy them all, so that they can never take this away from me again.
No quiero destruir a un zodíaco, sino a todos para que no vuelvan a quitarme esto.
- I will take all of them.
- Me las llevaré todas.
- It would take days to search them all.
- Tomaría días registrarlos todos.
You might as well take all your valuables and put them right out on the lawn.
También podrías tomar tus objetos de valor y dejarlos afuera en el jardín.
Well, we can take Billie and Christy out before we get infected or we can do nothing, let them get The Hollow and then all of this really won't matter because then we'll be dead.
Podemos eliminar a Billie y a Christy antes de infectarnos o no hacer nada y dejarlas que cojan al Vacío y nada de eso importará porque estaremos muertas.
I'll take care of them all right.
Me ocuparé de ellas.
- And while we're at it, let's get a list of all the students who are opposed to the war, make them come to school on Saturday and take patriotism classes and monitor their e-mails and their cell-phone calls.
- Y de paso... hagamos que los que se oponen a la guerra... vengan a la escuela los sábados a clase de patriotismo... y controlemos sus emails y sus llamadas.
Take two from Jimmy Woods, he never uses them all anyway.
Toma dos de Jimmy Woods, nunca las utiliza todas. Bueno.
take them off 138
take them 308
take them out 78
take them away 101
take them back 16
take them down 41
all right 154529
alla 16
allo 105
allons 38
take them 308
take them out 78
take them away 101
take them back 16
take them down 41
all right 154529
alla 16
allo 105
allons 38
alligator 57
allan 201
ally mcbeal 31
all you need is love 37
all the world's a stage 17
allanon 32
allahu akbar 114
all alone 307
all done 358
all rise 341
allan 201
ally mcbeal 31
all you need is love 37
all the world's a stage 17
allanon 32
allahu akbar 114
all alone 307
all done 358
all rise 341
allergic 17
all right then 461
all the way up 39
all day 380
all this time 373
allah akbar 21
all of them 1505
all right then 461
all the way up 39
all day 380
all this time 373
allah akbar 21
all of them 1505