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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ T ] / They were good

They were good tradutor Espanhol

1,527 parallel translation
- Yeah, they were good people.
Eran buenas personas. Qué desorden.
- They were good, right?
- Están buenas, ¿ no?
I guess they were good workers.
Supongo que eran buenos trabajadores.
- They were good.
Muy buenas.
They were good Oatholics.
Eran buenos católicos.
If they were good enough to get married in... they're good enough to ride this old girl in and no...
Si sirvió para casarme, sirve para correr en moto.
- They were good enough for your dad.
- Eran buenos para su padre.
They were good men
Eran buenos hombres
The Aztecs loved human sacrifice and they were good at it.
los aztecas amaban el sacrificio humano y eran buenos para ello.
He said they were good luck.
Decía que daban suerte.
They were good enough to fax this over.
Han sido lo suficientemente buenos como para enviar esto por fax.
ROB M. : I thought they were pretty good.
Pienso que estuvieron bien.
Benedict just couldn't keep a good thing like this to himself and soon there were lots of other would-be hermits joining him so they could not enjoy themselves in solitude together in the company of the great man.
Benedicto no podía guardarse algo tan bueno como esto para sí mismo, y pronto hubo muchos otros aspirantes a ermitaños uniéndose a él para poder no divertirse en soledad todos juntos en compañía del gran hombre.
for technological transfer within that group is very, very good and so we know they were competent engineers and so I'm sure that they were at the forefront of technology.
la transferencia tecnológica en ese grupo era muy muy buena. También sabemos que eran ingenieros competentes y estoy seguro de que estaban a la vanguardia de la tecnología.
If the news was good they were to put out flags. Both white and black.
Si las noticias son buenas tienen que arriar estandartes negros y blancos.
There were many, many singers who were good... but they couldn't focus their attention on anybody.
Había muchos, muchísimo cantantes buenos pero no podían centrar su atención en nadie.
They were really good.
Eran realmente buenos.
Yeah, they were pretty good.
- Sí, son muy buenos. No importa.
I told you they were up to no good.
Te dije que algo se traía.
You know, we can sit and think about what strange insecurities they were trying to overcome. But it made them feel good as men.
Podemos sentarnos a pensar en que clase de... inseguridades extrañas estaban tratando de superar pero los hacía sentir bien como hombres.
They were so good at their acting that they convinced corporate America that they were smarter than anyone else.
Actuaban tan bien que convencieron a la América Corporativa... que eran mas inteligentes que nadie mas.
Were they good?
Estaban buenos?
They were in a good mood so they agreed.
Estaban de buen humor y aceptaron.
They were all good bits.
Fueron todos buenos momentos.
I'm sorry! They were so good people.
Eran tan buenas personas.
and I could only come up with two reasons neither of them very good. What were they?
Y... quizás porque sabía que no debía hacerlo.
They were having too good a time. ( Screaming )
Se lo estaban pasando pipa.
There just were good, you know... and it was great because no one could understand what they were saying... you know, it sounded like about mashed potatoes or something, I remember.
Ellos eran buenos... y era genial porque nadie entendía de qué estaban hablando. Parecía ser algo sobre puré de papas o algo así.
So if they beat four minutes, then I'm gonna say, "Yeah, they were listening real good."
Si lo hacen en cuatro minutos, diré : "Sí, estaban prestando atención".
If you do not think any good They were all killed
¡ Porque Dios reconoce a los suyos!
And they were so good, and they were just working for so little money and without any condition of fairness whatsoever with their compensation and their working conditions.
Eran muy amables, buenos y trabajaban por poco dinero. y en condiciones nada favorables a nivel de salarios y de condiciones laborables.
If you hear of anything. You know, um, on the application it has references and I wanted to know if you were cool with me giving your number as a reference? And if they call, you just say I'm playing football for you and I'm doing good and stuff.
si oye algo... y tambien, sobre las solicitudes de trabajo, está la parte de las referencias... y quería saber si... estaba muy bien, si el número que le di como referencia, y si la llamada... si pudiese decir que juego al fútbol para usted y que... estoy yendo bien
They were really good.
Estaban muy buenas.
I heard they were really good.
He oído que eran muy buenos.
I heard they were really good.
Dicen que son buenos.
So they were up to no good.
No estaban para nada bueno.
They all were, and so are you, unless you've got a good explanation on why we've been hauled down here.
Todos son así, Denos una explicación de por qué estamos retenidas aquí.
Neal and Morgan were good friends since they were kids.
Neal y Morgan eran buenos amigos desde que eran niños.
This time they were naked, and I saw everything. She kept saying things like, "Ooh, touch me there, that feels good." It was a bad touch. Shh...
Esta vez estaban desnudos y lo ví todo.Seguían diciendo cosas como.. "Ooh, tócame ahí........ Qué bueno es eso." Eran toques malos.
And the clothes John was re-dressed in were way too big. So... there's a good chance they belong to "Mr. 1.75 to 1".
La ropa que vestía John le quedaba grande, así que es posible que perteneciera al "Sr. 1,75 a 1".
With good and evil people knew what they were dying for.
Si, pero al final con el bien o el mal, la gente sabía por lo que morían.
- The good news is it seems like they were all filmed in the same space. It could be some sort of home base for him?
- La buena noticia es que parece que todas fueron filmadas en el mismo lugar el cual podría ser una especie de hogar-base para él.
Those two old ducks were as good as gold, but... they could do nothing.
Esos dos viejos patos eran buenos como el oro, pero no pudieron hacer nada.
The good thing about hanging out with nerds was they were happy to hang out with anybody.
Lo bueno de juntarse con los nerds era que estaban felices de juntarse con cualquiera.
They were really good.
- Se portaron muy bien.
They were really good, though.
Pero estaban muy ricas.
Once, I sprained my pecs lifting a birdbath, and they were no good to me ever again.
Una vez forcé mis pectorales levantando un peso y no me respondieron más.
Good puritans, they were led by the humble Reverend Ezekiel.
Buenos puritanos, fueron conducidos por el humilde reverendo Ezekiel.
They're good, but they were out of their weight class.
Son buenas, pero fueron puestas a un lado.
They were sitting at the kitchen table I kissed them good-bye left for work
Estaban sentadas en la mesa de la cocina. Las besé, me despedí y me fui al trabajo.
I seem to recall your saying that about only one case once before, but, if you remember, they were not good days for you,
Parece que te recuerdo diciendo lo mismo en un caso anterior pero, si te acuerdas, no fueron buenos días para ti...

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