Hand him over tradutor Francês
414 parallel translation
But I'm going to hand him over to the rebels.
Mais je vais le remettre aux rebelles.
Hand him over that notebook and get out of here...
Rends-lui ce livre et fiche le camp...
Hand him over to us.
Donnez-le-nous, on va le juger!
Then you'll make the police to hand him over to you.
Vous direz à la police de vous le rendre alors.
Hand him over to the police.
Livre-les à la police.
Hand him over.
I can't hand him over to the police - not as he is,
Je ne peux pas le remettre à la police.
We wanted to trap Randolph ourselves, then hand him over.
On voulait pincer Randolph nous-mêmes et le livrer ensuite.
Hand him over to his mother.
Donnez-le à sa mère.
Now hand him over.
Donnez-le-nous, maintenant.
I'll put him in custody and hand him over to you on the return voyage.
Je vais l'arrêter et vous le remettrai à notre retour.
- Hand him over.
- Livrez-le nous.
What if we hand him over?
Et si on vous le livre?
You hand him over, then you don't get shot up.
Vous ne vous faites pas tirer dessus.
Think what you will, but will you hand him over or not?
Je peux pas vous empêcher de penser ce que vous voulez, mais... est-ce que vous me le rendez ou non? Mais, moi, je veux bien vous le rendre.
He could not hand him over to the police,.. .. nor pay the damages himself.
- Vu ses principes, il pouvait pas le donner à la police...
If you'll hand him over to my custody, I'll see that he- -
Si vous me le remettiez, je veillerai à...
You will hand him over at once.
In that case, sir I wouldn't hand him over without the direct order from Colonel Deal!
Dans ce cas, mon lieutenant, je ne pourrais le livrer sans ordre du Colonel.
Major, hand him over to us.
Major, remettez-le-nous.
We'll punish Basini and then hand him over to the class.
Basini sera puni puis livré aux autres.
Hand him over to them at the prison.
Emmenez-le à la prison.
- Shouldn't we hand him over to the police?
On le livre à la police? Filez!
He has no police power here, he's gonna have to hand him over on a platter, right? That's right.
Il n'a aucun pouvoir ici, il devra vous le livrer sur un plateau.
Just hand him over.
Tais-toi et fais ce que je dis.
Hand him over. And you'll come to no harm.
Donnez-Ie nous, et vous serez sauf.
Jukichiro is here, you better hand him over!
Si Jukichiro Nakahira est ici, vous feriez mieux de nous le livrer!
I mean, Tozo I won't hand him over to you.
Je ne le lâcherai pas.
Just hand him over.
Je veux juste Kudo.
Hand him over!
And you expect me to hand my planes over to him, lock, stock and barrel.
- Et puis tout à coup vient un étranger, qui veut me nettoyer, et tu veux que je lui donne mes avions et tout ce que nous possédons.
Well, if you're so anxious to save my time supposing you explain how you came to be found bending over the corpse with this in your hand and him with his head bashed in?
Eh bien... Si vous tenez à me faire gagner du temps, expliquez-moi ce que vous faisiez au-dessus du corps, avec ceci dans la main. Lui, il avait la tête enfoncée.
He woke up in the middle of the night and thought he saw... a great big white hand comin'up at him over the edge of the bed.
Il s'est réveillé une nuit, pensant avoir vu une grande main blanche... se diriger vers lui, au-dessus du bord du lit.
I will act for him. Hand it over.
J'agirai donc en son nom.
Presidents shook his hand, queens and prelates gave him gifts and children the world over gave him their love.
Il serra la main de présidents, reçut des cadeaux de reines, et l'amour des enfants du monde entier.
Now, if I could get that much together again and hand it over to him... I'm sure he'd go into the City again as he did 20 years ago.
Si je pouvais les réunir et lui donner, je suis sûre qu'il retournerait dans la City comme il y a 20 ans.
Hand over the pot. We'll slick him up a mite.
Passe-moi le pot... on va l'encaustiquer.
Slob, come on over here and give him a hand.
Slob, viens lui donner un coup de main.
Every time you touch me, I see you in that compartment, standing over him, with a knife in your hand.
Dès que tu me touches, je te vois dans le train, couteau à la main. - Tu crois que j'ai oublié?
Hand him over!
Il s'est réfugié ici.
You say if these folks hand Jube over, you won't beat him up?
Si ces gens te livrent Jube, tu ne les canardes pas?
I was going in there to thrash him... not to hand over my work!
J'allais lui casser la figure au lieu de passer les consignes.
Finding Gracchus in control of the mob and the senate... you felt compelled to hand over the garrison to him also.
Gracchus dominait déjà la populace et le sénat... et tu t'es senti forcé de lui donner aussi la garnison.
Please, hand the boy over to me, so that I may take him to a monastery... where he'll be looked after.
S'il vous plaît, rendez-le-moi pour que je le remette à un monastère - où on prendra soin de lui.
Hello? Yes, miss, hand him over!
Que faire d'autre si on ne peut pas se marier?
I'd hand him over.
Moi, je leur rendrais.
If I find out a martian, I'll hand over him just to you.
Si je vois un Martien, je viendrais vous le dire.
He came out to the club waving a check for $ 7,000 and insisted that I break up my golf game, go in and open the bank and hand over to him $ 7,000.
Il est arrivé au club... avec un chèque de 7 000 $. J'ai dû aller ouvrir ma banque... et lui remettre 7 000 $!
Captain Attwood will go back with you, and you will hand over to him.
Le capitaine Attwood vous remplacera.
Keep yer hand over yer mouth talkin about him, cos yer'll get into trouble.
Attention! Tu pourrais t'attirer des ennuis.
When you are 14, if he is still at Marcia Blaine... I will then hand you over to him, and you will be fortunate enough... to receive his artistic guidance.
quand vous aurez 14 ans, et s'il est toujours à Marcia Blaine... je vous confierais à lui, et vous aurez la chance... de recevoir son enseignement artistique.
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