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They were murdered tradutor Espanhol

322 parallel translation
They were murdered while tracking down two enemies of the Reich.
Los asesinaron mientras rastreaban a dos enemigos del reich.
You mean they were murdered?
¿ Quieres decir que fueron asesinados?
882 01 : 05 : 28,929 - - 01 : 05 : 32,118 - We continue with the disappearances. - We believe they were murdered.
Es un honor tenerles aquí.
They were murdered by that madman.
Fueron asesinados por ese loco.
What happened was, of course, the coup did take place... on that day in November, and they were murdered.
Lo que condujo, por supuesto, al golpe de estado de noviembre. Y él fue asesinado.
They were murdered.
Ellos fueron asesinados.
But Cully has told you - they were murdered!
Pero Cully se lo ha dicho : fueron asesinados!
They were murdered.
Fueron asesinados.
The right word is that they were murdered.
La palabra correcta es que fueron asesinados.
They were murdered by poachers.
Los mataron los furtivos.
They were murdered, and we must not let this happen again.
Fueron asesinados, y no debemos permitir que esto suceda de nuevo.
They were murdered.
Los asesinaron.
- They were murdered.
- Fueron ascesinados.
So they say they were murdered.
Así que dicen que fueron asesinados.
Do you think they were murdered?
¿ Fueron asesinados?
They were murdered. Mr. Unpronounceable and Woodbine! Oh, shut up!
Fueron asesinados, el Sr. Impronunciable y Woodbine
Did he say why they were murdered
¿ Dijo por qué los asesinaron? No.
Actually saw Ray and his wife the day they were murdered.
En realidad, vi a Ray y a su esposa el día que los asesinaron.
they were murdered in 1952 by a xenophobic hate group.
Fueron asesinados en 1952 por un grupo xenófobo.
There were at least 10,000 in India, and they murdered 30,000 people a year.
Había al menos 10.000 en India y asesinaban a 30.000 personas al año.
"The victims of 606 were surely murdered " as if they had been stabbed from behind.
" Las víctimas del 606 son, por así decirlo, asesinadas.
Riccardi escaped just as the police were ready to close in on him after they received an anonymous phone call which led them to discover the murdered body of one of their men today.
Riccardi escapó justo cuando la policía estaba lista para caer sobre él después de que recibiera una llamada telefónica anónima, lo que les llevó a descubrir hoy el cuerpo asesinado de uno de sus hombres.
And were they murdered?
¿ Y fueron asesinados?
Three other girls have been murdered, and they were all as poor as church mice.
Otras tres chicas has sido asesinadas.
Under his control, they were made to commit terrible and depraved acts before he murdered them and bathed in their blood.
Bajo su dominio, eran obligadas a cometer actos terribles y depravados antes de que las matara y se bañara en su sangre.
They were murdered?
¿ Les asesinaron?
In the reign of Henry VIII... When the monasteries in England were dissolved... And the occupants tortured, beheaded in public or murdered secretly, some went into hiding to worship as they pleased.
Durante el reinado de Enrique VIII... cuando disolvieron los monasterios en Inglaterra... y a los ocupantes los torturaron... los decapitaron en público o los asesinaron en secreto... algunos se escondieron para rendir culto como querían.
After that you were usually too weak to work... and they murdered you in the gas chamber.
Después de eso, estabas demasiado débil para trabajar... y te asesinaban en la cámara de gas.
Does he think that they were all murdered?
¿ Cree que todos fueron asesinados?
They were all murdered
Todos fueron asesinados.
They were all murdered
Los mataron a todos.
They were the survivors and these were the rest- - hurriedly murdered lest they be set free to live a normal life.
Éstos eran los supervivientes, éstos el resto asesinados apresuradamente a fin de que no tuvieran la libertad de vivir una vida normal. Las autoridades en los campos tomaron medidas especiales para asegurase de que nadie vivía ni moriría con normalidad, nadie debía dormir tranquilo.
Because, you see, they were all murdered.
Porque ve Vd., Ellos todos... Han muerto.
When people began to understand what was happening, they were appalled, and they commented privately that since the world began, no one had ever murdered so many people that way.
En mis adentros tenía un mal presentimiento, porque cuando se llevan a los niños y a los viejos, es un mal signo. "Allá van a trabajar" les decían. Pero para una anciana, un recién nacido, un niño de 5 años, ¿ qué significa trabajar?
All the others had to do was to swear they were at a service that never took place during which a churchwarden was murdered.
Lo único que los otros harían era jurar... estar en un servicio que nunca ofició durante el cual el sacristán fue asesinado.
Six hookers were murdered in less than 11 days, but they haven't had an assassination in that country since before World War II.
Se cargaron a 6 putas en menos de 11 días, pero no ha habido ningún asesinato en ese país desde la 2º Guerra Mundial.
Well, when I told them, they were very shocked, naturally, but... I couId see they thought it was rather exciting to have a murdered father.
Cuando les conté estaban consternados, naturalmente, pero... pude ver que pensaban que era excitante tener un padre asesinado.
I had a booking for a Christmas show at Sally's, and the D.T.S came to me with a picture of her murdered, and they were about to cremate her'cause nobody had came to verify the body,
Había hecho reservas en Sally's para el espectáculo de Navidad. Y vino un oficial de policía y me mostró una foto de su cadáver. Estaban a punto de cremarla, porque nadie había ido a reconocer el cuerpo.
These girls are all the same type, they were all murdered at night... they moved in a new quarters in the last year... and they all rented from the same place : Roxbridge Rentals.
Las chicas son del mismo tipo, fueron asesinadas de noche y se mudaron el año pasado a través de la misma empresa la Inmobiliaria Roxbridge.
They also suggested that Hodges and Kozinski were murdered.
Sugirieron que Kozinski y Hodges fueron asesinados.
Her husband and boy were murdered. They were shot dead.
su esposo y su hijo, fueron asesinados..
Under his control, they were made to commit terrible and depraved acts before he murdered them and bathed in their blood.
Bajo su dominio, eran obligadas a cometer actos terribles y depravados antes de que las matara y se bañara en su sangre.
They were in the White House when Carla was murdered!
¡ Estaban en la Casa Blanca cuando asesinaron a Carla!
If they were white and murdered in Tmonium, you'd have had 30 inches off the front.
Si hubieran sido blancos y asesinados en Tmonium, Hubieras tenido 30 pulgadas de la portada.
There were some homeless people that were murdered around the time of the election, and they didn't like John Doe either.
Asesinaron a unos indigentes en época de elecciones, ellos también lo odiaban.
I murdered several of LexCorp's employees and the union leaders they were meeting secretly with.
He matado a varios empleados de LexCorp y a los líderes sindicales con los que se reunían en secreto.
They were my agents, murdered by Mark Roberts in cold blood at the U.N. Last January.
Fueron mis agentes, asesinados por Mark Roberts a sangre fría en enero en las Naciones Unidas.
Diem and his brother were murdered by their own soldiers after they had earlier taken refuge in a church.
Diem y su hermano fueron asesinados por sus propios soldados después de haberse refugiado poco antes en una iglesia.
If Parker's story is true and all those kids were murdered here... why haven't they torn down Stanley Hall?
Si la historia de Parker es verdad y mataron a todos esos chicos aquí... ¿ por qué aún no han demolido la Sala Stanley?
And he is all the family I have left. Because the rest, you murdered because they were have no use to you.
Y es el único pariente que me queda porque Ud. asesinó a los demás porque no le eran útiles.
Two were already murdered, and they were making a show out of it.
dos de ellos fueron asesinados ya, y y ellos hacian un espectaculo alla afuera.

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