Wednesday night tradutor Francês
446 parallel translation
Wednesday night, 7 to 8 : 45, Thorne had dinner at the Red Onion Cafe with Miss Joyce. "
Mercredi soir, de 19 h à 20 h 45, Thorne a dîné au Red Onion Café - avec Mlle Joyce. "
" Dear admiral, I have two box seats for the opening of Lucy James musical comedy on Wednesday night.
" Cher amiral, j'ai deux places dans les loges pour la première du spectacle de Lucy James mercredi soir.
Get your car on Wednesday night at 6 o'clock.
Passez mercredi soir, vers 18 h.
Oh, sure, everything's all set for Wednesday night.
- Bien sûr. Tout est prêt pour mercredi soir.
And so we'll be on the air, as usual, next Wednesday night.
Nous serons à l'antenne mercredi prochain, comme d'habitude.
You see, Reverend? It ain't every Wednesday night a scamp like Little Joe comes back to the fold.
C'est pas tous les mercredis qu'on ramène une brebis comme p tit Joe au bercail!
There's a-There's a baseball game Wednesday night.
Il y a une partie de baseball mercredi soir.
They want to know if it'd be all right if they deliver the 40 gilt chairs tomorrow afternoon... instead of today... as the reception is not till Wednesday night.
Ils voudraient livrer les fauteuils d'apparat demain plutôt qu'aujourd'hui. La réception n'étant que mercredi.
- I'll tell you what, Mr. Martins. On Wednesday night, we're having a little lecture on the contemporary novel.
Mercredi, nous donnerons une conférence sur le roman contemporain.
- Wednesday night.
- Mercredi soir.
It's Wednesday night, and don't you strike me.
C'est mercredi soir! Je te défends de me frapper!
He said at dinner on Wednesday night that you would have to choose... between this world, the next world, and Australia. Well, the reports I have of Australia and the next world... are not particularly encouraging. Oh.
Il a dit mercredi soir au dîner que vous deviez choisir entre ce monde, l'autre monde et L'Australie.
Wednesday night.
Mercredi soir.
How about Wednesday night?
- Disons mercredi, chez moi?
- Zach, will you please get him out? - Wednesday night.
- Zach, fais-le sortir.
- Yeah, Wednesday night.
- Mercredi soir.
Come Wednesday night, she's got to knock herself out teaching these Monzas how to dance Spanish.
Le mercredi, elle s'escrime à apprendre la danse espagnole à ces ritals.
I don't know where I'm gonna be stayin'yet, but how'bout you meeting'me Wednesday night at Foster's Cafe?
Je ne sais pas où je vais dormir... Si on se disait au Foster's Café, mercredi soir?
- Ah, somebody phoned in, said they saw some mysterious man... throw a bundle in the sewer here on Wednesday night.
Quelqu'un aurait jeté un paquet dans l'égout mercredi.
Police are so desperate, they're looking for anybody who even had... mud on their shoes last Wednesday night - thanks.
Pas grand-chose. La police recherche tous ceux qui avaient de la boue sur leurs souliers mercredi.
And that's all you remember about Wednesday night?
C'est tout ce dont vous vous souvenez?
- Well - Well, because that's where we were Wednesday night -
Parce que... c'était mercredi soir.
We'll just have to do it next Wednesday night.
On devra attendre mercredi soir prochain.
Did you sleep in your boat house Wednesday night?
Avez-vous dormi dans votre bateau la nuit de mercredi?
- on Wednesday night. - Yes. The Cabinet has decided that if you are able to contradict Richter, of course, there'll be no announcement at all.
Le conseil a décidé que si vous pouviez infirmer la théorie, il n'y aurait aucun communiqué.
Instead of dinner, Wednesday night.
En guise de dîner mercredi soir.
Don't plan to be home for dinner Wednesday night.
Ne compte pas rentrer dîner mercredi soir.
I want you both in Washington by Wednesday night.
Je vous veux à Washington mercredi.
Look, it's Wednesday night.
On est mercredi soir.
Uh, Wednesday night. To a Sally Bullock in, uh, Miami.
Mercredi soir, à Sally Bullock à Miami.
Albert dined at my place, on Wednesday night.
Albert a dîné chez moi, mercredi soir.
Why was my husband at your place on Wednesday night?
Pourquoi mon mari était-il chez vous mercredi?
- Fancy coming out Wednesday night?
Vous voulez sortir mercredi soir?
- Wednesday night, about 9 : 00.
Mercredi soir, vers 9 heures.
9 : 00, Wednesday night.
9 heures, mercredi soir.
If we were to destroy their radio... before the transmission on Wednesday night... that is to say before the convoy comes within sight... of their coast here... we should know that at least that part of the mission had been successful.
Si on arrive à détruire leur émetteur avant la transmission de mercredi soir, c'est-à-dire avant que le convoi ne soit en vue de leurs côtes ici, au moins une partie de la mission aura été couronnée de succès.
Immediately prior to Wednesday night's transmission... you will destroy the Japanese radio.
Juste avant la transmission de mercredi soir, vous détruirez l'émetteur japonais.
- Indeed. But if we're to reach the enemy camp by Wednesday night... we have what you might call a rather tight schedule.
Mais pour rallier le camp ennemi d'ici mercredi soir, nous avons peu de temps.
Just a little reminder That the next sport you can see on bbc 1 Will be 9 : 20 on wednesday night
N'oubliez le prochain rendez-vous sportif sur BBC1 à 9h20, mercredi soir.
They used to have a Wednesday night special.
Il y avait un spécial les mercredis.
What do you mean? Wednesday night we ran out of gas.
J'avais plus d'essence.
- Got in Wednesday night, Ben. - Yeah?
Mercredi soir, Ben.
Well, your Dad tells me you got home... - What, Wednesday night? - Yes.
Ton père me dit que tu es rentré mercredi soir, c'est ça?
Good night, honey, I'll see you Wednesday.
Bonne nuit, chérie. A mercredi. Au revoir.
I'll go on and on dropping platters, putting hot water bottles into cold beds, and having Wednesday afternoon off in the village, - where the cinema opens only at night.
Mettre la table et des bouillottes dans les lits, sortir l'après-midi alors que le cinéma ouvre le soir.
You do remember that I came to see you last night, to make some music as we do every Wednesday? - Yes.
Hier soir, je suis venu te voir pour faire de la musique, comme chaque mercredi.
Why then to-morrow night ; or Tuesday morn ; on Tuesday noon, or night ; on Wednesday morn ;
Demain soir, ou mardi matin, ou mardi à midi ou le soir.
Oh, Wednesday was the night the little Kessler boy was kidnapped.
C'est le jour du kidnapping.
- He wasn't with me Wednesday night.
Il n'était pas avec moi mercredi.
- Wednesday? Then you weren't out last night?
Alors vous n'êtes pas sorti hier soir?
When you're ready. Don't forget, every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday night!
Au cas où vous ne seriez pas à découvert, toutes les semaines le mercredi, le jeudi, le vendredi soir
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