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You really shouldn't tradutor Espanhol

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You shouldn't really wear pajamas.
No deberías usar pijama.
You really shouldn't be embarrassed.
- No tiene que avergonzarse.
Really, Mr McGinnis... You shouldn't...
Señor McGinnis, no debería...
- I really shouldn't tell you.
- ¿ Cual?
I really shouldn't have pulled a thing like that on a fella like you.
No debería hacerle algo así a un tipo como tú.
You really shouldn't kid around about a thing like that.
No deberías bromear con una cosa así.
Oh, I suppose I really shouldn't call you my darling, should I?
Oh. Supongo que realmente no debería decirte "querida", ¿ o sí?
Peter, darling, I told you... Really, you shouldn't be here.
Peter, hijo, no debes estar aquí.
Really, you shouldn't be embarrassed.
No debería avergonzarse.
You really shouldn't.
No deberías.
I really shouldn't tell you.
No debí decir mi edad.
And what you ought to do you ought to hit one of those reputable places and get what you pay for, and something you really like but, uh, you shouldn't come around here anymore.
Lo que deberían hacer... es ir a visitar uno de esos sitios con buena reputación... y comprar algo que realmente les guste sin tirar el dinero. No deberían venir más por aquí.
No, you really shouldn't worry about either of us.
No, no debería preocuparse por nosotros.
You really sh... shouldn't treat him with such contempt all the time.
No deberías tratarlo con tanto desprecio
You shouldn't, really.
No deberías ir, de ninguna manera.
I mean you really shouldn't.
No deberían.
I mean you, uh... Well, you really shouldn't.
Es decir, de verdad no deberían.
But, really, you shouldn't have been so extravagant.
no deberías haber sido tan extravagante.
You really shouldn't go around shooting people with guns.
No deberías ir por ahí disparando a la gente.
Oh, you shouldn't have brought me tea, really!
No tenías porqué molestarte.
You know, Nan, you really shouldn't have.
Nan, no deberías molestarte.
You really shouldn't have.
No deberíais haberos molestado.
That is really nice. You shouldn't have.
Es muy amable, no tenía por qué.
You shouldn't have. Really.
No debería haberse molestado.
- Ellen, you shouldn't be up. - I'm all right, really.
- Ellen, no deberías haberte levantado.
You know, I really shouldn't be doing this.
No debería hacer esto.
You really shouldn't be involved.
No deberías implicarte.
You know, really, I shouldn't have come up here so early but we've been, sort of, drinking.
En serio, no debí haber venido tan temprano pero hemos estado bebiendo.
But what really worries me is, you'll get into this thing and you'll see something you shouldn't and you could wind up like Harold Beale in the bottom of the Hudson River.
Me preocupa que te metas en esto y veas algo que no debes. Podrías acabar en el fondo del río, igual que Harold Beal.
I shouldn't really say anything at all until you see him.
Yo no diré nada más. - Bien.
- Oh, you really shouldn't have...
- Ah, no debió molestarse...
Course, really I shouldn't be doing this, you know, Staff.
Por supuesto, en realidad yo no debería estar haciendo esto, usted sabe, oficial.
But you need rest, you really shouldn't get up yet.
Pero necesitas descanso, no tienes por qué levantarte todavía.
What we can do, this is between you and me, I shouldn't really be telling you this, we'll turn your gas on, make a hole in your pipe, you ring Hounslow emergency, they'll be around here in a couple of days.
No. Lo que podemos hacer, aunque no debería decírselo... es poner el gas y hacer un agujero en la tubería... para que llame a urgencias y vengan en un par de días.
If you really wanted me, it shouldn't matter anyway.
Si me quisieras de verdad, no importaría.
You shouldn't have done that to his car. You really shouldn't have. - But you've knocked my tooth out.
- ¡ No tenias que haberlo hecho!
You really shouldn't have done it.
No debiera haberlo hecho.
You really shouldn't take him out of here in his condition.
No debería sacarlo de aquí en su estado.
You really shouldn't, you know?
Debo pedirle que no, ya sabes.
You really shouldn't have, Pepe.
De verdad no deberías haber dicho eso, Pepe.
You really shouldn't.
No debería.
You really shouldn't smoke that much, you know.
No deberías fumar tanto, sabes.
Mom, you shouldn't mess with him, really... don't allow him to eat so much bread.
Mamá, no sé cómo le permites... que se atiborre así de pan.
You really shouldn't have fucked with my money.
No debiste jugar con mi dinero.
You know, we shouldn't really judge'em until we find out why they're here.
Sabes, en realidad no deberíamos juzgarlos hasta que sepamos por qué están aquí.
You know, bro, you really shouldn't be selling yourself cheap
Hermano... Realmente deberías hacerte valer...
You really shouldn't do this.
La verdad que no deberías hacer esto.
You really shouldn't drive.
No cojas el coche, has bebido mucho.
That's very kind of you, but really you shouldn't have.
Muy amables, pero no era necesario.
A man like you really shouldn't talk like that... not even in jest.
Un hombre como Vd. No debería hablar de ello. Ni siquiera en broma.
You really shouldn't be downstairs.
Debería estar en la cama.

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