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How about him tradutor Francês

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# How about him in the nude? #
# Tu aimerais le voir tout nu?
He's been here before. He needs to shake his head. So how about him shutting down the cocaine that's coming across the border?
Il faut qu'ils se secouent la tête, leur priorité n'est pas d'arrêter le trafic de cocaïne ou le trafic d'armes.
How about him shutting down the guns? Sometimes you feel like you've stepped into. "Alice in Wonderland,"
Desfois on se croirait dans "Alice au Pays des Merveilles".
Dad is always talking about how the army taught him discipline.
Papa parle tout le temps de la discipline que lui a appris l'armée.
We went to dinner with Lucy and Marty, and I told him everything beforehand about how Marty pretended that we didn't know each other and I just had to go with it.
On est allés dîner avec Lucy et Marty, et avant ça, je lui ai tout raconté : La façon dont Marty avait fait semblant de ne pas me connaître et dont j'avais été prise en otage.
Wendy told me about making Will a mix CD and how she was too scared to give him the first one she made that was all love songs.
Wendy m'a dit avoir fait une compilation sur CD pour Will et comment elle avait pas osé lui donner le premier qui ne contenait que des chansons d'amour.
My father always talked about how much you loved him.
Mon père évoquait souvent combien vous l'aimiez.
How did Dillon find out about him in the first place?
Comment Dillon a-t-il su pour lui d'abord?
Spitz just told me a story about how his kid's walked in on him and his wife when they were playing Strip Scrabble.
Spitz vient de me raconter une histoire Sur lui, quand ses gamins l'on prit en flagrant délit Entrain de jouer au Strip Scrabble.
I told him about how I was trying to make up for all the bad things I've done one by one.
Je lui dis comment je comptais arranger toutes les mauvaises choses que j'avais faites, une par une.
Here this was supposed to be your big, romantic run back from new york to tell jack how you felt about him.
C'était censé être ton grand retour de New York pour enfin dire à Jack ce que tu ressens pour lui.
How about we tie him up more tightly?
Si on le ligotait mieux?
One day we'll tell you about your brother and how much we loved him.
Un jour, nous te parlerons de ton frère et de combien nous l'aimions.
- the truth about how she met him. - He was down in Florida?
Alors, il est en Floride.
You know, I was thinking about the last time I spoke to him, how angry we both were,
Tu sais, je repensais à la dernière où je lui avais parlé, à quel point on était en colère,
I didn't have to ask him, he asked me. How about that?
Je ne l'ai pas invité, c'est lui qui m'a invité.
- How much do you know about him?
- Vous vous connaissez bien?
How about you let him speak for himself for once.
Que dirais-tu de le laisser parler.
Ask him how he feels about tiki torches.
Touche-lui aussi un mot à propos des torches.
- How about your friend, bring him?
- Et ton copain, tu l'emmènes? - Je croyais que c'était "sans-mecs".
How about we send him home?
Que penses-tu de le renvoyer à la maison?
- What would I say? Tell him about the magic, how wonderful it is, the universe.
Parlez-lui de la magie, à quel point c'est merveilleux, l'univers!
Okay, which is why I was wondering if you could help him out. Maybe teach him a few things about football, how to play.
C'est pour ça que je me demandais si tu pouvais l'aider, lui apprendre 2 ou 3 trucs de football, comment jouer.
If you want things to be even with us, how about you let Randy move in with you, keep an eye on him for me?
Si tu veux qu'on soit quitte, pourquoi ne pas laisser Randy emménager avec vous? Pour veiller sur lui pour moi.
I told him all about my list, and how he was on it.
Je lui ai parlé de ma liste, et comment il s'était retrouvé dessus.
I told him my whole life story, not just what happened, but how I really felt about things.
en tout cas, j'ai commencé à parler et une fois lancé, je ne pouvais plus m'arrêter.
about the light bulb errand, and feeling useless at home, and about how great it felt when Helen and Toby needed him.
la mission des ampoules, le sentiment d'être inutile à la maison, et combien il était heureux de sentir qu'Helen et Toby avaient besoin de lui.
