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They were friends tradutor Espanhol

1,172 parallel translation
They were friends.
Eran amigos.
They were friends of mine a long time ago.
Fueron mis amigos hace mucho tiempo. ¿ Los conociste?
You said they were friends, Guajiro, but there ain't no friends in this shit business.
Dijiste que eran amigos, Guajiro, pero no hay amigos en este negocio de mierda.
That they were friends, and... that I look like her.
Que eran amigos, y... que se parece mucho a mí.
He told me they were friends of his.
Me dijo que eran amigos suyos.
She said they were friends.
Ella dijo que eran amigos.
The friends did as they were asked.
Los amigos hicieron lo que se les pidió.
Rumour and innuendo notwithstanding, they were just good friends.
A pesar de los rumores, sólo eran buenas amigas.
They were his friends.
Eran sus amigos.
Were they friends, enemies or what?
¿ Eran amigos, enemigos o qué?
I thought that they were my friends.
Pensé que eran mis amigos.
You went on about those insects, just like they were old friends of yours.
Te referiste a esos insectos, como si fueran viejos amigos tuyos.
I was over at Freddy's, his friends were over there, they were having a wake and...
Fui a casa de Freddie y sus amigos estaban ahí después del funeral. Y...
♪ How true ♪ Were the friends who were near me to cheer me ♪ Believe me they knew but you
Cuánta razón tenían los amigos quedándose cerca para animarme.
They were talking like old friends.
Hablaban como viejos amigos.
- They were all family and friends.
Todos eran parientes y amigos.
I thought they were just good friends.
Pensé que sólo eran buenos amigos.
They were both born in Germany, so they'll be instant best friends?
Porque ambos nacieron en Alemania, van a hacerse amigos?
.. they are such staunch enemies like they were never friends.
.. Son enemigos tan acérrimos como que nunca fueron amigos.
- They were best friends, that's all.
- Eran las mejores amigas.
She didn't want them to know. They were her smart friends.
No quiso que ellos lo supieran, eran sus amigos pijos.
Do you know if they were close friends?
¿ Sabe si eran amigos íntimos?
They were with Shaun and Walter for a few weeks... and they became friends.
¿ Un poema al año? Uno por cada verano que viajamos juntos.
You can cross the whole island 1 to 5 minutes. , They became friends two people... called Eddie and Eulie. While they were there?
Insistió en que fuera yo el verano pasado.
Pat and Beau They were old friends... and Nat was one of her? is of Wingnut.
Dice que presentaba heridas de una caída.
They were sitting right there, our friends.
Estaban allí sentados, nuestros amigos.
Very close friends, they all were.
Con amor, Matt Eran muy buenos amigos.
Even if they were more than just friends, gigolos steal, they don't kill.
Aún si fueran algo más que amigos los gigolós roban, no matan.
I know for a fact that when she was a he, before she got this new body, they were old friends.
Sé de buena fuente que cuando ella era él antes de lograr ese nuevo cuerpo, eran viejos amigos.
They were all my friends.
Eran todos mis amigos.
But they were loyal friends.
Se trataba de amigos fieles.
If they asked if you were good friends, I'd say "lifelong friends".
Si preguntaran si eran buenos amigos, diría : "amigos de toda la vida".
Cobb and his friends were well known for booze and sex parties... they had in the off-season.
Cobb y sus amigos eran famosos por las fiestas de alcohol y sexo... que tenían fuera de temporada.
They were my friends.
Eran mis amigos.
My family, my husband's family, friends, they were all at our apartment waiting to welcome her.
Mi familia, la familia de mi esposo, mis amigos estaban en nuestro apartamento esperando para recibirla.
Before the museum, I went to the railroad tracks with my friends and they were putting pennies on the tracks and watching them get squished but I didn't do that, because you told me never to waste money.
Antes del Museo, Fui a las vías del ferrocarril con mis amigos y estaban poniendo monedas en las vias para verlas aplastándose pero no hice eso, porque me dijiste que nunca desperdicie dinero.
You want us to believe that they were best friends and alone for eight years and they never even talked about it?
¿ Mejores amigas y solas durante ocho años y nunca hablaron sobre eso?
Chalky... they were my friends.
Ellos eran mis amigos.
They were not allowed to see Christian friends anymore.
No se les permitió ver Amigos cristianos más.
A week later, they were joined by their friends the van Pelses.
se les unieron por parte de sus amigos de la furgoneta Pelses.
Once, man, they were friends.
Hacia tiempo, eramos amigos.
I'm wondering, were they thinking this guy's an idiot to blow a quarter on his friends?
Seguro que al comérselo pensaban... "Mira, un idiota que invita".
And they were best friends.
Y eran buenísimos amigos.
You know, they were "Here's my friends"... but someone throws 500,000 in their face... and they're like, "Huh? We didn't have a contract."
tu sabes, eran "mis amigos"... pero alguien les tiró 500,000 en sus caras... y ellos inmediatamente, " Huh?
You had people who were in bands... because they want to be in bands... who started record labels... because they liked their friends'bands... and they wanted to put out a record.
tenias gente que estaba en las bandas... porque querian estarlo... los que empezaron los sellos discográficos... era porque les gustaban las bandas de sus amigos... y querian registrarlas en una grabación.
God keep me from false friends! But they were none.
De amigos falsos sí, mas no de ellos.
Jesus went to see his friends that day. They were scared. They thought he was a ghost.
Aquel mismo día, Jesús apareció ante sus amigos, y ellos se asustaron porque creían que era un fantasma.
He had some friends who were over there... and they are having some serious adjustment problems too.
El tuvo amigos que fueron allá... y también tienen problemas adaptándose.
Enough to know that they were good friends.
Sé que eran buenos amigos.
Didn't they always have a bunch of people around and they were all best friends?
¿ No tenían siempre un montón de gente alrededor y eran todos grandes amigos?
you asked your friends to call you back if they were coming tonight.
Ud. le pidió a sus amigos que los llamaran si decidían venir esta noche.

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