Round them up tradutor Francês
220 parallel translation
- Round them up!
- Ramassez-les!
Round them up, round them up.
All right, boys, round them up.
D'accord, les gars, rassemblez-les.
Okay, Taylor. We'll hold him for his own protection until we round them up.
Bon, on le garde pour sa protection jusqu'à ce qu'on les capture tous.
Round them up, boys!
It will take us two days to round them up.
Il faudra deux jours pour le regrouper.
We can round them up now or in the morning.
Les ramène-t-on maintenant?
But you'll have to round them up.
Mais vous devrez les capturer.
Come on, let's round them up.
Rassemblez-les tous.
I just round them up. You'll have to ask Solicitor Grey.
Je ne fais que les capturer.
Why don't you round them up?
Pourquoi ne pas les rassembler?
- No, I'm gonna need you as a witness if I can get a posse together to round them up.
- J'aurai besoin de votre témoignage... si je peux avoir un détachement pour les attraper.
Round them up and get them out! I don't care if they're 6!
Rassemblez-les et embarquez-les!
Sam, how about you and me giving the females of Boston ten minutes head start, then round them up?
Sam, et si on donnait aux femmes de Boston dix minutes d'avance et qu'on allait les retrouver?
- Then we'll round them up...
- On va les encercler...
It's extremely dangerous to go up on top and round them up in the wild, where we can't control them.
Il est très dangereux de les circonvenir à l'extérieur où on ne peut les contrôler.
round them up?
- Vous voulez parler à Alf? - Alf comment?
It was a rodeo type of thing. I had a lasso, and some supposedly wild horses. I'd round them up, tame them...
Je domptais des chevaux avec un lasso, des chevaux supposés sauvages.
Round them up!
Assholes trying to round them up and put them in the back of trucks.
Des connards qui Ies ont ramassés, et chargés dans leurs cammionettes.
You could find all the people in Los Angeles who had a circulation problem and were susceptible to the cold and round them up for questioning.
Vous pouvez chercher toutes les personnes à Los Angeles qui ont un problème de circulation et qui sont sensibles au froid, et les convoquer à un interrogatoire.
Round them up. Get'em down to our office.
Conduisez-les chez nous.
Dr Zama would round them up in groups for treatment.
Dr Zama les prenait par groupes pour leur administrer leur traitement.
That's what I'm after. We'll round them all up with one fell swoop.
On va les coincer tous en même temps!
Round up all suspicious characters and search them for stolen document.
Arrêtez tous les suspects et retournez les documents volés.
Get on that radio and tell them to round up every police car they can spare.
Dites à la radio de rassembler toutes les voiture possibles.
About those blitz holdups you're on... round up all the victims and have them down here tonight, will you?
Pour ces braquages en série, j'aimerais que tu rassembles toutes les victimes ici ce soir.
We'll pick them up on our next go-round. Take a point.
On les rattrapera sans doute bientôt.
Monte, you take your men and round up the cattle on the ridge and start them rolling.
Monte, tu prends tes hommes et tu réunis le troupeau de la crête. Tu les lances.
Yesterday's and last night's and all of them "one last round before we break it up" bets.
Hier après-midi et hier soir et toutes les fois qui devaient être les dernières?
Now all Scotland Yard has to do is round up a million men... and ask them if they are Jack the Ripper.
Tout ce que Scotland Yard doit faire, c'est rassembler un million d'hommes... pour leur demander s'ils sont jack l'Éventreur.
Round up the Feng family, and we'll put them ashore.
Rassemblez la famille Feng, on les laissera sur la rive.
I want you to round up every available man. Arm them... Do what?
Je veux que vous rassembliez tous vos hommes...
Do you think they plan to round up destructive men and shoot them?
On ne va pas les arrêter et les fusiller?
The first thing I want you to do is round up every kid in town, boy or girl, who's got a bicycle and be back here with them in a half hour.
La première chose à faire, c'est de réunir chaque enfant de la ville qui a une bicyclette et de revenir ici avec eux dans 30 min.
Tell them they'll be there in Douglas before he knows it. Tell them to round up every man with a gun and head them off.
Dites-lui qu'il rassemble tous les hommes possédant une arme!
Round up the prisoners and anchor them somewhere.
Rassemble les prisonniers et attache-les.
- You get them up now. - Shoot one in there.
On fait un round.
Joey, you better round up your family, tell them to go home until this thing's over.
Rassemblez votre famille. Restez chez vous jusqu'à ce que ce soit terminé.
Now with the Commissioner leading the investigation, we'll round them all up at once.
Avec le commissaire en charge de l'enquête, nous les attraperons tous très bientôt.
Maria, round the kids up and take them outside!
Maria Libera, fais sortir les enfants.
Used to deal in dope down at the tube station do a bit of pimping chat up the poofs in the pubs at night-time take them round the back, take their money off them, and tell them to fuck off.
Je dealais de la dope à la station de métro. J'ai fait un peu le mac. Le soir, je parlais aux pédés et je les dépouillais derrière les pubs.
Block every exit and round them all up!
Bouclez la zone. Embarquez les suspects. Vous êtes de pire en pire.
Come on, round them all up, take them all back
Allez, on arrête tout le monde!
Round up free cattle here, drive them up. We'd be rich.
Emportons notre bétail, on sera riches en un rien de temps.
To round up them horses we stole.
Regrouper les chevaux qu'on a volés.
I'd have them round up every one of those inconsiderate savages, bury them up to their necks, and run them over with a grain reaper.
Tu le seras un jour. C'est ça, maman.
How I watched them round up the youngest and weakest of the women as if they were cattle and rape them in front of everybody?
Comment je les ai vus... rassembler les Indiennes les plus jeunes et faibles... comme du bétail, et les violer sous nos yeux?
Then I will live in Montana, and I will marry a round American woman and raise rabbits, and she will cook them for me, and I will have a pickup truck... or a... possibly even a recreational vehicle and drive from state to state.
Alors je vivrais dans le Montana, et j'épouserais une belle grosse Américaine et élèverais des lapins, et elle me cuisinera pour moi, et j'aurais un pick-up... ou un... probablement un de ces motorhome et je roulerais d'états en états.
Then they round the corner, and she rose up like a big old black viper, and pulled them under, just like that.
Ils abordaient un méandre quand la grande vipère noire les a emmenés sous l'eau comme ça.
Round them up.
upstate 42
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
up next 81
upside down 57
up top 130
up yours 130
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
up next 81
upside down 57
up top 130
up yours 130
up to you 126
up against the wall 84
up guy 119
up call 187
up and at' em 72
up the stairs 74
up north 49
up we go 50
up now 50
up high 87
up against the wall 84
up guy 119
up call 187
up and at' em 72
up the stairs 74
up north 49
up we go 50
up now 50
up high 87