Is that your mother tradutor Francês
661 parallel translation
Is that your mother?
Est-ce votre mère?
What you're afraid of is that your mother might lose her son-in-law!
- Vous craignez que votre mère ne perde le gendre qu'elle a cherché!
That beautiful lady in the kitchen, is that your mother?
La dame en cuisine, c'est votre mère?
The reason we have a problem is that your mother had a fight with your father and took refuge in our house.
Le seul problème qu'on ait, c'est que ta mère s'est disputée avec ton père et s'est réfugiée chez nous.
- Is that your mother?
- C'est votre mère?
If people find out that your mother is a fake patient, everything is over.
tout est fini.
That your mother is dead.
Ta maman est morte.
- Is that woman your mother?
- Cette femme est votre mère?
Would it influence your sense of duty at all... to know that Mrs. Terangi is about to be a mother?
Votre sens du devoir serait-il attendri... de savoir que Mme Terangi sera bientôt maman?
Remember that your mother is a long way from here and she's got a serious problem all her own.
Souviens-toi que ta mère est loin d'ici... et qu'elle a un sérieux problème de son côté.
That your sister, Harriet Stanley is the famous Harriet Sedley, who murdered her mother and father with an ax " 5 years ago in Massachusetts.
Que votre soeur, Harriet Stanley, est la célèbre Harriet Sedley, qui assassina père et mère il y a 25 ans dans le Massachusetts?
Look. One of your friends is that mother of Charlie Johnson's across the way. - Has she mentioned this?
Le nies-tu?
- Is that the kind your mother made?
- Comme chez votre mère?
- What? - Is that the kind your mother made?
- C'est comme celui de votre mère?
You know very well you're not supposed to bounce that ball until your mother is up.
Tu sais que maman dort.
You see, you must remember that the keynote to your attitude is... defiance toward your mother.
La clé de votre attitude, c'est la méfiance envers votre mère.
What pain that your mother is not here.
Je regrette que la mère soit pas là pour lui en faire autant!
I beg you. - So your pride is stronger than your mother's please? - I can't do that.
Ne me demandez pas ça, maman.
It is not good to meet that look in your own mother's eyes.
Ce n'est pas bien de voir ce regard dans les yeux de sa propre mère.
By the way, I don't suppose you and your mother are interested in tea with a detective, that is.
Votre mère ne prendrait pas le thé avec un détective?
Is that your mother?
C'est votre mère?
That is of concern only to you and your mother, not me.
Ça ne regarde que vous et votre mère, pas moi.
To become a geisha like your mother, is very difficult, you know that?
Devenir une geisha comme ta mère, c'est très dur, tu le sais?
Is it true that your mother is?
C'est vrai que ta mère va venir?
You hate the fact that your mother is in this business?
Tu n'aimes pas mon métier?
Won't you look yonder and tell the court... if that is the man that killed your mother?
Peux-tu regarder là-bas et dire à la cour... si c'est bien lui qui a tué ta mère?
That is your duty as Kyoungsoo's mother.
C'est ton devoir en tant que mère de Kyoungsoo.
Barney... I've been thinking it over... and I've decided that your mother is right.
Barney, j'ai réfléchi et je pense que ta mère a raison.
I see that your one thought is to save your mother and sister.
Je vois que tu ne penses qu'à sauver ta mère et ta sœur.
You see, I uh, answered the door when your men arrived... and, uh, since I didn't want to worry Mumsy - My mother, that is
J'ai ouvert la porte à vos hommes pour ne pas inquiéter maman.
That my blood and your mother's is running through your veins.
C'est mon sang et celui de ta mère qui coule dans tes veines.
I'm saying that if your mother is senile it's up to you to make her understand she has to leave.
Je dis juste... que si votre mère est trop sénile pour comprendre... c'est à vous d'agir.
In the decision that came from Stuttgart, it is stated that your mother suffered from hereditary feeble-mindedness.
D'après le tribunal de Stuttgart, elle souffrait d'un déficit mental héréditaire.
Is that why you didn't come home after your mother died?
C'est pourquoi vous n'êtes pas rentrée à sa mort?
His father was hanged by white men for killing one of the white men that his mother brought home and your reasoning, and God only knows I respect you and I respect your experience but Doctor, in this case, your reasoning is wrong.
Son père a été pendu pour avoir tué un Blanc que sa mère fréquentait. Dieu sait que je vous respecte. Et je respecte votre expérience.
Becket is my enemy but in the human balance traitor that he is and naked as his mother made him, he's worth 100 of you madam, with your crown and your jewels and your august uncle the emperor into the bargain.
Becket est mon ennemi mais en tant qu'homme tout traître qu'il est et aussi nu que sa mère l'a fait, il vous vaut cent fois, madame, avec votre couronne et vos joyaux et votre auguste oncle, l'Empereur, par dessus le marché.
His eyes are opened at last and he knows now that your mother is the only woman he's ever loved in his whole life.
Il ouvre enfin les yeux et il sait que ta mère est la seule femme qu'il ait jamais aimée de toute sa vie.
And that's probably where your wife is now, with her mother.
C'est probablement là qu'est votre femme, chez sa mère. Oui.
His problem is that he must ask your permission, as she is your mother.
Son problème, c'est qu'il doit te demander sa main, comme c'est ta mère.
CLAY : Mother, there aren't enough icicles on your side, and that finial is still a little crooked.
Mère, il n'y a pas assez de glaçons de votre côté, et ce fleuron n'est pas droit.
All I know is that I'm tied to this idea here... that your mother gave me, and I'm just bound to go through with it.
Tout ce que je sais, c'est que j'ai cette idée que votre mère m'a donnée et j'irai jusqu'au bout.
Mother, you fed me in that stalactites cave which is your womb, you became aware of me.
Maman, tu m'as fait grandir dans ta grotte à stalactites.
When I talk to him later, I'm gonna tell him that Samantha absolutely insists on his coming and your mother-in-law is dying to meet him.
Quand je lui parlerai, tout à l'heure, je lui dirai que Samantha et sa mère insistent pour qu'il vienne.
Mother, you know it is silly, your sitting alone in the dark like that.
Mère. c'est de la folie de rester seule comme ça dans le noir.
"Tell your chivalrous husband that his courteous mother-in-law is regrettably unavailable." Oh, Mother, you are exasperating.
"Dis à ton galant mari que sa belle-mère courtoise n'est malheureusement pas disponible." Tu es exaspérante.
You were fond of your mother, is that it? No, no.
Vous étiez attaché à votre mère?
The reason that I'm not furious at your mother is that I wouldn't have missed the fire you lit under Burning Oak for anything.
Je ne suis pas en colère contre ta mère car je n'aurais manqué pour rien au monde le scandale du club.
Is your mother pleased that you wear nylon stockings?
Ta mère est contente que tu portes des bas?
Is that all you and your mother ever think of, toads and toadstools?
Votre mère et vous ne pensez qu'en termes de crapaud et de champignon.
That is your mother's chair.
C'est la chaise de votre mère.
What is directly related to that night 4 years ago are your feelings for my mother
Le lien avec cette nuit d'il y a 4 ans, c'est ton sentiment pour ma mère.
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is that all there is 18
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that your sister 22
is that your dog 17
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
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is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that what this is 151
is that your car 43
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that a 177
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is that better 164
is that all 744
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is that bad 219
is that him 366
is that all of it 17
is that her 187
is that what this is about 217
is that clear 774
is that better 164
is that all 744
is that possible 215
is that bad 219
is that him 366
is that all of it 17
is that her 187