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You really don't tradutor Espanhol

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only that's a red herring, because, really, it's this serial killer, but, for a while, you think it is trolls, and, I don't know.
Sólo que es un arenque rojo, porque, en realidad, Es este asesino en serie, pero, por un tiempo, Usted piensa que es trolls, y, no lo sé.
That's because you don't really love him, not in the way I love Nikolai.
Eso es porque no le quieres de verdad, no del modo en que yo amo a Nikolai.
The thing is I'm not really sure if I can approve this field trip if you don't have a disciplinary, uh, advisor chaperone going onto the trip too with you.
No sé si puedo aprobar esa excursión si no hay un consejero disciplinario de chaperón en el viaje.
Well, it's come to my attention that you guys don't really want me here.
Bueno, alguien me dijo que no me quieren aquí.
You really think you're my mother, don't you, you crazy, murderous bitch?
¿ De verdad cree que está mi madre, ¿ verdad, Loca, perra asesina?
Don't you think it's time you told him who you really are?
¿ No cree que es hora de que le dijo lo que realmente eres?
I'd really like to help you, but I just don't know anything.
Me encantaría ayudarlo pero no sé nada.
I don't know what you're up to or how you do it, but you're puling some really freaky shit.
No sé en qué anda ni cómo lo hace pero tira mierda bastante rara.
You're looking at me and I don't really know what to...
Me estás mirando y de veras no sé...
You really can't say that, though... because you don't know how he does it.
En verdad no puedes decirlo, eso sí, porque no sabes cómo lo hace.
Neither of you obeyed those instructions, so I really don't see how that one's on me.
Ninguno de vosotros obedeció las instrucciones, así que no veo por qué esto es culpa mía.
You know, I don't really feel like a pep talk today.
No quiero oír palabras de aliento.
I don't really want you to have all my personal information.
En realidad no quiero que tengas toda mi información personal.
But what you don't know is where or really why.
Pero no sabe bien dónde o por qué.
You don't really stay at the dorm.
No vives en el dormitorio.
You're doing a "I'm gonna walk away slowly "'cause I really don't wanna leave " walk.
Estás caminando muy despacio porque en realidad no quieres irte.
I really don't think I would have made it without you.
No habría podido lograrlo sin ti.
You don't really have a bike.
No tienes bicicleta.
You see, I don't really like dope. It messes you up.
No me gustan las drogas, Meten la pata.
You know, I just want to say my old partner really did a number on me, so if I do call you Mike by accident, don't take offense.
Sabes, solo quería decir que mi viejo compañero me ha dejado mucha huella, así que si te llamo Mike por error, no te ofendas.
Jamieson, you really expected me to believe that you've never been caught, I don't know, whispering, or holding hands with some d... look at the picture of you and Chrissie Hynde.
Jamieson, de verdad quieres que me crea que nunca te pillaron, no sé, susurrando, o de la mano de alguna... mira tu foto con Chrissie Hynde.
If you don't make this call, everyone will find out what you really do for a living.
Si no haces esta llamada, todo mundo sabrá lo que realmente haces para ganarte la vida.
You don't really think he did it, do you?
No pensarás que ha sido él, ¿ verdad?
If it makes it any easier, you really don't have a choice.
Si esto lo hace más fácil, no tienes elección.
You know, the strange thing is is, I don't really care about all this art.
Lo más extraño es que no me importa todo este arte.
You can look at the dead one too, although I don't really think it's necessary.
También puedes ver al que murió, aunque no creo que sea necesario.
I don't know if you act like an idiot or you really are one, Spínola.
No sé si os hacéis el necio o lo sois, Spínola.
The truth is, I don't really care, so... you can have the job.
La verdad es que no me interesa, así que puedes tener el trabajo.
You really don't know what a pen is?
Un pincho. ¿ Acaso no sabéis qué es un pincho?
You see, plants and I don't really get along, so it's not really neglect.
Verá, las plantas y yo realmente no... nos llevamos bien, así que no es realmente negligencia.
I don't know. I really thought Jacob was doing good, taking his meds, you know?
Pensaba que Jacob estaba bien y tomaba sus medicamentos.
Uh, I'm Keith. Okay, Keith, well, I don't really know why my dad's wallet would've fallen out of the pants he says he was removing if you just kissed, so I'm starting to feel like I can't really trust any of you people.
No sé cómo se le cayó la billetera de los pantalones... si solo se besaron.
"You don't really come up here to hunt, do you?"
"De verdad que no has venido a cazar aquí, ¿ no".
Why don't you come back, Bosch, when you can really enjoy the show, huh?
¿ Por qué no vuelves, Bosch, cuando puedas de verdad disfrutar del espectáculo, eh?
I feel that you're gonna start a monologue of some sort, and I really don't want to hear it.
Siento como que vas a empezar un monólogo de algún tipo, y de verdad que no quiero oírlo.
Okay, you guys, I jus... I don't even really think that he likes me like that.
Chicas, no creo que le guste de esa manera.
- ( Hannah ) No, you don't. - I really do. Who cares what he looks at when he's masturbating?
De verdad. ¿ Qué importa qué mira cuando se masturba?
Look, I'm not gonna lie to you and pretend that Ecuador hasn't been, like, a really life-changing experience, but, I don't know, this might be a little bit enlightened of him.
No te voy a decir que Ecuador no me cambió la vida, pero tal vez sea una actitud evolucionada.
You know, I really don't want to talk about what happened last night. I mean, you're kind of a jerk-off.
No quiero hablar de lo que sucedió anoche.
You don't really think that you were gonna get through this without being punished, now, did you?
En realidad, no creo que usted Se va a conseguir a través de este sin ser castigado, ahora, ¿ verdad?
If you don't tell me I really have no idea he's been kidnapped
Si no me lo dices, no me hubiese enterado que fue secuestrado.
You really don't know much, do you?
Realmente no sabes mucho, ¿ verdad?
And I really don't appreciate you strolling in here and telling me how to deploy my resources because you can't build your own fucking case.
Y de hecho no me gusta que te pasees por aquí y me digas cómo emplear mis recursos porque no puedes construir tu propio puto caso.
You know, I don't really want to talk about her anymore.
Sabes, en verdad no quiero hablar más de ella.
If you don't make this call, everyone will find out what you really do for a living.
Si no haces esa llamada todos sabrán a qué te dedicas realmente.
- I don't know why it is, Ezekiel, that you seem to want to be nothing, when with just a little courage... you could really be something.
No sé por qué parece que no quieres ser nada cuando con un poco de valor, en verdad, podrías ser algo.
Bullet dodged. Seems like you really don't want me to go out with him.
Parece que no quieres que salga con él.
So I don't really have, I'm trying this no-phone thing so. But yeah, but I'll see you...
Así que en verdad no tengo, estoy probando esta cosa de no-teléfono así.
Nickie : Hi, uh, look, I really don't wanna bother you.
Hola... mira, de verdad no quiero molestarte.
You really don't wanna wear a suit, eh?
En verdad no quieres usar un traje, ¿ no?
But you really don't want to go back to your old life?
Pero que realmente no quiere volver a su antigua vida?

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