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We'll go home tradutor Espanhol

740 parallel translation
We'll go straight home if you'd rather.
Si quieres, mejor vamos a casa.
Muchos de los polis van a comer el pavo a casa.
"We'll go home and get warmed up."
"Vamos a casa a calentarnos."
Sure, we'll let you go home.
Te dejaremos ir.
I'll only be a few minutes, and then we'll go home and get some sleep.
Serán sólo unos minutos y luego volveremos a casa a dormir.
Tomorrow when the cock crows We'll go home
# Mañana cuando cante el gallo Nos iremos a casa
Little brother, little brother, Then we'll go home
# Hermanito, hermanito, entonces nos iremos a casa.
I'll tell you why we can't go home.
¿ Por qué no viene a nuestras casas?
We'll go back home in a few days!
Volveremos a casa en unos pocos días!
Come on, Dorothy, we'll go home.
Dorothy, nos vamos a casa.
Fine. We'll go home!
- A casa - ¡ Vale, voy!
I'll send my driver home, and we'll all go in your car.
Mandaré a mi chofer a casa. Iremos en tu coche.
We'll have dinner and then go home.
Cenaremos y nos iremos a casa.
come mother, we'll go home why, it's so nice here and the people are so charming yes, terribly charming but I'll feel better only when I'm outside
Anda mamá, nos vamos a casa. ¿ A casa? ¡ Pero si se está tan bien aquí!
bravo, that was charming so, good night children it had been very nice of you all to have come now you all go home we'll see each other later good night, it had been very nice
¡ Bravo, ha sido encantador, hija mía! Bueno, buenas noches, niños. Ha sido muy amable que hayáis venido todos.
We'll go home till some other bunch of criminal idiots sitting around a large table shoves us into another war, then we'll go at it again.
Iremos a casa hasta que otro montón de idiotas criminales sentados a una mesa nos mande a otra guerra, y entonces, volveremos.
While I was out there... I kept thinking about you all the time - about how good it'll be when everything's over and we can go back home.
Cuando estaba ahí fuera, pensaba en ti todo el rato, en lo bueno que sería volver a casa cuando acabase todo.
We'll see about it later. Go home. Let us through.
Veremos eso más tarde, vuelva a su cuarto.
We'll go home now
Demos media vuelta.
Come, we'll go home and have some tea and forget all about it.
Vamos, volveremos a casa, tomaremos el té y olvidaremos este asunto.
We'll go home.
Vamos a casa.
Well, marjorie, when we go home we'll take with us a great deal more than we brought.
Al volver a casa, podremos contar cosas grandiosas.
Now, darling, we'll go home,
- Mi sombrero hongo.
We'll go home to mother.
Nos iremos a casa de mi madre.
But you've got to go home in the morning and we'll go along and have a nice long talk with that uncle of yours.
Pero mañana tendrás que regresar... te acompañaremos y tendremos una larga charla con tu tío.
If you fail, we'll give up and go home.
- Si fracasas, nos iremos.
We'll go home.
Iremos a casa.
Put him on a nice hospital ship and take him to a nice hospital and give him a couple of nice medals and take him home and give him his walking papers and he'll go back to business while we're fighting the Battle of Tibet.
Primero un barco hospital le llevará a un bonito hospital, le darán bonitas medallas, pasaporte a casa y volverá a sus negocios mientras nosotros luchamos.
We'll have a couple of drinks and then we can go home.
Tomaremos un par de tragos y luego nos vamos a casa.
Go for a walk or we'll go home. Make up your mind, now.
Sal a pasear o regresaremos a casa.
We'll have to go home at once, Charlotte.
Tenemos que volver a casa, Charlotte.
So, I guess we'll just go on home. Maybe one of these days we'll be sorry we did.
Regresamos, aunque puede que nos arrepintamos.
In the interest of saving time, we'll proceed as I'm sure Officer Peters is most anxious to go home to his wife and family before returning to duty.
Con objeto de ahorrar tiempo, seguiremos, ya que estoy seguro de que el agente Peters está deseando volver a casa... con su mujer y sus hijos antes de incorporarse al servicio.
You'll recover... and we'll go home, do you understand?
Tienes que curarte. Volvemos al castillo. ¡ Ahora es nuestro!
Go home now. We'll see what we can do.
Bueno, ya sabéis lo que os he dicho..
- We'll go home.
No nos gusta este lugar.
We'll work together... and go home together.
Vamos a trabajar juntas... y volver a casa juntas.
I'll finish here and we can go home.
Yo terminaré aquí y nosotros podemos ir a casa.
Se irá si cree que no estamos en casa.
We'll go home and everything will be fine.
Nos iremos a casa y todo estará bien.
Maybe now we'll go home together, huh?
Tal vez ahora vayamos juntos a casa, ¿ no?
When we get home, we'll go away for a trip.
Cuando lleguemos a casa, nos iremos de viaje.
If we go home, Frankie'll have us bumped off.
Si regresamos, Frankie nos molera a golpes.
Then when we get to Algiers, we'll go down to the dock, take a boat and go home.
Entonces cuando vayamos a Argelia, vamos al puerto y tomamo un bote y a casa. Buena idea!
We'll take her home. You can make up a sonnet to her as we go.
La llevaremos a la tienda y podrás componer un soneto por el camino.
- We'll go home.
- Regresaremos.
We'll go home when we get what we came for!
Volveremos a casa cuando tengamos lo que hemos venido a buscar.
You'll go home right after we collect from your old man.
Cuando tu padre pague, te irás a casa.
Let's go. I'll settle up with you when we get home
¡ ya verás cuando lleguemos a casa!
We'll talk at home - Let's go, Franco
Pero... ¿ De qué tenemos que hablar tú y yo, eh?
Let's go home, we'll work this out there.
Vámonos a casa, lo arreglaremos allí.

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