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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ O ] / Of course it isn't

Of course it isn't tradutor Francês

251 parallel translation
No, of course it isn't.
Bien sûr que non.
Of course, this Depression isn't going to last forever. But if it takes a little longer than we figure... I want to know if you and your associates... would be in a position to sort of tide us over.
Cette crise aura certes une fin, mais si elle dure plus que prévu, est-ce que vous et vos associés pourriez nous renflouer?
Well, of course, in these times, $ 6 is $ 6, isn't it?
Dans l'état actuel des choses, six dollars sont déjà six dollars, non?
Of course it isn't.
Bien sûr que non.
Of course, I know I couldn't give you the sort of life that you had in-i mean, with him in Boston, but - oh, it isn't where you are, Elmer.
Je ne pourrais pas t'offrir la vie que tu avais, je veux dire, avec lui, à Boston, mais... Ce n'est pas où on vit qui importe.
Of course it isn't.
- Bien sûr que non.
Of course it isn't.
- Mais non.
It means exile, of course, but that's what you want, isn't it?
Ça signifie l'exil, bien sûr, mais c'est ce que vous désirez, n'est-ce pas?
Isn't it, Grant? Of course.
N'est-ce pas, Grant?
Of course, if he isn't a good boy, then he won't expect it.
S'il n'a pas été sage, alors il ne le réclamera pas.
Of course it isn't. That's why I took it out of the truck.
Nous l'avons sorti du camion.
Of course, it isn't enough.
C'est peu de chose.
Of course it isn't your fault.
Bien sûr que ce n'était pas de ta faute.
Of course I realize everything you've done for me, but, well... life is so uncertain nowadays, isn't it?
Je sais tout ce que tu as fait pour moi, mais bon... la vie est si imprévisible, n'est-ce pas?
Well, of course my memory isn't as good as it used to be. It isn't bad though.
Évidemment, ma mémoire n'est plus ce qu'elle était, mais elle n'est pas mauvaise.
Of course it isn't.
Tout à fait.
Of course, $ 99,000 isn't a small sum, but it isn't large.
Bien sûr, 99000 $ n'est pas une petite somme, mais ce n'est pas énorme.
- Provided, of course, it isn " t poisoned.
- Si ce n'est pas empoisonné.
- Of course. Obvious, isn't it?
Bien sûr, c'est évident.
Of course you do, dear, but it isn ´ t as if you were gonna marry him.
Bien s ¨ ^ ur, chérie, mais ce n "est pas comme si tu allais l" épouser.
- Of course it isn't.
- No, of course it isn't.
- Aucune.
- Of course it isn't.
- Bien sûr que non.
Of course. It isn't worth mentioning again.
- Bien sûr, n'en parlons plus.
It isn't possible. Of course now, is it?
Ce n'est pas possible N'est-ce pas?
Of course, it isn't finished yet.
Bien sûr, ce n'est pas fini.
Of course, isn't it for you?
- Pas à vous?
Oh, of course i do, but isn't it awfully expensive?
Si, mais n'est-ce pas affreusement cher?
Of course, we know it isn't true, minister.
Nous savons bien sûr que ce n'est que mensonge.
Cold, isn't it? Of course.
Quel froid, dehors!
It's the accidental things that sometimes change the course of history, isn't it?
Parfois, un rien change le cours de l'Histoire.
- Water is important, isn't it? - Of course!
L'eau est importante.
Of course I deny it all, because it isn't true - not one word of it.
Bien sûr que je nie tout, parce que ce n'est pas vrai - Pas un mot.
I say, it is for sale, isn't it? - Of course.
Vous voulez la vendre, non?
Of course, that's Swan's key, isn't it?
Bien sûr c'est...
It's supposed to be a party, isn't it? ─ Of course.
- C'est une fête, en principe, non?
Of course, it isn't terribly long. lt's one of those parts that make an impression.
Ce n'est pas très long. Mais c'est un rôle qui marque.
Of course, it isn't exactly going anywhere, is it?
Mais nous ne sommes pas partis.
Of course... that isn't it.
Bien sûr. Ce n'est pas ça.
Of course this isn't really Africa, honey. It's the French Morocco.
Nous sommes en Afrique.
Of course it isn't finished yet.
Il n'est pas fini...
Of course, it's Elizabeth you're worried about, isn't it?
Pour protéger EIizabeth?
It's customary, of course, to have someone in between and ask for your permission, but there isn't much time.
Mais le temps presse.
Well, you needn't worry about accidents. It isn't loaded, of course.
Il n'est pas chargé, bien sûr.
Of course it isn't the same, you idiot.
- Bien sur que non, imbécile.
No, of course it isn't dear.
Je vous dis que non, chérie.
Of course it isn't. It's war!
Forcément, s'il s'agit de guerre!
It isn't that I give a hoot about jewellery, except diamonds, of course.
Je me moque complètement des bijoux, à part les diamants.
If I married him the family would, of course, be relieved, but it isn't so simple
Si j'accepte, Père et toute la famille seront contents, mais moi...
Of course, it isn't Frio County, but you'd die a lot closer to home than if I had to kill you here.
Oh, ce n'est pas Frio County, bien sûr, mais vous mourrez plus près de la maison que si je vous tuais ici.
Isn't that enough? Of course it's enough.
- Cela ne suffit pas?

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