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They were close tradutor Espanhol

634 parallel translation
They were close.
Estaban cerca,
They were close to the movie theater.
Había un cine, un burdel, y todo ello en Buchenwald.
They were close by.
Estaban muy cerca.
They were close.
Eran muy unidos.
They were close. They really cared.
Se adoraban, estaban muy unidos.
Dr Salik said the power to their life-support systems was almost depleted, which could mean they were close.
Según el Dr. Salik, la energía de sus sistemas de vida artificial estaba casi agotada cuando los interceptamos, lo que podría significar que estaban muy cerca de su destino.
The first few days they passed through an empty landscape, chewing their boots to stay alive, so close to death, they were hallucinating,
Los primeros días atravesaron un paraje desolado. Para seguir vivos tuvieron que comerse sus propias botas. Alucinaban, se hallaban en el umbral de la muerte.
And I dreamed I was in a big room with a lot of doctors all around me close... and they were dressed in white, and they had me on an operating table... and they come up real, real close to me and pointed at me and said...
Soñé que estaba en un cuarto grande lleno de médicos a mi alrededor. Vestian de blanco, yyo estaba sobre la mesa de operaciones. Se me acercaron muchisimo, me señalaron y dijeron :
I didn't see them until they were pretty close.
No los vi hasta que estaban cerca.
- How close together were they?
- ¿ A qué distancia estaban?
Riccardi escaped just as the police were ready to close in on him after they received an anonymous phone call which led them to discover the murdered body of one of their men today.
Riccardi escapó justo cuando la policía estaba lista para caer sobre él después de que recibiera una llamada telefónica anónima, lo que les llevó a descubrir hoy el cuerpo asesinado de uno de sus hombres.
No, but.. they were very close you know.
No, pero... -... están muy unidos.
Yes, I think they were very close.
Sí, creo que fueron muy íntimas.
They knew how close we were.
Sabían que éramos íntimos.
But even while they were still cheering in Boston, we had to close.
Pero si bien seguían vitoreando en Boston, tuvimos que cancelar la obra.
If they were the police, surely you would have contrived to keep close to them?
Si eran de la policía, tendría que haber buscado su compañía
What makes me sick inside is that they were so close, so very close.
Lo que me pone enfermo es que ellos estaban tan cerca, tan cerca...
They were so close...
Estaban muy cerca de mí.
The statues were seen by a small number of close friends of the sculptor and remarkably fine pieces of work they were too by all account.
Las estatuas fueron vistas por un reducido número de amigos del escultor, y todos coincidieron en que eran notables obras de arte.
You know how close they were.
La echa de menos.
I mean they were too close.
¿ Qué quieres decir con eso?
I was with him once on furlough. They were pretty close.
Estaban muy unidos.
They were very close, with their arms around each other.
Estaban muy juntos, abrazados.
People who are as close as Tony and I were in life... they can't just be separated by death.
Gente tan cercana no pueden ser separados sin más en la muerte.
When I came back, for this was brief I found them close together at blow and thrust even as again they were when you yourself did part them.
Cuando volví, breve fue mi ausencia, les encontré sumidos en la pelea, así como vos les visteis antes de separarles.
So I walk into the Tunel, they were just about to close.
Entonces entré al Tunel, que estaba a punto de cerrar.
They were very close together.
Iba pegado a él.
They were very close.
- Eran muy amigos.
You see, he used to be very close to the Führer, and then he saw the changes and where they were leading.
Verá, él solía ser muy cercano al Führer pero después, vio los cambios y hacia dónde se dirigían.
- You see, from where they were, let's say 2 30,000 miles out in space, their conventional missiles couldn't deliver the bomb, so they had to come in close.
- Ya ves, desde donde estaban, digamos a 230.000 millas en el espacio, sus misiles convencionales no pueden llevar la bomba, por lo que tuvieron que acercarse.
They were very close, their hearts and souls together.
Eran muy unidos, compartían el alma y el corazón.
- I thought they were just a close family.
- Pensé que eran muy unidos.
- They were very close.
- Estaban muy unidos.
I got close enough to listen, and I found out that they were offering a reward to anyone for bale of cotton.
- Me acerqué para oír y averigüé... que están ofreciendo una recompensa por un fardo de algodón.
So close were we, they at us, our flag boats were within gunshot of each other, but durstn't fire, lest we wasted precious powder.
Estuvimos tan cerca de ellos, y ellos de nosotros, nuestros barcos de la bandera estaban cerca del tiro uno del otro. Pero no disparamos, para no desperdiciar polvo precioso.
Well, they all worked for him at some time, and judging by the correspondence here, were fairly close associates.
Todos han trabajado para él alguna vez. Y juzgando por esta correspondencia, estaban estrechamente asociados.
It had groupings of troops that they had been congregated in a "V" in Indiana line to the measure that they were come close to the water. Clearly that many of the soldiers they left with water for the neck e went up for the hunting-mines that they were come close.
Multitud de soldados se acercaban en fila, en una especie de formación en V hasta llegar al borde del agua muchos de estos soldados se adentraban en el mar con el agua hasta el cuello para luego saltar a los dragaminas
All the dirt you were told about me! They didn't tell you that your father and I were very close.
Quien le haya informado, olvidó decirle que su padre y yo estábamos muy unidos.
He's very upset, they were very close.
Está destrozado, estaban muy unidos.
And they were trained to fly in close formation.
Y estaban entrenados para volar en cerradas formaciones.
Passed a bit vi that the lights they were being come close.
Después de un rato vi las luces se acercaban.
To close this gap they were necessary aircraft carriers of escort.
Para cerrar esta brecha se requiere escolta de portaaviones.
They were killed by somebody close to us.
Se los cargó alguien próximo a nosotros.
He said that you were being tough on the negotiations, but if they could get a little help and close the deal fast it would be good for the family.
Dijo que tú eras difícil de roer en las negociaciones, pero que si echaba una mano y se cerraba el trato sería bueno para la familia.
I guess they were very close.
Supongo que eran muy cercanos.
I seem to remember stories that at one time they were pretty close.
Ellos tenían alguna historia donde ellos fuerán mas que amigos
She was Seymour Love's friend. They were very close.
- ¡ He oído que hay una chica nueva en la escena!
They were very close, I think.
Creo que estaban muy unidos.
They were discovered by their manager,'Leggy Mountbatten'in a lunchtime disco very close to these streets.
Los descubrió Leggy Mountbatten en una discoteca que duró lo mismo.
It just seemed that they were very close and that I was left out.
Se les veía muy unidos y yo me sentía excluida.
They were so close.
Estaban muy unidos.

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