Three words tradutor Francês
627 parallel translation
I'm gonna find someone and say three words to her I should have been saying all along.
Je vais retrouver quelqu'un et lui dire trois mots que j'aurais dû lui dire depuis le début.
Three words, dear Romeo, and good night, indeed.
Trois mots, cher Roméo, et bonne nuit pour de bon.
I've written three words in as many days.
J'ai écrit trois mots.
Those three words took exactly 9 / 10s of a second.
Ces trois mots ont duré exactement 9 / 10 de seconde.
Just think those three words aloud. And I trouble you no more. I go.
Pensez à ces trois mots à voix haute, et je ne vous dérangerai plus, je partirai.
I've just two or three words to say to you, laddies, and that's don't worry. Don't ever worry.
J'ai deux ou trois mots à vous dire et rien n'est perdu.
What my great grandfather taught and his great grandfather All that was written in the scrolls, in the Zohar and the Temureh You want me to give it to you in three words
Ce que mon père a appris de son grand-père, et celui-ci de son arrière grand-père, ce que nous enseignent les parchemins, et Zohar, et Temureh, tu veux que je te le dise, en deux mots, tout ça?
We can't get him to say three words a day.
On ne peut pas lui faire dire plus de 3 mots par jour.
Just repeat three words.
Trois mots à répéter...
Old Fred used to say that those three words summed up all the wisdom of the East.
Fred disait que toute la sagesse de l'Orient tient là-dedans.
On it there are three words.
Elle porte trois mots.
He'll recommend those three words even over "I love you."
Il prônera la supériorité de ces trois mots sur "Je vous aime".
Three words, dear Romeo, and good night indeed.
Quelques mots, cher Romèo, puis bonne nuit.
Instinct-preserve-species. Three words making a fourth nonsense.
L'instinct, l'espèce, 2 mots et 4 bêtises.
Look at these three words written larger than the rest with a special pride never written before or since. Tall words, proudly saying :
Regardez les trois mots écrits en gros, ces mots pleins de fierté.
Forgive me if I laugh, but these three words strung together are irresistibly funny!
Pardonnez mon rire. Mais ces trois mots mis bout à bout, sont d'un comique irrésistible.
You haven't said three words since the match.
Vous n'avez rien dit depuis le match.
Those three words are all that separate you from a rutting pig.
Ces trois mots sont tout ce qui te différencie d'un porc en rut.
And keep your answers down to three words.
Tentez de vous limiter à trois mots.
Three little words that I should have been saying to her all along.
Trois petits mots que j'aurais dû lui dire depuis le début.
And speaking of words, I'd like to say a few about the injustice... of keeping an innocent man locked up for three months... in such filth and heat and ill-feeding that my chief regret is I didn't try... to pull down the filthy fellow that sits on the throne.
Et je dénonce l'injustice qu'il y a à garder 3 mois un innocent dans un cachot si pestilentiel. Et je regrette de n'avoir renversé pareil monarque!
Finally, after three months of this... I told her mother that I loved Concha... and that although there were certain ties I couldn't form... I wished to provide for her daughter, take charge of her education... in other words, make myself her protector.
Finalement, trois mois après, j'ai déclaré à sa mère que j'aimais Concha et que même si je ne pouvais prendre certains engagements, je souhaitais subvenir à ses besoins, prendre en charge son éducation, en d'autres termes, devenir son protecteur.
Here are three pages on your words meaning "look."
Voici trois pages de mots signifiant "regarde".
Except for waiters and taxi drivers... and they don't count... that's four more words than I've said any night in the past three weeks.
Sauf les serveurs et les chauffeurs de taxi qui ne comptent pas... ce sont cinq mots de plus que j'ai dits à quiconque depuis trois semaines.
And when such drunkenness results in the slaughter of three young, innocent citizens, words become inadequate to express our horror.
Et quand cela entraîne la mort de 3 jeunes citoyens innocents, l'horreur devient indicible.
