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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / I asked them

I asked them tradutor Francês

1,004 parallel translation
They've hoisted my salary every two years all the time I've worked for them and they took waiter right on as soon as I asked them last year.
Ils m'augmentent tous les deux ans depuis que je travaille pour eux, et l'année dernière, ils ont engagé Walter quand je le leur ai demandé.
I asked them to come early.
- Je leur ai demandé de venir tôt.
- I asked them.
- Je l'ai fait.
I asked them to give me a six-letter word meaning embezzlement, and she said, "Prison."
Je leur ai demandé un mot de six lettres signifiant "détournement de fonds"... et elle a répondu "prison".
I asked them to bring it up to see how it would look.
- Bien sûr. C'est quoi, ça?
He only said "No" when I asked them if they found the place quite comfy.
Il a dit non quand j'ai demandé si ça allait.
Surely you understand why I asked them not to let you sing tonight.
Comprends-tu pourquoi tu ne dois pas chanter?
I asked them to play together with the Art Theatre.
Je leur ai demandé de jouer conjointement avec le Théâtre de l'Art.
They didn't look right to me, so I asked them a few questions.
Méfiant, je leur ai posé quelques questions.
- so I asked them to help you.
- alors j'ai demandé leur aide.
They would do it if I asked them to.
Ils le feraient si je le leur demandais.
One day, long ago, I asked them to send me.
Un jour, il y a longtemps, j'ai demandé qu'on m'envoie.
The papers know, but I asked them to lay off. She'll burn up every column in the country.
J'ai essayé de calmer la presse mais il y a de quoi remplir six colonnes!
So I asked them to look after him.
Alors je leur ai demandé de le prendre en charge.
- If I asked them.
- Que je leur demande de rester?
I asked them to hold out as long as they could. And they did.
ils devaient tenir Ie plus longtemps possible, et ils l'ont fait.
I asked them. Most of them are averaging a 100 % and a half a pound better'n we are.
Les autres éleveurs obtiennent plus à la livre.
I asked them not to.
Je le leur avais demandé.
- I asked them to leave.
- Je leur ai demandé de partir.
- I don't know. I asked them, but they wouldn't tell me on the phone.
Ils ont rien voulu me dire au téléphone.
I asked you to investigate those Taronian bonds, not turn handsprings over them.
J'ai demandé d'étudier ces obligations, pas de les discréditer.
I've asked them.
Je le leur ai dit.
I telephoned Paris and asked them all down for the announcement of your engagement.
- J'ai appelé à Paris pour les inviter à assister à l'annonce de tes fiançailles.
They asked me, I couldn't bear to tell them.
On m'a interrogé. ♪ ai pas osé leur dire qui c'était.
Charles and Wade asked me to eat with them, but I told them I promised you.
Charles me voulait à côté de lui, mais je vous préfère.
I asked Margit to let me bring them.
J'ai dit à Margit que je m'en occupais.
I had asked Mademoiselle Maillard to bring them by.
J'ai demandé à Mlle Maillard de les faire venir.
Would you mind very much if I asked you to pull them up now?
Ca vous ennuierait si, maintenant, je vous demandais de le faire?
If I asked for them fried, you'd scramble them,
Si je dis frits, ce sera brouillés,
When I was a reporter, we asked them quicker than that.
C'est tout? Quand j'étais reporter, nous travaillions plus vite!
"What bothers Pilar?", they asked me. "I'm sick," I told them.
Ils m'ont demandé : "Qu'as-tu, Pilar?" J'ai répondu : "Je suis dégoûtée."
I wrote letters. I asked a kid to mail them from overseas.
J'ai écrit pour dire que j'allais bien, j'ai fait poster les lettres de l'étranger.
I asked her to tell them Laura had let her the apartment while she was away.
Je lui ai dit de dire que Laura lui prêtait l'appartement.
The younger man asked me if I'd show them the way to the brook.
Le plus jeune m'a demandé de les conduire au ruisseau.
# I'm never asked to parties but I go to them just the same #
On ne m'invite jamais... aux réceptions mais j'y vais quand même.
I've never discussed this with them. I've never asked them anything, because I never felt I could judge them.
Je n'ai jamais rien demandé, je ne me suis jamais octroyé le droit de juger.
And the others, Maria, Amelia, I've asked them, they're afraid.
Je l'ai demandé à Émilia et à Maria, mais elles avaient peur.
No, I just asked them to let me stay there and they did.
Non, j'ai juste demandé à rester et ils ont accepté.
And I asked Mr. Retch if he wouldn't put them on the flower room floor and poke a little cement between the cracks and make a stone floor where it might be wet with flowers and things. That's absolutely all I did.
Ils allaient les jeter, aussi ai-je demandé a M. Retch... s'il pouvait s'en servir pour le sol du "fleuriste"... et cimenter le tout, pour faire un beau sol en pierre... qui ne risque pas de s'abîmer a cause de l'eau.
A man just stepped up and asked me if I was any better than the rest of them.
On me demande si je suis mieux qu'eux.
You see, I have asked our friend, Lheureux, to put them in writing.
J'ai demandé à mon ami Lheureux de tout mettre par écrit.
I kindly asked them $ 1,000.
Je leur ai gentiment demandé 1000 $.
I was fightin'in L.A. In January 1 942... and a marine colonel asked me if I'd put on an exhibition for them.
"Tu pourras boxer et pour la bagarre tu seras servi" me promet-il.
When the end was near and I asked him to get them out... he said he had no further interest or concern... in the Afrika Korps.
Vers la fin, lorsque je lui ai demandé qu'il nous sorte de là, il a déclaré qu'il se fichait bien de l'Afrikakorps.
They asked if they could see you this evening. I'll tell them it's not convenient.
- Ils voulaient vous voir dès ce soir.
My mind was vacant when I walked up to the ticket booth and asked them to let me in.
Je ne pensais à rien lorsque je me suis approché du guichet pour acheter un billet d'entrée.
He got himself overloaded with some big sack of stuff and well, he just sort of asked me if I could help him get rid of them.
Il s'est retrouvé avec tout un stock de ces choses et il m'a demandé si je pouvais l'aider à s'en débarrasser.
I asked to give them my blessing.
Je ne demandais qu'à leur donner ma bénédiction.
- Good afternoon, sir. Because of the gravity of this matter, I've asked them To act as representatives of the opposition.
Vu la gravité de l'affaire, j'ai demandé à ces messieurs de m'accompagner.
- Lf I've needed them I've asked for them.
Si j'en ai eu besoin, je l'ai fait.
Then I shocked them when I asked for my contract.
Je les ai choqués en demandant un contrat.

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