How about youtake these over to him?
Et si toi, tu allais lui porter ça?
Kept ranting about how some guy set him up, tied him up for the cops.
Il racontait sans cesse qu'un gars l'avait piégé et ligoté pour les flics.
I mean, I find a stout brute, put him on a horse, put him in a field, and tell him to shout on about how he's fearsome old kensei.
Je veux dire, Je trouve une brute robuste, Je le mets sur un cheval, et l'envoie sur un champ de bataille, Et je lui dis de crier à quel point il est redoutable le vieux Kensei.
- Plus, about a month ago, I made a song talking about how I wanted to kill him and how I planned to do it.
- En plus, il y a un mois, j'ai fait une chanson sur la façon dont je voulais le tuer et comment j'avais prévu de le faire.
What about Hyde, how do I control him?
Et Hyde, je le contrôle comment?
Mm-hmm. How do you know so much about him?
Comment en savez-vous autant à son sujet?
About how to get rid of him, I hope.
Sur comment s'en débarrasser j'éspère.
The last thing i remember about him is how hard you cried when he left...
La dernière chose dont je me souvienne ce sont tes pleurs quand il est parti.
Your father dying's a big deal, no matter how you felt about him.
La mort de ton père est un gros problème, peu importe ce que tu ressentais pour lui.
- How about putting him in with'Monster Truck'?
Qu'il affronte Bulldozer!
I ran into him last week and he was just all apologetic about how he's changed.
Je suis tombée sur lui, il y a une semaine, et il s'excusait, il disait qu'il avait changé.
And you have to tell him how you feel about the whole thing too.
Tu peux lui dire aussi ce que tu ressens.
I-I told Jonah about girls, took him fishing, taught him how to throw a spiral - stuff dads are supposed to do.
J'ai... J'ai parlé à Jonah des filles, je l'ai emmené pêcher, lui ai appris à lancer un appât. Ce que les pères sont supposés faire.
They're fine for him,'cause he knew how to handle them, but he... I'm... I'm not supposed to talk about them.
Je ne suis pas censé parler d'eux.
I can still see of him ranting at me ecstatically about how wonderful he thought they were and weren't they the best band you'd ever seen in your life?
Il répétait sans arrêt qu'ils étaient fantastiques...
How can they tell those lies about him?
Comment peuvent-ils mentir ainsi sur lui?
You talk about how fucked up Hartmann is then after you visit him all of a sudden he's acquitted.
Tu maudissais la mairie, c'était le bordel, puis, 5 min avec lui et tu le crois innocent.
How about you tell him to come on outside anyway?
Il les hait plus.
- How about I tell him something?
- Et si je lui parlais? - Non.
You might be able influence him about how to manage the transition so we don't end up in chaos and bloodshed for the next decade.
On peut le guider sur la façon dont il prépare la transition pour que ça ne se termine pas en chaos et carnage.
He was telling me about how you were helping him with his stage fright, and he said something about some egg, and then he was telling me about how cool you are, like I need him telling me about how cool you are.
Il me disait que tu l'avais aidé avec son trac, et il a parlé d'œufs, et il me disait que tu étais cool, comme si j'avais besoin qu'il me le dise.
And if I mention something from my childhood, it would be to him how... I feel about it as before I was born. Like it's ancient history!
Si je parle de mon enfance, ça évoquera pour lui des faits de l'histoire ancienne.
Now you be careful about how you take him out, hear?
Fais attention quand tu essaieras de le tuer.
But as we would walk around campus and he'd go on about how the swift was my bird, the onyx was my stone, I finally asked him why he kept doing that and do you know what he said?
Mais quand on marchait sur le campus et qu'il radotait et sais-tu ce qu'il a dit?

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