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They were dead tradutor Espanhol

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I told her I'd be getting a much better salary just for saying if they were dead or not
Le dije que conseguiría un salario mejor sólo por decir si estaban muertos o no.
But old folks, many feign as they were dead.
Pero los viejos, hacen como si estuvieran muertos.
I thought they were dead.
Pensé que estaban muertos.
But we were told they were dead.
Pero nos dijeron que estaban muertos.
Some slaves began to commit suicide because they thought, in line with their barbarous beliefs, that once they were dead, their labor would end and their soul would return to their homeland.
Algunos esclavos empezaron a suicidarse porque pensaban, de acuerdo con sus creencias bárbaras, que una vez muertos iban a acabar sus trabajos y su alma iba a regresar a su país natal.
But after they were dead, Miss Lytton, who turned them off?
Pero después de morir los dos... ¿ quién las apagó?
The guards, frightened, fell on the ground as if they were dead.
Los guardias, asustados, cayeron en la tierra como muertos.
They were dead for two weeks... before my uncle finally located me.
Estuvieron muertos por dos semanas... antes de que mi tío finalmente me ubicara.
I saw the autopsies. They were dead.
- No, los vi tras la autopsia.
They were dead.
Estaban muertos.
Throughout history, all great innovators were never really appreciated until they were dead.
En la historia, ningún innovador fue apreciado de verdad... hasta su muerte.
I think they were dead.
Creo que estaban muertos.
In the morning they were in Hawaii, in the afternoon they were dead. - So fuck Gerald?
En la mañana estaban en Hawaii y en la tarde morían.
They were more or less half-dead
Estaban todos casi muertos.
They'll almost certainly be dead if they were under that.
Parece muy tranquilo. Nuh...
They were arrested, but that poor woman's dead, because the law says they need to be educated.
Les han arrestado, pero la pobre mujer ya está muerta,... porque la ley dice que necesitan estudiar.
- They said you were dead.
- Dijeron que habías muerto.
They were all dead butch.
Eran todos unos machos.
But there were eight dead and 40 wounded. An hour before the 6 : 00 show, they came along accompanied by armed sentries.
Una hora antes del show de las 6 : 00, se presentaron acompañados por guardias armados.
- If he were, they'd be dead.
Si lo estuviera, esos imbéciles estarían muertos.
Before they could reach the surface, Valladon and two of the crew were dead.
Antes de emerger, Valladon y dos más murieron.
I'd say they were used by the Indians to bury their dead.
Yo diría que los usaron los indios para enterrar a sus muertos.
They were both dead when we got here.
Ambos estaban muertos cuando llegamos aquí.
In thinking you were dead they felt safe and they betrayed themselves.
Creyéndola muerta se sentían seguros.
I dreamed that you were dead... and that they'd taken you to the morgue.
Soñé que habías muerto que te habían traído al depósito de cadáveres.
They told me you were dead.
Me dijeron que estabas muerto.
All three are dead I have checked their bodies,... they were cold.
Están muertos los tres. Los he tocado. Estaban fríos.
They said that you were studying, that you'd been beaten, that you were dead.
¡ Decían que te habías ido a estudiar, que fuiste torturado, que estabas muerto!
They were more valuable dead.
Muertos eran más valiosos.
They'd scatter them before they were even dead.
¡ Lo más asustador es que a veces precisaban de 4 golpes!
I don't know how good his martial arts skills were, but they're no use to him now that he's dead.
No se como de buena seria su tecnica en artes marciales, pero es inutil ahora que esta muerto.
They were going to bury one, and he wasn't dead.
Iban a enterrar a uno de ellos. No estaba muerto, pero agonizaba.
'I'd hit them, but I didn't know if they were dead or alive.
" Les di, pero no sabía si estaban vivos o muertos.
But being as dead as they were I think they're coming back real fine.
Pero dado lo muerto que estaban creo que van a regresar realmente bien.
They were all dead.
Estaban todos muertos.
They were not dead images or reproduced as inert objects and no one was able to distinguish them from real people.
Me encontraba frente a los ojos...
When they returned, they were apparently wealthier than before they left, but mother was dead.
Cuando ellos regresaron, eran aparentemente tan ricos como antes de partir, pero la madre murió.
When they were all dead, 3000 bodies on the plain he had them all opened up so their guts could be explored for gold and precious stones.
Cuando acabó con todos, 3.000 cuerpos en la pradera ordenó abrirlos en canal por si en su interior guardaban oro y piedras preciosas.
Y si el mundo se volviera morado... y los niños tuvieran que suicidarse... sólo por desear ver a sus madres muertas... ya no quedaría nadie en la Tierra.
- Tell him! - The man they were carrying was dead.
Díselo, díselo.
- We thought you were dead. They said...
- Nos dijeron que estaba muerto...
Where were those dead kids'rights when they were being aten to death?
¿ Dónde estaban los derechos de esos niños muertos cuando fueron golpeados hasta morir?
They were communist officers, they are all dead now.
Eran oficiales comunistas, están todos muertos ahora.
- They were screams which could wake up a dead. - Ah, really?
- Sus gritos hacían empalmarse hasta a los muertos. - ¿ Ah, sí?
Well, those bodies were dead before they were dissected.
- Animales son sacrificados por la misma razón.
Some guys don`t know a lousy fuck. Or maybe they thought you were dead!
Hay tíos que ni se enteran. ¡ O te envían flores pensando que estabas muerta!
My legal husband slept in there, Amidst his dead brothers, as dead as they were,
Mi verdadero marido dormía ahí, entre sus muertos, sus hermanos, tan muerto como ellos,
When families could not afford to pay the rental fees on their loved ones'grave sites, the dead were exhumed, revealing that they had been mummified due to the rich minerals in the earth.
Cuando las familias ya no podían pagar las tarifas de las tumbas de sus seres queridos, los cadaveres fueron exhumados, y se descubrió que eran momias, gracias a la riqueza mineral del suelo en esa zona.
What are you talking about? - Well, see, they were over budget... and they wanted to get rid of some of the deadwood. - My Wood's dead.
Bueno, veras, se pasaron del presupuesto y empezaron a cortar algunos arboles y yo era un árbol seco.
In Vietnam I had men that were dead the day they hit that place.
En Vietnam, había hombres que morían apenas llegaban.
- Were they dead?
¿ Estaban muertas?

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