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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ T ] / They were great

They were great tradutor Espanhol

692 parallel translation
I wish they were great big yellow roses.
Me habría gustado que fueran rosas.
They were great heroes!
- La última galleta fue compartida.
They were great.
¡ Son fantásticos!
They were great times.
Eran buenos tiempos.
You thought they were great till you met this Hamlet.
Te gustaban, hasta que conociste a Hamlet.
They were great friends.
Eran grandes amigos.
They were great together, Mr Staples.
Formaron una pareja sagrada.
- Did you like the socks? - They were great.
- ¿ Qué te parecieron los calcetines?
They were great!
¡ Eran una maravilla!
They were great men.
Eran grandes hombres.
They were great columns.
Eran columnas geniales.
- They were great seats.
Sí, muy buenos asientos.
Though Cortes was pretending to be the ambassador of a great king, he couldn't respond in kind and as gifts to the Aztecs, he scraped up a chair, some trinkets and a velvet cap which their ambassador accepted, though he looked at them as if they were excrement!
Aunque Cortés fingía ser el embajador de un gran rey, lo cierto es que no podía responder de la misma manera. y como regalos a los Aztecas, reunió a duras penas una silla, algunas baratijas y una prenda de terciopelo, que el embajador aceptó, aunque las miró como si fuesen excrementos.
They were taken back into the city to the Great Pyramid.
Fueron conducidos hasta la Gran Pirámide.
"This part of the river," he says, "they were part of a great federation, the Aparians,"
"Esta lado del río," dice, "se encuentra habitada por parte de una gran federación de pueblos llamados Aparian."
A great treasure is hidden here in zvenyhora... that time when aliens trod upon our land... They were lead by chieftains...
Un gran tesoro fue escondido aquí, en Zvenigora en tiempos antiguos, cuando los extranjeros caminaban por nuestras tierras ellos fueron conducidos por jefes militares.
Dr. Bell said they were getting along great. Aren't they improving?
El Dr. Bell dijo que las encontraba mejor, pero, ¿ no es así?
Their souls were as one as they made promises of a great future.
Sus almas eran como una sola tras aquellas felices promesas de futuro.
Were they cruel to you in the Great House?
¿ Fueron crueles contigo en la Gran Casa?
They'll put it over on you every time, if they can... but you were great yourself, I was proud of you.
Te engañan a la menor oportunidad si pueden... pero estuviste sensacional... estoy muy orgulloso de ti.
Quizá algún fenicio dirigía la mina.
And every month in the dark of the moon, the drums would beat, and there "d be a rustle like a great wind and we" d hear them screaming and laughing, and we knew they were all meeting in the jungle.
Y cada mes en la oscuridad de la luna, sonaban los tambores, y había un susurro como un gran viento, y los oíamos gritando y riendo. Sabíamos que estaban todos reunidos en la jungla.
And when they found what they were after... they fought a great war to hold on to it... and they drew up one of the noblest documents ever written- - the Constitution of the United States- - to govern free men.
Y cuando encontraron lo que buscaban... lucharon en una guerra para no perderlo... y redactaron uno de los documentos más nobles jamás escritos : la Constitución de los Estados Unidos... para gobernar al hombre libre.
the actors have betrayed her to the clown actors are like children when they were hungry they were tempted by the filled table and when they had eaten their fill they longed for the great performances you think you can call them here, Your Highness?
los actores la han traicionado por el payaso los actores son como niños cuando tuvieron hambre se tentaron con la mesa llena y cuando comieron hasta hartarse anhelaron las grandes actuaciones ¿ cree que puede llamarlos aquí, Su Alteza?
They were a great act.
Eran excelentes actores.
Someone said, I don't know who it was, that all the great traitors of history were sincere men, and that they believed in their own hearts that they were patriots.
Alguien dijo - he olvidado quién - que todos los grandes traidores de la Historia fueron hombres sinceros, y que en el fondo de su corazón pensaban que eran unos patriotas.
If they were, I've been grossly deceiving myself for a great many years.
Hace años que no firmo mi nombre completo.
And what great lectures they were.
Y qué buenas conferencias eran.
All the great men weren't all that bright But rather stupid and dull when they were little
La mayoría de los grandes hombres eran insulsos y estúpidos de pequeños.
♪ They were sure it was the great Thunderhead
Sabían que era el gran Thunderhead
