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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You stupid cow

You stupid cow tradutor Espanhol

118 parallel translation
Move in with me, you stupid cow.
Múdate a mi casa, tonta.
- You stupid cow.
¡ Por favor!
Get off, you stupid cow!
¡ Apártate, zorra estúpida!
You're the only woman on this planet, you stupid cow.
Eres la única mujer en este planeta, idiota.
You stupid cow!
! Tonta! !
Beat it, you stupid cow!
¡ Lárgate, jodida vaca!
- Basil! I haven't finished with chef yet, Sybil. Why didn't you tell me you found them, you stupid cow?
¿ Por qué no me lo has dicho, estúpido?
You stupid cow!
Maldita estúpida.
You didn't know who Wilson Pickett was a month ago, you stupid cow!
¡ Hace un mes no sabías quién era Wilson Pickett, imbécil!
They'll never notice! Stop smiling, you stupid cow!
¡ Para de sonreir, vaca estupida!
You stupid cow!
¡ Estúpida vaca!
Shut up, you stupid cow, or I'll punch your face in!
¡ Cállate, estúpida vaca, o te golpearé la cara!
Shut up, you stupid cow! - Gloria?
¡ Cálate, estúpida!
I do ask you, you stupid cow.
¡ Se lo pregunto, vaca estúpida!
He's changed his appearance, you stupid cow.
Ha cambiado de apariencia, estúpida.
- You stupid cow!
- ¡ Estúpida idiota!
You stupid cow!
Pobre estúpida.
Then i ´ ll do it by myself you stupid cow.
Entonces lo haré yo sola vaca estúpida.
Watch out, you stupid cow!
¡ Cuidado, perra estúpida!
I don't give a shit, you stupid cow!
¡ Me importa un bledo, perra estúpida!
That's the wrong way you stupid cow!
No es el camino, vaca estúpida.
- You stupid cow!
- ¡ Tú! - ¿ Qué demonios?
- "You stupid cow." Somethlng about a key.
- "Estúpida vaca." Algo que ver con una llave.
- Monsieur Marius died, you stupid cow.
- ¡ El señor Marius ha muerto! ¡ Estúpida!
- Up yours, you stupid cow!
- ¡ Qué te den! ¡ Gilipollas!
I hate you, Iris. You stupid cow.
¡ Te odio, Iris, pedazo de vaca tonta!
You stupid cow!
¡ Vaca estúpida!
What kind of ironing do you call this, you stupid cow?
¿ Qué tipo de planchado llamas a esto, vaca estúpida? ¡ Mira las arrugas!
I'm just trying to help you out, you stupid cow.
Solamente intentaba ayudarla, vaca estúpida.
You stupid cow...
Pobre loca, eres una estúpida
You stupid cow, is there no way to get rid of you?
Estúpida vaca, ¿ no hay manera de deshacerme de ti?
I set this whole thing up, you stupid cow!
¡ Yo planeé todo, vaca estúpida!
I am speaking English, you stupid cow!
Hablo en español, ¡ estúpida!
Get your fingers off me you stupid cow! Kick that big, red butt.
Sácame los dedos de encima, vaca estúpida.
You're only making this worse for yourself, you stupid cow!
¡ Sólo estás empeorando las cosas, estúpida!
Go home, you stupid cow.
Vete a casa, tonta del culo.
Open the door, you stupid cow!
¡ Abre la puerta, imbécil!
You're a stupid cow. A bird brain!
¡ Tienes el cerebro de una gallina!
You stupid cow.
Tu vaca estúpida.
So, between that and the cheery "Hurry up, you stupid moo-cow," the 50-hour workweek just seems to zoom by.
Así que entre eso y el alegre "Apúrate, vaca estúpida", las 50 horas de trabajo semanal se pasan volando.
Probably too stupid to catch a cow, you know....
Probablemente demasiado estúpidos para atrapar una vaca, saben...
Shut your stupid face, you cow!
Cierra la bocota, vaca!
All those nights you were late back and stupid cow here thought you were out looking for a job!
¡ Todas esas noches llegando tarde, y la tonta de mí pensando que buscabas trabajo!
Stupid cow, you are.
¡ Amen! Estúpida vaca.
This is the second time you've made me look stupid, you mad cow!
Es la segunda vez que me haces parecer estúpido, vaca loca.
Do you know how much one bottle of this is, stupid western cow?
¿ Sabes lo que cuesta la botella, gran perra del Oeste?
And you stupid old cow why did you let them enter?
Y usted vaca vieja estúpida, ¿ por qué dejas entrar?
You're still a stupid, stubborn cow!
Continúas siendo una vaca estúpida y temerosa.
- You stupid flippin'cow!
- ¡ Estúpida y maldita vaca!
If you leave now, don't bother coming back, stupid cow.
Si te vas ahora, no vuelvas nunca, zorra :
I hate you, stupid cow!
Te odio, vaca estúpida.

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