Second thoughts tradutor Francês
945 parallel translation
Second thoughts.
On second thoughts, I think I'll look around a bit.
Tout bien réfléchi, je vais quand même voir.
But, on second thoughts, I'll have to discharge you after all.
A bien réfléchir, je vais devoir vous renvoyer.
No, on second thoughts, I'll do the ordering.
Non, à bien y réfléchir, je vais m'en charger.
Maybe I ought to have second thoughts about this.
Peut-être que je devrais y réfléchir à deux fois.
Only on second thoughts, is it a good idea?
En y réfléchissant, est-ce une bonne idée?
I mean, he'd gotten hold of the gun, then had second thoughts.
Cette homme a loué un pistolet.
She's having second thoughts about marriage
Elle refuse un mariage arrangé.
Are you having second thoughts?
Et moi qui avais dit à ma mère :
On second thoughts, I think you'd better make it 1,500, perhaps?
Tout compte fait, vous devriez m'en donner 1 500.
I suggest you have some second thoughts on this.
Je vous suggère de reconsidérer votre idée.
Apparently the general's had second thoughts.
Il semble que le général ait eu des regrets.
I suppose it's just possible he may have some second thoughts by then.
Je suppose qu'il est possible... qu'il ait des doutes en réflechissant
On second thoughts, I'll deliver the girl personally.
À la réflexion, je la livrerai moi-même.
On second thoughts.
- Non. J'ai réfléchi.
I've even had second thoughts.
Je n'étais plus sûr de vouloir me venger.
And that look on your face? Are you having second thoughts?
Pourquoi tu fais la tête?
[Evidently the thief, whoever it was, had had second thoughts... ] [... or perhaps he realized before the others did that... ] [... with or without a clapper, the bell was no use any more.]
Le voleur s'était peut-être repenti, ou peut-être avait-il déjà compris qu'avec ou sans battant, la cloche était inutilisable.
On second thoughts, she can calm down.
Pour quoi faire? Aprês tout, je suis votre associé.
If any of you have second thoughts you may retire now.
Si l'un d'entre vous a quelque regret il peut se retirer maintenant.
I take it from your tone, inspector, that you did not have second thoughts about seeing the chief constable yesterday.
D'après votre ton, vous n'avez pas hésité à aller voir le directeur, hier.
But I do think you had second thoughts just now.
Mais je te sens réticent.
But you did have second thoughts, didn't you, Billy?
Mais tu as des réticences.
Not second thoughts as such, no.
Pas vraiment.
On second thoughts, you think we should release him to return to Troy.
Vous pensez que nous devrions le libérer pour qu'il retourne à Troie.
Delayed. We've had second thoughts back here. We're calling a panel of consultants.
Nous avons réfléchi et nous allons faire appel a des consultants.
On second thoughts perhaps it would be better if I came out to see him.
En y repensant, il serait préférable que ce soit moi qui y aille.
On second thoughts, it might be a little difficult for you.
IAN : Oui, en y repensant, ça risque d'être difficile pour toi.
I think I ought to warn you that I've given second thoughts to the whole of this scheme and...
DOCTEUR : Je dois vous avertir que j'ai reconsidéré l'ensemble de ce plan, et il vaudrait mieux faire demi-tour avant qu'il ne soit trop tard.
- Having second thoughts?
- Tu as changé d'avis?
The UN is having second thoughts about granting us independence.
Les Nations Unies rechignent à nous accorder l'indépendance.
It's rumoured we've had second thoughts.
On dit déjà que nous nous reculons, que nous hésitons.
On second thoughts I think I'd better not. Keep a clear head and all that.
En fin de compte, je préfère garder les idées claires.
You're not having second thoughts, are you?
Changeriez-vous d'avis?
On second thoughts, if you wish.
Après tout, fais comme tu veux.
Second thoughts?
- Tu hésites?
Well, forgive me for being so inquisitive but during the past few weeks I've wondered whether you might have been having some second thoughts about the mission?
Pardonne ma curiosité... mais ces dernières semaines, je me suis demandé s'il t'arrivait de douter de la mission.
Let's say I've had second thoughts.
Disons que j'ai réfléchi.
I got a telephone call from Bliss Jr first thing this morning, and he told me that his father had second thoughts.
Le fils Bliss a appelé ce matin à la première heure et il m'a dit que son père s'était ravisé.
But when Mattie told me the straight of the matter, I had second thoughts.
Mais quand Mattie m'a tout raconté, je suis revenu sur ma décision.
It's normal to have second thoughts
Ton hésitation est naturelle.
No, on second thoughts Get them over here slowly
Non, après réflexion, ne pas les presser pour qu'ils n'oublient rien.
I had second thoughts about the shooting.
J'y ai bien réfléchi.
After all, you might start having second thoughts about the money.
Vous pourriez regretter pour l'argent.
I also removed it recently because I had second thoughts.
Je l'ai enlevée récemment, j'étais inquiète.
What do you mean by second thoughts?
Comment ça?
Whoever wanting to bully you... will have second thoughts.
Quiconque voulant te maltraiter y réfléchira à deux fois.
No, on second thoughts, nothing royal.
Non, rien de royal...
No, on second thoughts it'll have to be Josephine.
So think thou wilt no second husband wed, but die thy thoughts when thy first lord is dead.
La crainte des secondes noces disparaît dès le premier veuvage.
On second thoughts, she's your protégée.
C'est votre protégée.
thoughts 165
second 1107
seconds 3944
second chance 27
seconds later 55
seconds ago 103
seconds out 51
seconds to go 31
second grade 17
second round 19
second 1107
seconds 3944
second chance 27
seconds later 55
seconds ago 103
seconds out 51
seconds to go 31
second grade 17
second round 19
second floor 165
second time 38
second rule 43
seconds away 16
second row 18
second of all 241
secondly 391
seconds left 62
second date 16
seconded 22
second time 38
second rule 43
seconds away 16
second row 18
second of all 241
secondly 391
seconds left 62
second date 16
seconded 22