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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ C ] / Come home soon

Come home soon tradutor Francês

202 parallel translation
Bless you. You be sure to take them off now and come home soon.
Enlève ça et viens à la maison.
I've been praying that you'll come home soon and that you'll carry on your father's work where he left off.
J'ai prié pour que tu rentres afin de prendre la suite de ton père, ici.
I told you, you should come home soon.
Il faut revenir.
Mama, I'll come home soon.
Je rentre dès que possible.
I'd have come home soon.
- Je serais sûrement rentrée très vite.
And... can Margot come home soon?
Margot pourra-t-elle bientôt rentrer à la maison?
Oh, yes, Jack, please come home soon.
Oh, Jack, rentre vite à la maison!
Come home soon.
Reviens vite.
Can you please come home soon, Preston?
Je t'en prie, reviens vite.
Come home soon.
Revenez vite. Vous allez nous manquer.
Come home soon.
Reviens vite à la maison.
Please come home soon.
Reviens vite.
I hope I can come home soon.
Je vais essayer de faire vite.
Come home soon. You have been coming late these days.
Ne soyez pas en retard, le miel Ces jours, vous venez à la maison très tard
Okay, do not fight. Come home soon.
Ne vous disputez pas bien et Seema, Venu à la maison tôt aujourd'hui
So do you best, dear Albert, so that you can come home... and make the war end soon. "
"Alors fais de ton mieux, mon tendre Albert, pour revenir à la maison, " et finir cette guerre rapidement. "
I'll come home as soon as possible.
Je rentrerai le plus vite possible.
You ought to be home. You'll come soon?
Tu viendras?
I wanted to come home as soon as possible.
J'avais hâte d'arriver.
Crying, she shouted'" Come home as soon as you can!
Au moment où il monta à bord,
Do come home soon, darling.
Reviens vite.
All right, look I'll come home tonight as soon as I can.
Je rentrerai de bonne heure.
Daddy, come home soon.
Reviens vite.
I was there as soon as I come home from work.
Oui, après mon travail.
"Soon as you come home, I..."
"Dès que tu reviendras..."
The Americans are about to disembark. As soon as they arrived you'll come back home.
Vous reviendrez chez vous avec les Américains.
Now, if you don't mind, I would just as soon... not have to face that when I come home.
Si ça ne te fait rien, j'aimerais mieux... ne pas avoir à confronter ça quandje rentre à la maison.
She lets it out as soon as you've gone, and she lights it before you come home.
Elle l'éteint après ton départ et le rallume quand tu rentres.
I designed costumes and dressed... the actors. As soon as we got home he would ring up... asking us to come back.
Dès que nous étions de retour chez nous, il téléphonait et nous demandait de revenir.
- He'll come home as soon as he can.
- Il viendra dès que possible.
Well, sort of a going-away present. And a come-back-home-to-me-soon present.
Un cadeau d'adieu et un cadeau pour que tu me reviennes bientôt.
Mommy says as soon as you get done, you'll come home with us.
Maman dit que dès que tu auras fini, tu rentreras.
Doctor, will my brother be able to come home to the farm soon?
Docteur, mon frère pourra-t-il bientôt rentrer à la ferme?
That you won't drink, and that you'll come home... soon as we get settled out in California.
Tu ne boiras pas. Tu viendras en Californie dès qu'on sera installés.
Dear God, please let our father still be alive and well and let him soon come back home.
Seigneur, fais que notre pére soit en vie, bien portant et qu'il revienne bientôt à la maison.
Mom told us not to come home too soon.
Maman nous avait dit de ne pas revenir à la maison trop tôt.
hi, dad. how come you're home so soon?
les poissons d'argent.
To a nice place where he can get well, and come home real soon.
Il va se reposer dans un bel endroit et il sera bientôt rentré chez lui.
I'll come back and take you home as soon as possible.
Je reviendrai dès que possible.
Soon they'll come for us... and take us home.
Ils viendront bientôt nous chercher Ils nous ramèneront chez nous.
- Come home soon.
Rentre vite.
I'll come home as soon as I can.
Dès que possible.
Well, as soon as Santa does come by, I would like for you to come home.
Dès qu'il sera passé, je veux que tu rentres à la maison. Sûr!
And soon... very soon... he'll come home... to kill again.
Et bientôt... très bientôt... il reviendra... pour tuer encore.
I'll come home as soon as I can
Je rentrerai dès que je le pourrai.
Soon as that happen over there, how come they never come back home?
Pourquoi ne sont-ils pas rentrés à la maison?
Soon I will come home.
Je rentrerai bientôt.
As soon as they come through the gate, somebody will send word back home.
Dès qu'ils arriveront, quelqu'un préviendra la Terre.
I'll come home as soon as I can.
Je rentre dès que possible.
OK, you can come in, but just for a minute, cos my dad will be home soon.
Tu peux entrer seulement pour un moment, d'accord? Parce que mon père va bientôt revenir.
- They'll be back soon. - Xiao Wu, when did you come home?
Xiao Wu, quand es-tu arrivé?

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