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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ T ] / They were gone

They were gone tradutor Espanhol

763 parallel translation
During dinner I went to my room, and they were gone.
Durante la cena fui a mi habitación y no estaban.
And they were gone, with a change of wind
Llegaron allí y desaparecieron cuando cambió el viento.
And while they were arguing about it I went up to the bar to order a drink and when I came back here they were gone.
Y mientras lo discutían yo fui a la barra a pedir otra copa y cuando volví, ya no estaban.
- I just thought I'd drop by and tell you that they were gone from the apartment by the time we got there. But, that... Lorna Murchison's all right.
Ellos ya no estaban en el apartamento, pero la Srta. Murchison está viva.
When I woke up they were gone.
Cuando me desperté ya no estaban.
They were gone for a week in the countryside and I was quietly staying on my own.
Ellos se habían ido esa semana al campo... y yo estaba tranquilamente descansando.
I waited until they were gone.
Esperaba que se fueran.
How should I know, they were here and, suddenly, they were gone.
Yo qué sé, estaban aquí todos y de repente ya no los he visto.
The following morning they were gone.
A la mañana siguiente había desaparecido.
Then as swiftly as they had come, they were gone.
Entonces tan rápido como llegaron, se fueron.
Then I went home, but when I got there they were gone.
Entonces me fui a casa, pero cuando llegué ya se los habían llevado.
- Since I knew they were gone...
- Como sabía que no estaban en casa. - ¿ Quiénes son?
- In the morning they were gone.
- Por la mañana estaban todos muertos.
But when I looked, they were gone.
Pero cuando miré, habían desaparecido.
The minute I looked at the things directly, they were gone.
Ni bien lo miré de frente, desapareció.
We hid, then they were gone.
Nos ocultamos y luego se fueron.
While they were gone, we got Mississippi into my room.
Mientras lo hacían, metimos a Mississippi en mi cuarto.
- They were gone.
- No estaba.
Better watch out, Mom and Dad are back They know you were gone all night.
Mejor que tengas cuidado, mamá y papá han vuelto y saben que has estado fuera toda la noche
They were at it when I came, and they'll be at it after I've gone.
Se estaban disparando cuando llegué y se estarán disparando cuando me vaya.
And the snow, the wolves and the terrible cold, they were all gone.
Es una mujer asombrosa, ¿ no? Asombrosa es decir poco. Bueno, ¿ consiguió que pararan la guerra?
I told them in New York you were an inexperienced jerk, but they seem to have gone crazy.
Dije a los jefes de Nueva York que eras una inútil e inexperta.
They were all gone.
Se me había quitado.
They stayed on and on but all that they had and all that they were that's all gone with the wind and the dust.
Allí se quedaron año tras año aunque todo lo que poseían y todo lo que eran se lo habían llevado el polvo y el viento.
You were to have gone with the Wing Commander, Mr. Manning, but I happen to be rejoining my outfit not far from your own destination, so they asked me to bring you down from London.
Debía irse con el Teniente Coronel, Sr. Manning... pero me reuniré con mi equipo no lejos de su destino... y por eso me pidieron que lo lleve.
When there was a chance of invasion they were keen enough Now the immediate danger of invasion has gone the keenness has gone, too.
Cuando esperaban la invasión, ponían más ardor.
They were in Crailsheim, right near here, but they've gone.
Estaban en Crailsheim, muy cerca de aquí, pero se fueron.
They were green, they had a ray gun, and that fence was gone.
Eran verdes, tenían pistola de rayos, y la valla desapareció.
And bye and bye, he raised himself up... And they were ALL gone.
Cuando se volvió a incorporar, vio que todos habían desaparecido.
There were horses, thoroughbreds, they had gone completely mad.
Había caballos, purasangres, que se habían vuelto locos.
... when I went into the church at 9, the chickens were here and when I came out again at 11, they'd gone.
Al entrar en la iglesia, a las 21 : 00, los pollos estaban aquí. Y, a las 23 : 00, al salir, ya no estaban.
They've gone without water since you were struck by the snake.
Llevan sin beber desde que te mordió la serpiente.
They're gone. You were dreaming.
- Se fueron, lo soñaste.
The war slowed down during the winter but the troops still marched with heavy cartridge boxes bulging under their capes as though they were six months gone with child.
La guerra había ido más despacio en invierno pero las tropas aún marchaban con sus pesadas cajas de cartuchos sobresaliendo debajo de sus capas...
They'd slip in a new cog and within an hour, nobody would know you were gone.
Colocarían un nuevo engranaje y nadie sabría que ya no estás.
They went in there yesterday morning while you were gone.
Entraron ayer por la mañana cuando no estaba.
We could have gone to the black and white separations but they did not fit together, were dirty and grainy and we lost the highlights in Jimmy's eyes and things like that.
Podríamos haber ido a las separaciones en blanco y negro, pero no encajaban, estaban sucias y granulosas y perdíamos el brillo en los ojos de Jimmy y cosas así.
We'd have gone right through it, and I'd never know they were there.
Habríamos pasado por ellas y yo nunca me habría dado cuenta.
They were all gone next morning, just as though nothing at all had happened.
A la mañana siguiente se habían ido, como si nada hubiera pasado.
- And his men? They were all gone.
- ¿ Y sus hombres?
They weren't gone, they were still there, with their eternal snows
No eran de otros tiempos,
But when you rode out of here two years ago, they thought your guns were gone for good.
Sin embargo, cuando te había ido hace dos años Se encontraron con que tus armas se habían ido para siempre.
After you had gone, the young ladies approached me - they were looking for him.
Después de irse usted las chicas vinieron, le estaban buscando.
I'm going to explain : the civilians thought we were viets So they gone.
Voy a explicárselo : los civiles pensaron que éramos viets y se han largado.
Before they started saying that I bring bad luck, at least five thousand people had gone to bed with me and they were all satisfied, all happy.
Antes de que dijeran que traía mala suerte, al menos cinco mil hombres pasaron por mi cama. ¡ Y todos satisfechos, todos contentos!
We should have gone home in'47 when they all went... but we were so sure.
Deberíamos de haber vuelto a casa en el 47 cuando se fueron todos... pero nos sentíamos tan seguros.
When the waters were gone, they invaded our cities.
Cuando desaparecieron las aguas, invadieron nuestras ciudades.
Anyway, if that were true the trial wouldn't have gone so smoothly. It's harassment. What did they say?
Es acoso. ¿ Qué decía?
But for you, they wouldn't even know you were gone.
Pero por ti, ellos ni siquieran sabrian que te has ido.
Both outposts gone and the asteroids they were constructed on pulverised.
Ambos puestos desaparecidos y los asteroides que los albergaban pulverizados.
It was like a magnesium flare, then there was nothing. They were both gone.
Fue como una llamarada de magnesio y después, nada.

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