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They were lovers tradutor Espanhol

138 parallel translation
Certainly they were lovers and not ashamed to admit it.
¡ Claro que eran amantes! No les avergüenza reconocerlo.
- Yes, they were lovers.
- Sí, fueron amantes.
They were lovers, right?
¿ Fueron amantes, correcto?
.. they were lovers. Everyone knew that they were lovers.
Eran amantes, todos lo sabían que eran amantes.
They were lovers.
Estaban enamorados.
She thought they were lovers.
Los tomaron por una pareja.
The police report states that they were lovers.
Siempre según la policía, ambos eran amantes.
But anybody who knew they were lovers would take the body there to make him look guilty.
Cualquiera que conociera su romance pudo haber puesto el cuerpo allí para incriminarlo.
Your wife and your friend, they were lovers.
Tu esposa y tu amigo eran amantes.
They were lovers, Eric.
Ellos eran amantes, Eric.
They... they were lovers. They... they tried to kill my Alan.
Intentaron matar a mi Alan.
They were lovers before Pooky showed up.
Eran amantes hasta que apareció Pichurri.
I remember plotting one evening to pay him back for his frequent mischief and naughtiness and teasing by having Setsuko Hara, the actress he was so fond of, sit next to him at the table as though they were lovers.
Recuerdo que una vez para devolverle sus frecuentes bromas, travesuras y maldades hicimos que Setsuko Hara, la actriz que tanto le gustaba, se sentase a su lado en la mesa como si fuesen amantes.
- They were lovers before he left.
- Eran amantes antes de que se fuera.
They were lovers, you see.
Eran amantes, ¿ sabe?
If they were lovers, that would explain why she covered up for him, wouldn't it?
Si eran amantes, eso explicaría, por qué ella lo encubriría, ¿ no?
- They were lovers.
- Eran amantes.
They were lovers.
- ¿ Y eran amantes? - Eran amantes.
He said he knew my mother, that they were lovers.
Dijo que conoció a mi madre, que eran amantes.
I think he'd tell the truth. - The truth being they were lovers.
¿ Qué hay del terapeuta de la víctima?
They were lovers.
Eran amantes.
They were lovers in their past, despair fills their present but this is their future.
Eran amantes en el pasado, la desesperación es su presente y esto es su futuro.
And you wouldn't understand why if you just look at the new testament, but in lots of forbidden and heretical texts, it's spelled out that they were lovers.
Y... este... uno no entenderнa por quй si sуlo lee el Nuevo Testamento... pero en muchos textos teуricos prohibidos... queda claro que eran amantes.
That explains why they were worried that his story came to light ...... and the fact that they were lovers in college?
- ¡ Lyral... por su reciente divorcio y porque fueron amantes en la universidad?
Oh, that's not a surprise, they were lovers.
No me sorprende. Eran amantes.
So obviously, they were lovers who were planning to kill the sultan, - and steal the Arabian emerald.
Obviamente, eran amantes que planeaban matar al sultán,
They're very dull, most of them, and neglected but you'll always find someone there gazing over the relics of queens who were true lovers.
La mayoría son muy aburridos y descuidados pero siempre encontrará a alguien ahí viendo las reliquias de reinas que fueron verdaderas amantes.
Down by the lake, lovers dream to a song Like they were doing when Grandma was young
"Cerca del lago, los enamorados sueñan arrullados por melodías que escuchaban sus abuelos cuando eran jóvenes."
It was said of her great-grandmother... that the only cabinet members who weren't her lovers... were those who had reason to believe they might be her father.
Se dice de su bisabuela... que los únicos miembros de su gabinete que no eran sus amantes... eran aquellos de los que había motivos para creer que podrían ser su padre.
Johnny Ringo and Katie Were lovers, they say.
Johnny Ringo y Katie fueron amantes, dicen ellos.
They were the unknown lovers.
Eran los amantes desconocidos.
They were lovers.
Bonnie y Clyde... eran amantes.
You know, they thought we were lovers, you and I.
Sabes, ellos pensaron que eramos amantes.
The combat in which they were engaged was more like a lovers'quarrel.
Su lucha se parecía más a una riña entre amantes.
As soon as the lovers were freed it became obvious that they were interested in nothing but their own love.
En cuanto los amantes fueron liberados, quedó demostrado que lo único que les interesaba era su amor.
We cut the throats of twenty-seven couples of lovers, while they were making love.
Cortamos las gargantas de veintisiete parejas de amantes, mientras estaban haciendo el amor.
Were they lovers?
¿ Eran amantes?
They were lovers, Lieutenant.
Eran amantes, teniente.
They were secret lovers.
Eran amantes secretos.
- How do you like that! - They were lovers?
¿ Qué te parece eso?
The lovers killed in a plane crash while they were fucking.
Los amantes a los que la muerte...
Perhaps they were words shared by lovers.
Quizás son palabras compartidas por amantes.
If they can establish that the client and the victim were lovers, it may allow them to point suspicion at the husband.
Si pueden establecer que el cliente y la victima son amantes... entonces podrían apuntar la sospecha hacia el esposo. ¿ Pueden establecer eso?
The fact is, while the police and the prosecution were maintaining rape, while they summarily dismissed the notion of my client and the victim being lovers, they were.
Él... cometió... un asesinato. El hecho es que mientras la policía y la fiscalía sostenían la violación... mientras sumariamente desestimaban la idea... de que mi cliente y la víctima eran amantes, lo eran.
¿ Eran amantes?
Miranda admitted they were somewhere between friends and lovers... somewhere between Manhattan and the Hamptons.
Miranda admitió estar en algún lugar entre amiga y amante... en algún lugar entre Manhattan y Hamptons.
So they were lovers?
¿ Así que eran amantes?
Perhaps in a ritual, sacred sex sense, almost certainly, but were they also in an ordinary sense lovers?
Quizб en un sentido sexual, ritual, sagrado... casi seguro, їpero eran tambiйn amantes en el sentido comъn?
They said tables were covered with sin with lovers wine.
Decían que las mesas estaban cubiertas de pecado con vino para los amantes.
And the fact that they were lovers in college?
- Esta entrevista se acabó.
They say the music teacher and her were lovers.
Dicen que la profesora de música y ella eran amantes.

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