In sight of all the people who were there they both swam all straight ahead and Crin-Blanc who has great strehgth bestowed on him took his friend, the one who had trusted in him to a country where horses and men have always been friends.
Nadaron todo derecho. Y Crin Blanca, que estaba dotado de una gran fuerza, llevó a su amigo, que había tenido confianza en él, a un país donde los caballos y los hombres son siempre amigos.
You know, I was under the impression that they were labouring under great emotion.
Me dio la impresiòn de que tenían una conversaciòn muy emotiva.
Were great And no one knows it, but they will
Somos fantásticas y nadie lo sabe, pero lo sabrán
And some of our great criminals were topflight operators before they got out of short pants and pinafores.
Y algunos de los grandes criminales eran peritos cuando aún usaban pantalones cortos.
Just before dark, as they passed the great island of sargasso weed that heaved and swung in the light sea as though the ocean were making love with something under a yellow blanket his small line hooked a dolphin and he brought it into the skiff.
Justo antes del anochecer, cuando pasaban junto una gran isla de sargazo,... que subía, bajaba y balanceaba con el leve oleaje,... como si el océano estuviera haciendo el amor con algo bajo una manta amarilla, ... el sedal pequeño fue agarrado por un dorado y él lo subió al bote.
How did Hitch feel about the public and how did the reviews, which were not great when they came out, affect him on a personal basis?
¿ Qué pensaba Hitch del público? Y las reseñas, que no fueron buenas cuando salieron, ¿ cómo le afectaron a nivel personal?
Great lords owned private and secret residences where they entertained intimate friends. They held suppers where fine foods and heady wines were not the only delicacies available.
Comenzaban a construirse secretas residencias privadas,... en las que los grandes señores convidaban a sus amistades más íntimas,... para ofrecerles cenas privadas, con manjares y vinos muy especiales,... que no eran los únicas delicias.
There were a lot of men. They paid a great deal of attention to me.
Me prestaban atención, pero...
[Then, finally, their superiors realized... ] [... that Don Camillo and Peppone were men of too great a value... ] [... and that they were wasted where they were.]
Luego, finalmente, sus superiores se percataron que Don Camillo y Peppone eran hombres de gran valor y que fueron desaprovechados donde estaban.
They say the Cefalù were great eaters, great hunters, and great...
Se dice que los Cefalu eran empedernidos cazadores, comedores, y... empedernidos en fin.
The walls in the first house he built were great. So were the toilets. You could eat from them, they were built so well.
El tipo construye la primera casa, con todas sus paredes maestras, con todos sus retretes, y menudos retretes, se podía comer en ellos.
They were Moroccans, with great, round faces and they stood there and grinned at women.
Eran marroquíes, con rostros redondos estaban de pie y sonreía a las mujeres.
They were put to the sword twenty years ago by a great Mongol conqueror called Hulagu.
Fueron pasados por la espada por el gran conquistador mongol Halagu.
It was said of her great-grandmother... that the only cabinet members who weren't her lovers... were those who had reason to believe they might be her father.
Se dice de su bisabuela... que los únicos miembros de su gabinete que no eran sus amantes... eran aquellos de los que había motivos para creer que podrían ser su padre.
They were all great scholars.
Todos eran grandes sabios.
What a great team they were!
¡ Qué gran equipo eran!
A great specialist.Once he even managed to clean out a bus with foreigners while they were looking at the smoke over Vesuvius at the window.
Muchísimo. Figúrate que el mes pasado, limpió un autobús lleno de... extranjeros mientras miraban el Vesubio que echaba humo.
Mr. Tomkins assured me that at great sacrifice to his people, they were able to land an antimatter bomb on the Earth.
El Sr. Tomkins me aseguró que con gran sacrificio de su gente, pudieron aterrizar una bomba de antimateria en La Tierra.
But because of your great kindness, they were cheated of a victim, you left me the elixir of life. Life, eternal.
La infinita magnanimidad del señor Conde me proporcionó algo del elixir de las 12 doncellas.
The patients were generally on their last legs but... they had masses of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren... and I was hoping these masses would make for good hunting, for mutuati of course.
Esperaba que sus hijos y nietos fuesen una buena cantera de pacientes.
They thought you were a great big joke.
Piensan que eres el hazmerreír.

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