If she stood like a beggar with a tin cup, waiting for you to drop in three little words,
Si elle vous regardait d'un air piteux, attendant trois mots :
Every time I play anagrams, I can only make three-letter words.
Quand je joue à ça, je ne fais que des mots de trois lettres.
Words like that don't go with sailor suits and three-day leaves and our world.
Un marin, dire ces choses? Et en perm, qui plus est.
- He slipped me three little words.
II m'a jeté 4 petits mots.
I'm only trying to be sociable. You ain't spoke ten words in the past three days.
J'essaie d'être aimable, t'as rien dit depuis 3 jours.
Or rather, I have three very small words... but they are most deeply felt.
Ou plutôt, j'ai à dire trois petits mots que je pense sincèrement.
Try to remember Rienzi's exact words when he asked you... to bring the three hoods to Sally's hotel room.
En quels termes Rienzi a-t-il exigé que vous conduisiez ses tueurs chez Sally?
Two words, three lies.
Deux paroles, trois mensonges.
Do not forget, madam, that love is a continuous game with three balls, the names of which are : heart, words and loins.
N'oubliez pas, madame, que l'amour est un jeu à trois balles : Le c ur, la parole, le sein.
Mr. Reynolds, look, without thinking, I'll say a word and then three words, and you pick the word of the three that fits the first one.
Je vais vous lire un mot, puis trois autres.
Give me a quick 50 words across three columns.
Le prote, et fissa.
- I've got three more words.
- Il me reste trois mots.
OK. All you have to do is repeat three simple words after me.
Il te suffit derépéter trois mots très simples.
I'll say three words of comfort, Don Camillo... enjoy your meal!
"Bon appétit", Seigneur?
Nine words. That'll be three units.
Ça fait trois unités,
Three dumb little words from you to Uncle Arthur : "Don't come back."
Les trois mots que tu as dits à Oncle Arthur : "Ne revenez pas".
Could be worth two or three hundred words.
Je pourrais écrire 200 à 300 mots.
For example, two and two are the same quantity as three and one, in other words four.
Par exemple, deux plus deux sont la même quantité que trois plus un, c'est-à-dire quatre.
Remember Three Little Words?
Vous vous souvenez... "Three Little Words"?
I can tell you what I think of you in three little words.
Je peux te dire ce que je pense de toi en quatre mots.
Three little words, "You're a dope."
Quatre petits mots : "Tu es un nul."
As a dreamer-of-water, Category One, Flight, it was not lost on Hasp that U-thalian also had 47 words for water, each one describing it in less than three syllables and under 14 letters, for various of its states, like its purity, scarcity,
En tant que rêveur d'eau, Catégorie Un, vol, Hasp avait remarqué que l'u-thaIien avait 4 7 termes désignant l'eau, chacun décrivant en moins de trois syllabes et 1 4 lettres ses différents états, comme sa pureté, sa rareté,
# Three little words
Trois petits mots
# To hear those three little words
Pour entendre ces trois mots merveilleux
# Three little words, eight little letters
Trois petits mots Huit petites lettres qui veulent dire
A class struggle in three little words.
Une lutte résumée en trois mots.
words 313
words to live by 22
words like 23
three 11326
threesome 22
three hours ago 35
three years ago 329
three days ago 197
three weeks ago 152
three o'clock 86
words to live by 22
words like 23
three 11326
threesome 22
three hours ago 35
three years ago 329
three days ago 197
three weeks ago 152
three o'clock 86
three months ago 162
three times a week 48
three or four 45
three hundred 56
three times a day 40
three hundred dollars 18
three million 36
three months later 47
three days later 61
three weeks later 27
three times a week 48
three or four 45
three hundred 56
three times a day 40
three hundred dollars 18
three million 36
three months later 47
three days later 61
three weeks later 27
three thousand 46
three people 37
three minutes 224
three and four 38
three months 327
three of them 93
three hours 204
three times 337
three men 39
three years 380
three people 37
three minutes 224
three and four 38
three months 327
three of them 93
three hours 204
three times 337
three men 39
three years 380