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They were everywhere tradutor Espanhol

162 parallel translation
They were everywhere.
Encontraba muertos por doquier.
All I could see was helmets and Germans. How come others didn't see them? They must have been shortsighted because Lord knows they were everywhere.
Debián haber sido miopes porque el Señor sabe que estaban por todas partes.
Many of Han's men had come in from the island. They were everywhere, bullying and arrogant.
Los hombres de Han vinieron de la isla e invadieron la ciudad amedrentando a todos.
I was saying they were everywhere.
Que él estaba en todas partes.
But they were everywhere outside.
Pero estaban afuera.
They were everywhere.
Estaban por todas partes.
- They were everywhere, Thundercats.
- Bien hecho, felinos Cosmicos. - Asi es.
i mean, they were in the closet they were under the bed they were everywhere.
Digo, ellos estaban en el armario. bajo la cama. Ellos estaban por donde sea.
they were everywhere.
Estaban en todas partes.
Suddenly, they were everywhere.
De pronto, estaban en todos lados.
But they were everywhere.
Pero estaban por todos sitios.
I just went shopping and I came back, and they were everywhere.
Yo sólo iba de compras... y regresé y ya estaban por todas partes. León...
TV, radios, all channels - suddenly they were everywhere.
La TV, las radios, en todos los canales ; de pronto estaban en todos lados.
They were everywhere, even in my mouth and nose, not to mention my poor ass.
Por favor, continúen. Hemos bebido demasiado. Eres muy amable, Jean.
They were everywhere... writing checks, making deposits.
Estaban por todos lados. Emitiendo cheques, haciendo depósitos.
And then suddenly they were everywhere. Th-The passengers all panicked.
De repente ellas estaban en todos lados.
The rabbits considered themselves to be a global force, and believed that they were everywhere, like the Holy Ghost.
Los conejos se consideraban a sí mismos una fuerza global, y creían estar en todas partes, como el espíritu santo.
And when I started looking, they were everywhere.
Y cuando empecé a buscarlos, estaban por todos lados.
They were everywhere :
Estaban por todos lados :
Yeah. It seems like they were everywhere.
Si, tal parece que ellos estaban en todas partes.
Everywhere on their journey now, they were treated as people with powers, people who could heal,
Ahora, a todo lugar a donde iban, eran tratados como personas con poderes... personas que podían curar.
They're holding services here today for those who were sacrificed, as they are everywhere.
Están colaborando hoy por los que fueron sacrificados aquí, como lo son en todas partes.
They were looking everywhere for you.
Te buscaban por todas partes.
They were here again this afternoon, searched everywhere.
Estuvieron aquí de nuevo esta tarde, buscaron en todas partes.
They behaved well everywhere in the woods, in the routes in agriculture and everything they were asked to do.
A base de disciplina y buen comportamiento en las salinas en las maderas, en los caminos y en la agricultura y en todo lo que se les ha dado.
Yes, they were given back their freedom, but their old convict's passport that had to be stamped everywhere was bound to their steps like ball and chain.
Vamos. habían pasado 19 años.
There are searches everywhere ; they were in our home too.
Ellos están buscando por todas partes.
Mr. Lt., Eftikia has run away... and now they're searching everywhere... like she were a criminal.
Teniente, Eftikia se ha escapado... y ahora la están buscando en todas parte. En todo el pueblo como si fuese una delincuente.
They were taken by the Zarbi, who were everywhere.
Fueron llevados por los Zarbi, que están en todas partes.
Everywhere they went they were greeted with a familiar cry... surfers have heard a thousand times each,
Allá adonde iban, les recibían con un lamento conocido... que todo surfista ha oído mi ¡ es de veces.
There were flags everywhere and they all carried machine guns. I hadn't realized what was up, as Châteaugué is a quiet village, but when I arrived in Clermont, I saw that everyone was abuzz.
No me enteraba de lo que pasaba, ya que Châteauguè es un pueblo tranquilo, pero cuando llegué a Clermont, vi que todo el mundo estaba zumbado.
And everywhere the courses of the rivers were set. They meandered and wound at the foot of the mountains and between them. Well-parted the rivers were after the high mountains had come forth into light.
Se dividieron las corrientes de agua, los arroyos se fueron corriendo libremente entre los cerros, y las aguas quedaron separadas cuando aparecieron las altas montañas.
Jews everywhere were told - and they were ready to believe - they were being transported for resettlement.
Judios en todas partes se les dijo - y estaban dispuestos a creer - eran transportados para el reasentamiento.
They'd rubbed shoulders with the great their pictures were everywhere.
Se codeaban con los grandes.
So, by the 1870s, they were selling color everywhere ; and when I say color, i mean pretty well every color in the rainbow.
Entonces, para la década de 1870, estaban vendiendo colores por todas partes, y cuando digo color, quiero decir muy bien todos los colores del arcoíris.
We were wondering... how in the hell they're bugging everywhere we go before we get there, and we're carrying the mikes right along with us.
Nos preguntábamos cómo nos oían por doquier y traíamos los micrófonos encima.
There were lights everywhere. What lights they had!
Había luces por todos lados.
They ran through the woods, but everywhere they'd see the wild animals were waking.
Corrieron por el bosque, pero sólo había árboles y animales salvajes.
Yesterday, their heads were bobbing everywhere. Today they're almost in unison.
Hoy, estan funcionado en conjunto.
The military, it was everywhere. And many of the streets, they were closed.
Los militares estaban en todas partes y muchas calles estaban cortadas.
Everywhere they went they were brought cripples
A cualquier parte que fueran les traian gente enferma.
Whereas, the next day I mean, it was more spectacular with the news and they were there from everywhere.
Mientras que, el día siguiente fue más espectacular con las noticias que andaban por todos lados.
Interrogations were routinely filmed and they had cameras everywhere.
Los interrogatorios eran grabados de manera rutinaria y tenían cámaras en todas partes.
They were shelling everywhere. They broke into homes.
Lo bombardearon todo, entraron en las casas.
They were everywhere.
- Bien.
They were going to fire me, I've searched everywhere.
Me iban a echar, la he buscado por todas partes
Everywhere I went, they were with me
Donde quiera que iba... ellas estaban conmigo.
Well, I'd heard troubled teens were everywhere where are they hiding?
Bueno, se supone que el temor está en todos lados. ¿ Dónde se esconden?
Everywhere they went, the crowds were vast and impassioned. They sold millions of dollars worth of bonds.
Allí donde iban, se congregaban apasionadas multitudes.
- Zabumba and Polka were here... and they searched everywhere for the hammer.
- ¡ Zabumba y Polca estuvieron aquí! ¡ Ellos revistaron todo!
Hey, look who's in the cupboard. Everywhere they went, they were stalked by girls.
Donde quiera que iban eran acosados por chicas.

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