Next tuesday tradutor Francês
420 parallel translation
I'll throw a guard around the Criminal Court building and panel a special jury. And I'll watch Maxey Campo die in the chair in 90 days from next Tuesday.
Je ferai garder chaque tribunal, je désignerai un jury spécial et je regarderai Maxey Campo mourir sur la chaise dans 90 jours.
Well, personally, I'm going to stop drinking next Tuesday afternoon at 3 : 00 sharp. ( LAUGHS )
Personnellement, j'arrêterai de boire mardi prochain, à 15 h précises.
But we'll make it next Tuesday night for sure.
Mais on ira mardi prochain, d'accord?
Don't forget next Tuesday.
N'oublie pas de venir jeudi.
Well, your board of directors doesn't meet until next Tuesday.
Ton conseil ne se réunit pas avant jeudi.
Well, oddly enough, I'll be busy next Tuesday evening.
Assez curieusement, je serai débordée mardi soir.
"It's lucky for the city that next Tuesday is Election Day as the citizens will thus be saved the expense of impeaching the mayor and the sheriff". That's all. Call you back.
" Les élections de mardi arrivent à point... car les citoyens ne pourront mettre en accusation... ni le maire, ni le shérif'.
We'll see you next Tuesday.
A mardi prochain, Mme Walters.
Look, Pete, her divorce decree cannot be entered until next Tuesday.
Ecoute, Pete, le décret de divorce ne sera saisi que mardi.
Well, it seems your divorce from Mr. Stokes will not be final until next Tuesday.
Ton divorce d'avec M. Stokes n'est pas valable avant mardi prochain.
The decree can't be entered until next Tuesday.
Le décret ne peut être saisi avant mardi.
Then we can be married next Tuesday.
Et nous pouvons nous marier mardi prochain.
- Next Tuesday.
- Mardi prochain.
How about next Tuesday at 4 : 00?
Mardi, 4 h, d'accord?
There's a smoking concert at the Red Lion next Tuesday night, you know.
Il y a un concert au Lion Rouge mardi soir prochain, tu sais.
Speaking of teachers, Mr. Wilson. - Yes, yes. The faculty is coming for tea next Tuesday.
À propos, nous recevons les professeurs jeudi, souhaitez-vous vous joindre à nous?
And 12 years from now, it'll still be next Tuesday.
Dans douze ans, ce sera encore mardi prochain.
- Next Tuesday?
- Mardi prochain?
Then I'll send my automobile to bring you up next Tuesday.
A bientôt, en montagne.
- Next Tuesday.
On a du pain sur la planche.
This is for the Seamen's Fund brawl next Tuesday night at the Catfish.
C'est pour la bagarre du Fonds des marins mardi soir au Catfish.
We--we'll celebrate the anniversary of our third week together next Tuesday.
Nous fêterons nos trois semaines ensemble jeudi prochain.
- Five months, next Tuesday
- Ça fera cinq mois mardi.
You know, you could leave her there till next Tuesday, then you could sneak safely away as planned.
Vous pourriez l'y laisser jusqu'à mardi prochain et vous enfuir comme prévu.
The moon's full next Tuesday, so we're pretty close to deadline.
La prochaine pleine lune sera mardi, Nous sommes proches de la date limite.
- Now this won't be on the stands until next Tuesday.
Ce ne sera dans les racks que mardi prochain.
We can yakety-yak till next Tuesday.
On peutjacasser jusqu'à mardi.
Come back next Tuesday.
Revenez mardi.
Next Tuesday. Next Tuesday.
Mardi prochain.
Always next Tuesday.
Mardi prochain.
The inquiry's been set for next Tuesday.
L'enquête débutera mardi prochain.
If he's busy next Tuesday, I'll take you out - strictly platonic
- Si tu es veuve mardi prochain, je te sors. En copains.
We're sending six destroyers through the Navarone Channel next Tuesday to take the men off Kheros.
Six destroyers emprunteront le canal de Navarone, mardi... pour évacuer les hommes de Kheros.
Next tuesday, I will go somewhere for a couple of days.
Mardi prochain, je partirai pour deux jours.
See you next Tuesday then.
Á mardi.
Your appointment isn't till next Tuesday.
Ton rendez-vous est mardi prochain.
By next Tuesday, they figure the entire industry from San Diego to Seattle.
Toute l'industrie est en grève, de San Diego à Seattle. M. le Président...
Simpson, you're aware next Tuesday is our annual Army Day parade?
Vous savez que mardi a lieu notre défilé militaire annuel?
Now, next Tuesday night we'll talk about... heading down the home stretch.
Mardi prochain, nous parlerons de l'approche du but.
Next lecture at half past Tuesday.
Prochaine conférence mardi.
Yeah, see us the second Tuesday of next week.
Oui, revenez Ia semaine des quatre jeudi.
Yes. Ten years next Tuesday.
Dix ans, mardi prochain...
Look, next day it is last night we don't start and Tuesday evening is the morning we ain't coming.
Le prochain jour c'est le dernier où on ne commence pas, et mardi soir, on n'ira pas au matin.
Next Monday or Tuesday.
Lundi prochain ou mardi.
"will be removed from Miramont Place, Pimlico, on Tuesday next."
"sera extraite de Miramont Place à Pimlico mardi prochain."
Class dismissed I must cancel the class for Tuesday. We'll meet next Friday for sculpture
Messieurs, le cours est terminé, je ne viendrai pas mardi prochain.
You meet your buddies, I mean, you know, you start drinking and next thing you know Monday rolls by and Tuesday, and than I'm still going, and it keeps going on, you know, from day to day, months.
On retrouve nos potes, on boit, et les jours passent : lundi, mardi... Et ça continue comme ça, jour après jour, mois après mois, et très vite, l'année est passée, et rien n'a changé.
I'll be out there Tuesday of next week.
J'y serai mardi prochain.
On Tuesday of next week, Dr Raynor finishes his sentence and with his daughter flies immediately to Puerto Ubera in South America, thanks to the generosity of an anonymous benefactor who has sent him a round-trip ticket.
Mardi prochain, le Dr Raynor aura purgé sa peine, et avec sa fille, il s'envolera pour Puerto Ubera, en Amérique du Sud, grâce à la générosité d'un bienfaiteur anonyme qui lui a envoyé un billet aller-retour.
I can't have a man out there until next week, probably Tuesday.
Je ne peux rien faire avant mardi prochain.
Martin curry, who is visiting london To have a tooth out, for the pre-molar, uh, premiere Of his filling, film, next toothday, tuesday
Martin Curry, qui visite Londres pour se faire enlever une dent, et la prémolaire,... première de son plombage... ouvrage, ce dentdredi... vendredi, au cinéma-tartre... cinéma-théâtre.
tuesday 416
tuesdays 25
tuesday morning 19
tuesday night 38
next up 200
next time 1734
next week 481
next question 224
next friday 28
next year 228
tuesdays 25
tuesday morning 19
tuesday night 38
next up 200
next time 1734
next week 481
next question 224
next friday 28
next year 228
next step 29
next weekend 53
next stop 249
next month 127
next time i see you 33
next one 80
next door 79
next saturday 30
next sunday 24
next of kin 40
next weekend 53
next stop 249
next month 127
next time i see you 33
next one 80
next door 79
next saturday 30
next sunday 24
next of kin 40